
  • 网络space control;IMSC;Dimensional Control
  1. 建立了线性受控多体系统的H∞独立模态空间控制设计方法,实现了线性多刚柔体系统和层合板壳结构的高效振动控制。

    The H ∞ independent modal space control strategy is designed , and the active vibration control of linear multi-rigid-flexible-body systems and laminate plates / shells is realized .

  2. 缺省模式是,DB2搜索散布在表的各页上的自由空间控制记录(FreeSpaceControlRecords,FSCR),以找到有足够自由空间存放新行的页。

    The default mode is for DB2 to search the Free Space Control Records ( FSCR 's ) interspersed in a table 's pages to find a page that has enough free space to hold the new row .

  3. 在gphoto情况下,你不用为你的设备写任何规则,因为纯粹由用户空间控制(而不是指定的内核驱动)。

    In the gphoto case , you do not want to be writing rules for your device , as is it controlled purely through userspace ( rather than a specific kernel driver ) .

  4. 广西城镇河道岸线空间控制利用规划的探讨

    River shoreline space control utilization planning for cities and towns in Guangxi

  5. 柔性智能桁架结构的独立模态空间控制方法实验研究

    Experimental Study of Active Vibration Control of Flexible Space Intelligent Truss Structures

  6. 由粒度空间控制的有限元三角网格剖分算法

    An Algorithm for the Generation of Triangular Finite Element Controlled by the Element-Size Space

  7. 空间控制的概念、任务与方法

    Concepts , Missions and Implications of Space Control

  8. 无菌空间控制理念与实施

    Control concept and practice for the sterilized space

  9. 2000年空间控制会议文集

    Proceedings of the 2000 Space Control Conference

  10. 本文研究在给定空间控制特殊边界条件带加强项的弹性板的问题;

    The problem for optimal control of an elastic plate with viscoelastic boundary conditions is considered .

  11. 采用一种基于关节空间控制和位姿空间动态补偿综合的机器人视觉闭环控制方法,并设计了动态校正控制算法。

    Visual closed loop control is accomplished by integrating the joint positioning control with dynamic pose feedback compensation .

  12. 空间控制是海军实力的重要倍增器,它使海军的作战能力得到极大提高。

    Space control is an important multiplier of navy force , it raises the operation ability of navy force .

  13. 因此利用互信息距离模型在不同的信息传递标准下,对水文站点空间控制范围进行评价。

    Then use this model to evaluate special scale controlled by the hydrological sites , under different information transfer standard .

  14. 验证了采用独立模态空间控制方法设计的空间柔性智能桁架结构振动主动控制规律的实用性。

    The experiment proves that the active controlling method based on independent modal space control strategy ( IMSC ) is effective and practical .

  15. 生态空间控制是城市总体规划不可或缺的重要内容,也是构建生态城市的必然要求。

    Abstract : The ecological space control is the integral part of the city master plan and also the inevitable requirement of ecological city construction .

  16. 通过非线性反馈控制方法、间歇反馈方法和压缩相空间控制法,对系统进行了控制。

    The chaos of the Henon system was controlled by means of the methods of nonlinear feedback , intermittent nonlinear feedback and compressing phrase space .

  17. 在设计数据库时要记住的一个关键问题就是,应当一直把表使用的空间控制在最小。

    One of the key issues to keep in mind when designing a database is to always try to minimize the amount of storage your table consumes .

  18. 作者首先建立了鱼雷空间控制运动的数学模型,并对流体动力控制部件&鳍、舵的设计方案进行了数字仿真,进而提出了提高鱼雷航行机动性的设计方案。

    First we set up a mathematical model of the torpedo control components , the fin and the rudder , is presented , based on mathematical simulation .

  19. 作为直接指导开发建设行为的城市地下空间控制性详细规划,应当对确立正确的规划理论和技术方法,以科学引导和控制地下空间的开发利用。

    As a direct guidance to the construction , the regulatory plan of underground space should establish correct planning theory and technology method , and control the utilization of underground space .

  20. 作为威慑战略的一部份,美国正在发展摧毁卫星的能力,而开发激光反卫武器则是实现空间控制的重要研发计划之一。

    The United States is developing the ability to destroy satellites as part of the deterrence strategy . The development of laser antisatellite weapons is one of important efforts to achieve space control .

  21. 煤层主要发育在各层序的湖侵和高位『正常湖退体系域的中、晚期;并建立了可容空间控制的聚煤模式。

    The thick coals were mainly developed in the middle and late periods of the lake transgressive systems tracts and highstand normal regression system tracts and the coal accumulation models controlled by accommodation space were established .

  22. 这一时期的乡土型家族小说在主题意蕴的更新与开拓、人物形象的塑造与深化、语言艺术的多样化以及时间控制机制、空间控制机制的把握等方面增添了乡土型家族小说的叙事魅力。

    During this period the local family novels on the theme of renewal and development , the character image mold and deepening of language art , diversification and spatiotemporal control mechanism to add local family hold the narrative charm .

  23. 这样,服务器可在用户空间控制文件缓冲,从而准确判断文件是否在缓冲之中,并依此来调度请求,以提高处理器和磁盘的I/O并行度。

    With ACC , servers can control the file caches in user space , and determine whether a file is in caching , then schedule requests based on this to improve the parallelism of the processor and disk I / O.

  24. 提出了火炮身管指向的任务空间控制方法,不仅使火力跟踪控制时的计算复杂度降低,增强了控制实时性,而且提高了火炮身管指向动作稳态时的跟踪精度。

    A task space control scheme is also proposed for the pointing control of gun barrel . The computational complexity of control algorithm is reduced and the real-time performance of the control system is enhanced by this method . 3 .

  25. 在此基础上对磁悬浮系统状态空间控制方法进行了理论和仿真分析,通过对结果的分析可得出状态空间控制方法能够对悬浮系统进行精确和有效稳定控制。

    On this foundation , the authors made academic and emulational analysis on the Maglev system by the space-state control ways and got conclusion from the analysis that the space-state control system could get effective and accurate control for the Maglev system .

  26. 采用了线性二次型独立模态空间控制方法,对结构振动进行主动控制;施加控制前后结构的振动响应使用精细积分法进行求解;探讨了权系数对压电智能材料控制效果的影响。

    The linear quadratic form independent modal space control method is used to resolve the active control equation of the vibration of the structure . The vibration response of the structure before and after control depends on the precise integration method for the solution .

  27. 在建立铁道车辆柔刚体系统垂直动力学模型的基础上,应用独立模态空间控制理论和最优控制理论,对影响车辆垂直运行平稳性的车体低阶弯曲结构振动和浮沉、点头等刚体振动进行控制。

    Based on the flex-rigid multi-body system dynamics model of railway vehicle , the first vertical bend structure modal and vertical and pitch rigid vibration of carbody which reduce the ride quality are controlled using independent modal space control ( IMSC ) and optimum control theory .

  28. Z源逆变器空间矢量控制的DSP实现

    Implementation of SVPWM for Z-source Inverter based on DSP

  29. 电流追踪型PWM逆变器的空间向量控制策略

    Research of Space Vector Control Strategy for Current - Tracing PWM Inverter

  30. 三相PWM整流器空间矢量控制简化算法的研究

    Research on simplified algorithm of the three-phase PWM rectifier with space vector control