
  • 网络injection therapy;PEIT;Mesotherapy;PEI
  1. 穴位注射疗法对MNNG致慢性萎缩性胃炎大鼠肝组织病理及SOD影响

    The Influence of Point Injection Therapy on Hepatic Tissues and SOD in Rats with MNNG-induced Chronic Atrophic Gastritis

  2. 穴位注射疗法的机制研究进展

    Advances in the Study on the Mechanism of Point Injection Therapy

  3. CT引导介入对肾囊肿乙醇注射疗法的临床应用

    The Clinical Value of Alcohol Injection Treatment to Kidney Cyst under CT Guidance and Intervention

  4. 结论CT引导下经皮穿刺酒精注射疗法对肾上腺良性功能性肿瘤具有较好的疗效,且简便、安全、创伤小及费用少。

    Conclusion The therapy of percutaneous computed tomography-guided ethanol injection in adrenal benign functioning tumors shows satisfactory effects with the advantages of easy manipulation , safety , less injury and cost .

  5. 先前已经有强化注射疗法减轻社会负担,但这是首次对实用疗法(SLIT)进行严格评估的结果。

    This fact has been previously envisaged also for injection IT , but this is the first rigorous assessment made by means of a validated economic model .

  6. 结果发现,rhG-CSF直接注射疗法可明显抑制早期结肠癌小鼠肿瘤的生长(P<0.01),明显延长早期荷瘤小鼠的存活期;

    In our experiment , rhG-CSF could inhibit the tumor growth and extend the survival time of early stage C-26 bearing mice .

  7. 经皮盐酸注射疗法对肿瘤的消融作用

    The Ablation Effect in Tumor after Hydrochloride Acid Injection for Therapy

  8. 穴位注射疗法治疗运动员腰肌劳损39例

    39 Cases of Athlete 's Waist Wound Treated By Point Injection

  9. 内窥镜下5&Fu局部注射疗法对7例中晚期胃癌的疗效观察

    Study of advanced gastric cancer after endoscopic 5-FU local injection therapy

  10. 针刀注射疗法配合手法治疗肩周炎临床观察

    Clinical observation of treating scapulohumeral periarthritis by blade acupuncture plus manipulative therapy

  11. 针剌加穴注治疗血管性痴呆的临床观察试论经穴在穴位注射疗法中的作用

    Effect of acupuncture add point injection therapy on treatment of vascular dementia

  12. 头皮药物注射疗法对脑损伤后修复作用的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Repairing Effects of Epicranium Medication Injection After Brain Injured

  13. 结论:复合作用的药物穴位注射疗法治疗突发性耳聋疗效是肯定的。

    Conclusion The acupoint-injection therapy has a definite therapeutic effect on sudden deafness .

  14. 超声引导经皮无水乙醇和高温蒸馏水注射疗法治疗肝癌

    Ultrasound guided percutaneous ethanol injection and hyperthermal distilled-water injection in treatment for HCC

  15. 硬化剂注射疗法治疗内痔对肛管内压力的影响

    Effect of Sclerotherapy on Hemorrhoids Patient 's Anal Pressure

  16. 注射疗法治疗下唇黏液囊肿的体会

    Experience of treatment in mucous cyst of lower lip

  17. 目的:探讨~度直肠脱垂的注射疗法的疗效。

    Objective : To explore non-operative therapy of ⅱ ~ ⅲ stage rectal prolapse .

  18. 骶管注射疗法有关问题的认识

    Cognition on some problems about sacral canal injection

  19. 功能基因直接注射疗法;

    Direct gene therapy without using viral vectors ;

  20. 头部药物注射疗法对大鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤后学习记忆的影响

    Effects of epicranium medication injection on learning and memory in hypoxic-ischemic brain damage rats

  21. 经皮穿刺肝内高热溶液注射疗法的实验研究液体金属溶液热力学

    Percutaneous Hot Fluids Injection Therapy of Liver in the Animal Model ; an Experimental Study

  22. 穴位注射疗法治疗慢性盆腔炎

    Point Injection in Treating Chronic Pelvic Inflammation

  23. 成骨不全:长期氨羟二磷酸二钠静脉注射疗法对人体测量学、骨骼和无机物代谢的影响

    Osteogenesis imperfecta : Anthropometric , skeletal and mineral metabolic effects of long-term intravenous pamidronate therapy

  24. 试论经穴在穴位注射疗法中的作用

    Roles of acupoints in point-injection therapy

  25. 浅谈穴位注射疗法的三维基础

    Three Dimension Elements of Point-injection Therapy

  26. 穴位注射疗法作用机制探讨

    Study on mechanisms of acupoint-injection therapy

  27. 结论:卡介菌多糖核酸穴位注射疗法具有较为明显地改善气道炎症的作用。

    Conclusion Acupoint-injection of BCG polysaccharide nuclear acid has more obvious action in improving airway inflammation .

  28. 目的:对黄芪注射液在穴位注射疗法中的临床应用及其疗效进行综述。

    Objective : To summarize the clinical application and efficacy of astragalus injection in acupoint injection .

  29. 结论药物注射疗法疗效好,见效快,无不良反应。

    Conclusions The treatment of medication injection has good , rapid effects but no ill ones .

  30. 星状神经节阻滞与颈横突局部注射疗法对颈源性头痛的疗效评价

    Efficacy of Local Injection on Cervical 2 Processus Transverses and Stellate Ganglion Block for Cervicogenic Headache