
  • 网络Heavy fuel oil;hfo;bunker c
  1. 一种高效重质燃料油催化燃烧添加剂

    A High Efficient Additive for Catalyzing Combustion of Heavy Fuel Oil

  2. 重质燃料油脱金属钒、钠技术研究

    Removal of vanadium and sodium from heavy fuel oil

  3. 原油与重质燃料油中多环芳烃分布特征及主成分分析

    Principal Component Analysis and Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Crude Oils and Heavy Fuel Oils

  4. 研究开发并完成了一种高效重质燃料油催化燃烧添加剂的工业应用试验。

    A high efficient additive was successfully applied to catalyzing combustion of heavy fuel oil in an industrial scale .

  5. 本文结合石油化工工业装置,探讨了重质燃料油腐蚀规律及防腐措施。

    In this paper , heavy fuel oils induced corrosion mechanisms and anti-corrosion methods in petrochemical industrial equipment are studied .

  6. 目前,国内的催化油浆一般作为廉价的重质燃料油出厂。

    At present , the domestic catalysis oil thick liquid is generally dispatched from the factory as low-priced heavy quality fuel oil .

  7. 针对原油变重和重质燃料油需求下降的趋势,就渣油加工的几种方案进行技术探讨。

    In view of the trend of crude oil becoming heavy and demand of heavy fuel oil decreasing , several technical schemes of residuum processing are discussed .

  8. 重质燃料油一般是原油经过炼制所产生的渣油经调合而成的,主要用作蒸汽锅炉、加热炉以及燃汽轮机的燃料。

    Heavy fuel oils that come from residual oils of crude oil refining , are used as fuels of the steam boiler , furnace and gas turbine .

  9. 但由于重质燃料油与轻柴油在燃油理化特性等方面具有明显差别,在缸内燃烧方面仍然存在许多问题。

    Because of much difference in physical and chemical characteristic compared with light diesel oil , heavy diesel fuel makes many problems in fuel combustion on those engines .