
chónɡ fǎnɡ
  • revisit
  1. 基于神经网络的增量式crawler重访频率研究

    Revisit frequency of incremental crawler based on neural networks

  2. LANDSATTM数据的高空间分辨率及多光谱特性使得其在多领域得到广泛应用,但是较长的重访周期以及云的影响导致实际可用的数据较少,极大限制了其在时序分析方面的应用。

    High spatial resolution and multi-spectral characteristics of Landsat TM data makes it widely used in many fields . However a longer revisit cycle and frequent cloud have limited the application in time series analysis .

  3. 他满怀怀旧之情重访德国。

    He made a nostalgic return visit to Germany .

  4. 那个推销员将重访他所怀念的每所房子。

    The salesman will call back at any house he missed .

  5. 文章重访IE浏览器时的内存泄露中的图表清楚地说明了这个问题,并在图1中进行了演示。

    A diagram in the article " Memory Leakage in Internet Explorer - revisited " illustrates the issue clearly , and is shown in Figure 1 .

  6. 他迫切想重访他的出生地。

    He 's very keen to see his birthplace again .

  7. 他觉得感情上有一股奇怪的力量召唤他重访他的故居。

    He felt a strange pull to visit his old house again .

  8. 校园重访:反省台湾大学1980年代的校园规划

    Rethinking the Taiwan University Campus Planning in 1980s

  9. 他渴望重访他童年时候的住所。

    He hankered to revisit his childhood home .

  10. 时隔多年,旧地重访使人感到很新奇。

    It feels strange to be visiting the place again after all these years .

  11. 重访那些特别的地方可得当心。

    You need to be on guard when going back to the special places .

  12. 人类学追踪调查的虚与实&重访南景村的思考

    The Imagination and Reality in the Follow-up Anthropological Investigation : Reflection on a Revisit to Nanjing Village

  13. 构建实现多重目标重访的显微镜成像系统

    Multi-object Revisit Microscope Image System

  14. 对某区域一年内重访轨道,按不同地磁季进行了处理和特征分析。

    The revisited orbits in an area for one year is processed and analyzed by different geomagnetic seasons .

  15. 奥迪耶诺说,伊拉克将永远是他生命的一,他期待有机会重访伊拉克。

    Odierno said Iraq will always be a part of him and he looks forward to coming back to visit .

  16. 被动微波遥感空间分辨率低,重访周期短,对大尺度农业旱灾监测具有较大潜力。

    Passive microwave has a low resolution and revisit period but it has more potential for large scale agricultural drought monitoring .

  17. 他重访了法国大革命时期孕育出的新式餐厅,那是第一次出现诸如菜单,服务员和美食评论家之类的概念。

    He revisits the birthplace of the modern restaurant in revolutionary Paris , when menus , waiters and food critics first emerged .

  18. 又好像是重访我们幼年时的旧居,与如今已经过世的人之间,产生的那种深深的交流。

    or if we visited the house we grew up in and felt in deep communion with people who are now dead .

  19. 但是,我正秘密地计划去单独重访郝薇香小姐的故居,作为想起艾丝黛拉的方法。

    But I was secretly planning to revisit Miss Havisham 's old house , alone , as a way of remembering Estella .

  20. 他决定去圣约翰重访令他留恋的地方。在那里卡罗尔和乔治再次遇见。

    He decided to revisit his old stomping grounds in Saint John , and there , Carol and George crossed paths again .

  21. 所以社会语言学家必须要彻底重新做一次之前的研究(委婉点说叫重访)来看看是否原来的研究结果仍然成立。

    So sociolinguists must entirely redo earlier studies ( revisit is usually the euphemism used ) to see if the original results still hold .

  22. 这是布什总统离任后第一次重访白宫,他说,恐怖的灾难召唤出美国人民最善良的品质。

    President Bush visiting the White House for the first time since leaving office , said terrible tragedies brought out the best in the American people .

  23. 所以当我把我的躯体委弃在遥远的岸边以后,我在我从未想到会重访的街巷找到了我从未想说的话。

    So I find words I never thought to speak in streets I never thought I should revisit when I left my body on a distant shore .

  24. 当然,当我回到波兰后,我们两将会通过网络联系,我希望能早日重访中国。

    Of course , after my coming back to Poland , our contact will be on-line but I hope that in the future I will visit China again .

  25. 直到1966年,在他不情愿地宣布放弃王位五年后,才得以重访故土,成为(也只有在那里)谦逊的哈普斯堡-洛林先生。

    He could visit only in 1966 , five years after reluctantly renouncing his claim to the throne , becoming - there and there only - humble Mr Habsburg-Lothringen .

  26. 散射计和辐射计数据具有较大的空间覆盖和快速重访率,这使其成为联系监测南极冰盖的极好工具。

    Scatterometer and radiometer image data have a greater spatial and more frequent coverage , albeit at a lower spatial resolution , making these instruments ideal for monitoring the Antarctic ice sheet .

  27. 比如说,我在6、7岁时第一次去英国,后来又在12岁、15岁、20几岁、30几岁和40几岁时重访英国。

    For example , I first went to England when I was six or seven years old and after that I visited England again when I was twelve , fifteen , about twenties , thirties and forties .

  28. 丢了工作促成了我生活中一些积极的改变。重访过去为未来打开了空间。当我细细琢磨我的祷文“变是好事,变是进步”时,我意识到我已接受了变,并在充分利用它。新生活刚刚开始。

    The loss of my job was responsible for some positive changes in my life.Revisiting the past made room for the future.As I contemplate the meaning of my mantra , " change is good , change is progress " , I realize that I have accepted the change , and am making the most of it .