
  • 网络Super Soldier;SUPER WARRIOR
  1. 从一个变异的卵里面产生一个超级战士。

    To a super soldier from a mutated egg .

  2. 她不是一个超级战士。

    She 's no super soldier .

  3. 在《智能缉凶》中,哈洛威饰演曾经的战斗英雄、现在的超级战士加布里埃尔。

    In Intelligence , Holloway plays Gabriel , a war-hero-turned super-soldier .

  4. 他们是谁?特德·萨利斯曾经是一个有为的年轻生物学家,一种实验性的“超级战士血清”把他变成了一个行动迟缓的植物生物,也就是大家熟知的类人体。

    Who they are : Once a promising young biochemist named Ted Sallis , an experimental super soldier formula transformed him into the slow-moving plant creature known only as Man-Thing .

  5. 海豹突击队和三角洲部队一样,都是经过特殊训练,为非常规战争效力的超级战士,是海陆空全方位防恐行动的执行人(这也是他们得名的原因)。

    Navy SEALs , like Delta Force , are super soldiers specially trained for unconventional warfare , reconnaissance , and counter-terrorism operations on SEa , Air and Land ( hence their acronym moniker ) .

  6. 这两支部队都是精英、超级战士,都因专门训练的战斗技能和战场内外的持久战斗力而备受崇拜,都是佼佼者中的佼佼者。

    Both are elite , super soldiers held in the highest regard for their specially-trained combat skills and endurance on and off the battlefield ; they are the best of the best of the best of the military branches that they are operated by .