
  • 网络Trung Khanh
  1. 重庆璧山县地下水资源开发利用现状与发展

    The development and utilization of groundwater resources on Chongqing Bishan county

  2. 重庆梁平县城镇居民卫生需求现况调查

    Health Needs of Urban Residents in Liangping County of Chongqing

  3. 土地利用与经济发展研究:以重庆秀山县为例

    Land use and economic development : case of Xiushan county , Chongqing

  4. 重庆璧山县与周边区域旅游互动联合开发探索

    Exploration of Interaction and Cooperation in Tourist Development Between Bishan County and Its Adjacent Regions

  5. 杨犁民(1976&)诗人。苗族,重庆酉阳县人。

    Yang Limin ( 1976 & ) is a Miao poet from Youyang county of Chongqing .

  6. 农商对接:农产品流通模式创新问题研究&基于重庆城口县和开县的调研

    Research into innovative mode of agricultural products circulation & Based on survey on Chengkou County and Kaixian County of Chongqing

  7. 重庆各区县积极筹措经费,加强选用和考核教师,多渠道、多形式地创办新式学堂。

    Each district and county of Chongqing actively raised funds and selected teachers to found new-style schools through multiple channels and multi-form .

  8. 与小张弛一样充满喜悦的,还有“中国农民版画之乡”重庆綦江县的95万各族群众。

    Same with small relaxation of joyful as well as " Hometown of Chinese farmers Prints " Chongqing Qijiang County , 950,000 people of all nationalities .

  9. 本文对拱桥的病害和成因进行了分析,对拱桥的加固方法进行了介绍,并以重庆城口县仁和大桥加固工程为例,详细阐述了增大截面加固法加固拱桥的设计计算原理和施工方法。

    Ren river bridge of Chongqing reinforcement project as an example , elaborated the principles of design calculations and construction methods of increasing section reinforcement method of arch bridges .

  10. 论宗族势力对村民自治的影响及对策&重庆市C县G镇宗族势力实地调研分析

    Influences of Clan Power on Villager Autonomy and Countermeasures

  11. 介绍利用计算机处理TM遥感图像数据产生重庆市江北县典型地区土地利用分类图技术。

    Classified landuse map in the typical area of Jiang Bei County , Chong-Qing has been developed .

  12. 经过实地调研及访谈宗族势力比较突出的重庆市C县G镇的部分镇、村干部及村民,发现宗族势力已经成为影响制约村民自治进程的一大消极因素。

    The investigation and interview to some cadres and villagers in C County and G Town in Chongqing show that the clan power has been a main negative factor affecting the progress of village autonomy .

  13. 该方法已成功运用于重庆市巫溪县110m净跨的大宁河大桥的维修加固工程中,取得了很好的社会经济效益。

    The method has been successfully applied in the rehabilitation of Daning River bridge and presented remarkable social and economic benefits .

  14. 但通过实证研究发现,重庆市XX县在配置义务教育资源的过程中,却出现了锦上添花而非雪中送炭的现象。城乡之间、优势学校与薄弱学校之间的差距不但没有缩小,反而进一步拉大。

    However , through research XX County , in Chongqing we find the gap between urban and rural areas , the advantage schools and weak schools not only reduced , but also enlarged .

  15. 乌江三桥位于重庆市彭水县乌江上,采用主跨为140m的钢筋混凝土等截面悬链线无铰箱形拱,是国内同类桥梁跨径较大者。

    The third WuJiang River Bridge located across the WuJiang River in Chongqing Pengshui County , and used reinforced concrete constant section catenary ecardinal box arch with the main span of 140m . It ranged in the larger span among the domestic similar bridges .

  16. 农村公路对农民收入的影响&以重庆市武隆县境内的武仙路为例

    Influence of the Rural Roads on the Income of the Farmers

  17. 主成分分析在小城镇经济辐射区研究中的应用&以重庆市大足县为例

    The method of factor analysis on the town economic radial area study

  18. 重庆市巫山县牧草引种试验

    A Report on Forage Introduction in Wushan County of Chongqing

  19. 重庆市铜梁县龙文化发展战略规划

    The Introduction of Development Strategy and Layout of Dragon Culture in Tongliang

  20. 重庆市秀山县电解金属锰行业发展现状与对策

    The Current Situation and Countermeasure of the Development of EMM in Xiushan

  21. 论小城镇规划中教育功能的体现&以重庆市云阳县红狮镇规划为例

    Embodiment of the Education Function in the Small Towns Planning

  22. 重庆市秀山县锰业协会2004年工作回顾

    A Work Report on Xiushan Mn-industry Association in 2004

  23. 重庆市大足县生态环境质量建设成效

    Eco - environmental Improvement in Dazhu County of Chongqing

  24. 重庆市巫山县桃花铁矿地质特征分析

    Analysis on Geological Characteristics of Taohua Iron Deposit of Wushan Country in Chongqing

  25. 张飞庙又名张桓候庙,位于重庆市云阳县。

    Zhang Fei Temple is located at the Yun-yang country of Chong-qing City .

  26. 重庆市荣昌县人才资源开发现状及对策研究

    Study on Present Situation of Talent Recourse Exploitation and Strategies in Rongchang Chongqing

  27. 重庆市秀山县锰业发展现状

    The Current Situation of Development of Xiushan Mn-industry

  28. 小城镇规划中的四个结合&以重庆市酉阳县北部新区修建性详细规划为例

    Four Combinations in the Layout of Small Town

  29. 重庆市巫山县污水处理厂工程自动控制系统

    Autocontrol System of Wushan County Sewage Treatment Plant

  30. 重庆市巫溪县痴呆病调查结果分析

    Investigation report of dementia in Wuxi County Chongqing