
mǎn zài
  • the full load;be fully loaded;fully loaded;laden with;fully laden;be loaded to capacity;loaded to capacity
满载 [mǎn zài]
  • [be loaded to capacity;be fully loaded] 装满、满负荷

  • 汽船满载货物与乘客

满载[mǎn zài]
  1. 轮船满载着大米。

    The ship is fully loaded with rice .

  2. 在DFPQ与HUF的机制下,当系统达到满载时,平均传输速率不再随连线数增加而上升。

    Under the mechanism of DFPQ and HUF , the average transmission rate doesn 't increase any more when the system is fully loaded .

  3. 飞机满载起飞。

    The plane took off with a full load .

  4. 他们车里满载大包小盒,回到了家。

    They returned home with the car bulging with boxes .

  5. 一些当地人因试图阻止满载原木的卡车通行而被逮捕。

    A number of local people have been arrested for trying to obstruct lorries loaded with logs

  6. 一艘船满载着睡意蒙的水手来到码头。

    A boat full of sleepy sailors arrived at the dock .

  7. 医疗队满载着非洲人民的友谊回到北京。

    The medical team returned to Beijing bringing with it the friendship of the African people .

  8. 一辆满载西红柿的大卡车一大早就会到来。官方的战斗发起者通过向人群扔西红柿来拉开战幕。

    The early morning sees the arrival of large trucks with tomatoes — official fight-starters get things going by casting tomatoes at the crowd .

  9. UPS不宜长期处于满载或过度轻载状态下运行;

    UPS should not be used in the fully-loaded or over-light loaded state .

  10. 这款新iPad将搭载iPadOS15,满载各类新功能。

    And this new iPad will ship with iPadOS 15 , which is packed with great new features .

  11. 这在热门旅游目的地奥兰治县(OrangeCounty)是常见景象。奥兰治县正在竭尽所能地让满载着中国游客的大巴不断到来。

    It 's a common scene at the popular destination in Orange County , which is doing what it can to keep buses filled with Chinese tourists coming .

  12. 装载的;满载而沉重的同义词:laden满载货物的卡车装满供给品的卡车她端着装满食物的托盘走进了房间。

    a fully loaded truck a truck loaded with supplies She came into the room carrying a loaded tray .

  13. 满载时输入电流ηTHD仅为3.8%。

    Input current η _ ( THD ) is only 3.8 % for full load conditions .

  14. 就收到马力而言,单尾鳍型在满载时最低,压载时仅次于V型剖面。

    As for delivered horsepower , the single skeg stern in the full load condition is the lowest and only inferior to the V shaped section in ballast condition .

  15. 基于一种商用油轮设计,“青海湖”号是PLA海军服役中最大的舰船,具有37000吨满载排水量。

    Based on a merchant tanker design , Qinghaihu is the largest vessel in service with the PLA Navy , with a full displacement of37,000 tonnes .

  16. 满载时模拟效率90%,对ZCS和ZVS进行比较,采用ZVS的满载效率达到85%。

    An overall efficiency of 85 % was achieved for the ZVS power supply and corresponding simulation efficiency is 90 % .

  17. 如果有100个项目,这项策略可为每个ETL运行(增量,以及满载)时间节约多达8小时。

    For 100 projects , this could save up to 8 hours for every ETL run ( delta , as well as full loads ) .

  18. 最后设计了结合扫描启发式算法(sweep算法)和最短路径算法Floyd算法的遗传算法用来解决非满载车辆优化调度问题,取得了很好的效果。

    Combined with Sweep algorithm and Floyd algorithm , a genetic algorithm is applied in vehicle optimum distribution , and the new algorithm is effective by tests .

  19. 弹药采样问题是一类特殊的非满载车辆运输问题,单车运输,采样点多,构成了一类特殊的TSP问题,称之为类TSP问题。

    Ammunition sampling is a special conveyance problem with unfull loading , transportation with one vehicle , much more sampling point , constituted a special problem of TSP , called " mimetic traveling salesman problem "( m-TSP ) .

