
kōng chuán zhòng liàng
  • light weight
空船重量[kōng chuán zhòng liàng]
  1. 渔船空船重量与重心估算

    Estimation of light weight and center of gravity for fishing vessels

  2. 从两个吃水的载重量估算空船重量

    Estimating the weight of empty ship from two draught deadweights

  3. 空船重量误差的分析

    Analyses of the accuracy of light ship weight

  4. 本文提出利用两个吃水的载重量来估算空船重量的思想和方法,供设计师分析型船资料时作参考。

    The paper provides a method to use two draught deadweights to estimate the weight of the empty ship . It serves a good reference to the designers .

  5. 论述装载仪软件的设计原理及关键技术,如插值、空船重量及可变重量分布的计算、浮力计算及货物重量计算的原理及方法。

    This paper introduced the designing principle of the loading software and key techniques in detail , including the calculation algorithms of variable weight distribution , trim adjusting , and the cargo weight .

  6. 本文从尺度特点、分舱形式、主要设备、总体布置、空船重量、完整稳性、破舱稳性等方面,扼要介绍了本船的开发设计概况及主要设计特点。

    The article briefly describes the general design situation and the major features of main dimension , subdivision form , main equipment , general arrangement , lightship weight , intact stability , damage stability , etc.

  7. 业主对海洋结构物空船重量和重心位置建造精度的要求也非常高,此项要求在招标文件、建造合同以及技术规范中均提出。

    The client has very demanding requirement in weight and centre of gravity accuracy control of offshore structures and floaters during construction . This requirement will be reiterated in the tendering documents , construction contract and specification .

  8. 本文在收集大量实船资料的基础上对空船重量与重心位置进行了统计分析,并提出设计中初次近似所采用的建议值。

    In this paper , On the foundation of a great many data of existing ship collected by authors , weight of light ship and height of center of gravity are analyzed , and that the value of suggestion is given by authors .