
chāo zài
  • overload;surcharge;excess freight;supercharge load
超载 [chāo zài]
  • [surcharge; overload] 车船等装载超过规定限度

超载[chāo zài]
  1. 别超载,否则船会沉。

    Don 't overload the boat or it will sink

  2. Internet的飞速发展直接导致服务器超载的问题日益严重。

    Fast developing internet services induce more and more serious overload problem of servers directly .

  3. 这辆货车严重超载,非常危险。

    The lorry was grossly overloaded , which was very dangerous .

  4. 事故原因多为工程质量不合格以及超载。

    Shoddy construction and over-loading have been blamed .

  5. “资讯癖”指的是信息超载的超负荷状态,是由于需要处理大量的多种信息导致的,并受到手机、即时通讯及电邮等信息科技的不断打扰。

    Infomania is the debilitating1 state of information overload2 , caused by the combination of a backlog3 of information to process , and continuous interruptions from technologies like phones , instant messaging , and e-mail .

  6. 两台机器超载实时系统的On-line算法

    A new competitive on-line algorithm for two processor overload real-time systems

  7. 由于要在线程间进行上下文切换,因此CPU简直变成了超载。

    The CPU simply becomes overburdened by context switching between threads .

  8. 重叠的WSN范例会导致多SOA超载,从而使事情变得更为复杂。

    Things get more complicated with overlapping WSN paradigms that could result in overloading multiple SOAs .

  9. HTTP请求的指数性增长使得很多热门Web站点都经常面临服务器超载的问题,这对Web服务器的处理能力和超载时的处理行为提出了较高的要求。

    Exponential growth of HTTP requests makes plenty of web site facing problems of enhancing service ability and what to do when under overload .

  10. 为了解决网络拥塞和服务超载的严峻问题,本文提出了基于SOAP的异构Web服务器集群负载均衡解决方案。

    In order to resolve the Web congestion and server overload problem , this paper introduced an isomerous Web server cluster load balancing based on SOAP .

  11. 结论慢性Af患者心房肌细胞内存在钙超载。

    Conclusion : Chronic Af can lead to intracellular calcium overload in human atrial myocytes .

  12. 长时间高温、噪声刺激可引起ATP的过度消耗,严重时造成红细胞内Ca~(2+)超载,红细胞膜僵硬,甚至红细胞凋亡。

    ATP exhaustion will cause of Ca2 + overload in erythrocyte and fatally stiffen the red cell membrane .

  13. Linux虚拟服务器是一种比较实用的群集系统技术,各大服务器都可采用这一新兴技术以解决服务器超载问题。

    Linux virtual server is the technology built on a cluster system which can be used to overcome the overloading problem of the servers .

  14. 超高强度钢CF裂纹扩展的超载效应Ⅰ.定量模型及预测

    Effects of overloading on corrosion fatigue crack growth for ultra-high strength steel - ⅰ . quantitative model and prediction

  15. 钙超载作为早期的病理事件参与腺泡细胞损伤的发生,钙稳态失衡是LPS致胰腺细胞损伤的主要因素之一。

    Calcium homeostasis disorder may be one of the causes or at least an important mediator of LPS-induced pancreatic acinar cell damage .

  16. 随着网络与信息技术的飞速发展,互联网为用户提供越来越多的信息和服务,Web用户面临的信息超载问题日趋严重。

    With the rapid development of network and information techniques , web applications can offer more and more information and services than ever before . As a result , users suffer a lot from information over-load problem .

  17. 确保度量处于稳定状态,即JMS和动作队列为超载。

    Ensure that measurements are steady state , that is , that the JMS event and actions queues and topics are not overloaded .

  18. 这可以保护ProcessServer和WESB基础设施本身,同样,还可以防止下游系统出现超载。

    This may be to protect the Process Server and WESB infrastructure itself , but it 's equally likely that you do not want to overload the downstream systems .

  19. 减轻缺血再灌注本身及其所致细胞内钙超载和RAS激活引起的炎症反应对VD大鼠海马神经元的损伤。

    Reduce ischemia-reperfusion itself and result in intracellular calcium overload and activation of RAS-induced inflammatory response of VD rat hippocampal neurons damage .

  20. PF能降低缺氧复氧损伤所致的细胞内钙离子浓度升高,蛋白激酶C参与其抑制细胞内钙超载,是PF发挥保护作用的细胞内信号转导调节因子。

    Propofol attenuated the increasing of intracellular concentration of calcium induced by hypoxia and reoxygenation injury . PKC signaling passway participated in inhibiting the calcium overload and produced protection . 4 .

  21. 氧化损伤和钙超载均能导致心肌细胞凋亡,凋亡通路中Bcl-2和Caspase家族发挥着重要作用。

    Oxidize injury and Ca ~ ( 2 + ) overload can lead to cardiomyocyte apoptosis . Bcl-2 and the Caspase family play important role in apoptosis pathway .

  22. 尝试造成主机中物理内核的超载,来验证IBMCognosPlanning能否充分利用主机中可用的Hyper-Threading。

    Attempts were made to overload the physical cores on the host to see if IBM Cognos Planning could make full use of the Hyper-Threading available on the host .

  23. 目前,Web流量成为Internet上信息传输的主流,并呈指数性增长,因此Internet上的许多热门站点都经常面临着服务器超载和HTTP请求响应时间过长等问题;

    Nowadays , the web flow is becoming the main flow on Internet and is increasing by exponent , so many popular web sites usually face the situations of the overload of web servers and the delay of Http response time .

  24. 细胞钙超载与鸡E.tenella病损伤机制的研究

    The Study on Calcium Overloads and Chicken E.tenella Injury Mechanism

  25. 对对称双V型缺口试件的疲劳试验结果表明,压缩超载后,缺口试件的疲劳裂纹扩展速率增大,其原因是由于压缩超载后在缺口根部产生了反向残余拉应力。

    The results of fatigue test on double-V notched specimens show that the fatigue crack growth rate increases after compressive overloading for the sake of producing the reversed residual tensile stresses in the root of the notch .

  26. 另10只胎鼠在再灌注30分钟后处死进行Fura-2AM法检测,结果显示脑细胞内出现钙超载。

    Examination with FUra - 2 revealed that there were intracellular calcium overloads in cerebral cells .

  27. 16Mn钢对焊接头疲劳寿命的超载效应

    An Investigation to Fatigue Life Overloading Effect on the Butt Welds of 16 Mn Steel

  28. 结论:银杏内酯对抗PAF加重离体豚鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤的作用与拮抗PAF受体、抑制自由基产生、减少心肌细胞钙超载、防止心律失常的发生有关。

    Conclusion : Ginkgolides protects occurrence of arrhythmia during the MI / R by antagonizing activities of PAF and generation of free radicals to reduce the overload of calcium in myocardial cells .

  29. 在Biot固结理论中使用简化的边界面弹塑/粘塑性模型,对超载预压法处理公路软基全过程的变形和孔压进行数值计算。

    The simple bounding surface elastoplastic-viscoplastic model was used in Biot ' consolidation theory . The deformation and pore pressure of road soft clay improved by heaped load precompression was calculated numerically .

  30. 此外,大多数CDN都在快速服务器上运行,因此无论服务器的加载速度如何,其响应速度都比小型的超载服务器快。

    Besides , most CDNs run on fast servers , so no matter how loaded the server is , it will still respond more quickly than a small , overloaded server .