  20. DPF失效诊断是通过车载挂烟试验进行的,为了验证本诊断策略的可行性,试验分别进行了空载、中等载荷和满载试验。

    DPF failure diagnosis is carried out by on-board smoke hanging test , to verify the feasibility of this diagnosis strategy , no-load , medium load and full-load test are respectively carried out .

  21. 通常,出现的第一个瓶颈在CPIC层中,甚至在应用服务器满载之前。

    Usually the first bottleneck that occurs , even before the full load hits the application server , is in the CPIC layer .

  22. 首先通过选择启发式算法得到每辆车所需要完成的运输任务子集,然后通过遗传算法在每个任务子集内寻找最优路径,得到一个较为满意的满载VSP的解。

    By using select-heuristic algorithm to get the transport task sub-sets of every car , and genetic algorithm to search the best path in the task sub-sets , then a satisfied solution of the full-load VSP has been obtained .

  23. 结果,消毒柜空载时,消毒作用10min,对玻片上枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢杀灭率达99.90%以上。满载时消毒30min、烘干30min,对上、下层大肠杆菌的杀灭率均达到99.90%以上;

    The results indicated that the killing rate of spores of Bacillus subtilis var. niger on glass slide disinfected in empty Disinfector for 10 min attained over 99.90 % .

  24. 试验结果表明,半载或满载时,PWM整流器效率可达94%以上,功率因数98%以上,谐波则可以限制在5%以下,满足设计要求,验证了控制策略及整体设计方案的可行性。

    The results showed that efficiency of PWM rectifier up to 94 % , 98 % power factor , harmonics are limited to 5 % in the half load or full load . It satisfies design requirements and validates the feasibility of the control strategy and the overall scheme .

  25. 通过一台满载输出功率为900W的带有该无源无损软开关的Boost变换器验证了其开关管实现零电流开通和零电压关断,并与传统的Boost变换器比较,验证其具有较高的效率。

    And a 900 W full load power boost converter with this lossless passive soft switching method is built , which realizes zero current turning-on and zero voltage turning-off , its better efficiency is also confirmed compared with conventional boost converters .

  26. 抛开Amy和剧中其他角色抛来抛去满载亵渎的对话,看到女性在电视剧中主导自己的事业生涯,勇于为自己应得的东西斗争的角色,也是一大快事!

    Despite the profanity-laden dialogue that Amy and the other characters lob back and forth , it 's nice to see a female lead in a popular TV series taking command of her career and not afraid to fight for what she 's rightfully earned .

  27. 在朝鲜最北端城市南阳(Namyang),满载煤炭的卡车如往常一样通过一座短短的桥梁驶入中国。

    Across a short bridge from Namyang , in the northernmost tip of North Korea , laden coal trucks crossed into China as usual .

  28. 运用VPG技术、利用动态显式非线性有限元分析软件LS-DYNA对某两轴货车满载驶过油管式称重仪的全过程进行了数值模拟。

    Based on virtual proving ground technology and using dynamic , explicit and nonlinear FEA software LS-DYNA , a numerical simulation on the whole course of a fully-loaded truck running over the WIM system is performed .

  29. 浅水超大型FPSO满载时原油重量将近占载重量的80%,因此如何正确模拟原油重量分布对干结构的固有频率、广义质量和振型的计算非常重要。

    Since the fuel weight of very large FPSO in shallow water accounts for nearly 80 percent of total displacement , it is very important how to correctly simulate the fuel mass distribution for calculating natural frequency , generalized mass and modes .

  30. 当时穿梭于河西走廊的骆驼满载着香料、丝绸、经卷,有些经卷原先保存于著名的藏经洞里,正是这个洞窟吸引探险家奥雷尔·斯坦因爵士(SirAurelStein)和保罗·伯希和(PaulPelliot)在20世纪初来到敦煌。

    Camel caravans crossed the Hexi Corridor here laden with spices , silks and scriptures , some of which were deposited in the famous library cave that drew the explorers Sir Aurel Stein and Paul Pelliot in the early 20th century .