
  • 网络severe asthma
  1. 方法选择38例重度哮喘患者随机分为A、B两组,分别给大剂量丙酸倍氯米松经储雾罐和不经储雾罐吸入治疗8~14周。

    Methods Thirty eight patients with severe asthma were equally randomized into group A and group B. Large doses of beclometasone were inhaled with a spacer in group A and without a spacer in group B for 8 to 14 weeks .

  2. 结论PAFAH基因(Val279Phe)突变可能为重度哮喘儿童的易感基因之一。

    Conclusion PAF-AH ( Val279Phe ) gene mutation is one of the probable candidate genes for severe asthma .

  3. ICS/LABA与单独ICS治疗儿童中重度哮喘的系统评价

    Systematic Review of ICS / LABA and ICS for Moderate and Severe Asthma of Children

  4. Phe等位基因频率重度哮喘组与轻、中度哮喘组及对照组相比差异显著(P均<005)。

    The Phe allele frequencies in severe asthmatic children were higher than those in mild or moderate asthmatic cases and normal controls .

  5. 目的比较吸入激素(ICS)联合缓释茶碱(SRT)和双倍剂量ICS对中重度哮喘患者的疗效及抗炎作用。

    Objective To compare the therapeutic effect and anti-inflammation competency of inhaled corticosteroids ( ICS ) combined with slow-release theophylline ( SRT ) to double-dose ICS in asthmatics .

  6. 结论:ICS联合SRT与双倍剂量ICS对治疗中重度哮喘在控制哮喘、改善症状和肺功能方面有相同的疗效;

    Conclusions : Both therapys of ICS combined with SRT and double-dose ICS have the same effects in asthma control , improving the symptoms and ameliorating lung function .

  7. 中、重度哮喘血清、诱导痰ECP明显高于轻度哮喘(P<0.05);

    Serum and induced sputum ECP levels in patients with moderate to severe asthma were significantly higher than those in patients with mild asthma ( P < 0.05 );

  8. 结果对四组垂体&甲状腺轴相关激素TSH、T3和T4的测定结果显示:重度哮喘组T3、T4明显减低,而轻中度哮喘组、缓解期组的T3、T4与正常组相比无明显差异。

    Results No significant difference was found in serum TSH , T3 and T4 among the four groups . The T3 and T4 of severe asthmatic group was significant decreased compared with other groups .

  9. 硝酸异山梨酯治疗非急性发作期重度哮喘的临床观察

    Clinical observation of isosorbide dinitrate vascardin for non-acute attach severe asthmatics

  10. 抗肿瘤坏死因子α用于重度哮喘治疗的研究进展

    Progress of anti-tumor necrosis factor - α for severe asthma

  11. 吸入大剂量激素治疗重度哮喘的临床研究

    Treatment of severe asthma with large dosage of inhaled beclometasone

  12. 两种吸入疗法治疗重度哮喘病人的效果比较

    Comparison on effects of two ways of inhalation therapies on severe asthma patients

  13. 而重度哮喘组胰岛素和血糖水平较其他3组明显升高,胰高血糖素则明显减低。

    But in severe asthmatic group , insulin and blood glucose were increased ;

  14. 必酮碟治疗中重度哮喘的临床观察

    Observation on the efficacy of BECODISKS in treatment of moderate to severe asthma

  15. 雾化吸入万托林与普米克令舒治疗小儿中重度哮喘的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Children Severe Asthma with Atomization Inhaling of Ventolin and Pulmicort Respules

  16. 沙美特罗/氟替卡松联合应用治疗重度哮喘的临床观察

    Clinical efficacy of combined salmeterol / fluticasone propionate in treatment of severe persistent asthma

  17. 目的观察机械通气在中、重度哮喘发作中的作用。

    Objective To observe the function of mechanical ventilation in moderate , severe asthma .

  18. 重度哮喘小鼠模型的建立

    Reproduction of severe asthma model in mice

  19. 呼气峰流速简易测定法在中重度哮喘治疗中的应用

    The applied observation of peak expiratory flow rate simple testing in the moderate to severe asthma

  20. 结论中性粒细胞增多是重度哮喘的气道炎症特征之一,IL-17/IL-8可能参与中性粒细胞向气道内的募集。

    The IL-17 / IL-8 pathway may be involved in the initial neutrophil influx into the airways .

  21. 沙美特罗替卡松联合治疗儿童中重度哮喘的临床研究

    Clinical study of salmeterol / fluticasone propionate combination in therapy of moderate to severe asthma in children

  22. 重度哮喘患者吸入大剂量激素副作用的观察及预防

    Observation and prevention of side effect of inhalation of high dose steroids in severe patients with asthma

  23. 中重度哮喘急性发作患儿血中EAN-78的表达及甲基强的松龙对其表达的影响

    Expressions of epithelial cell-derived neutrophil-activating protein-78 in moderate and severe acute asthma children and the influence of methylprednisolone

  24. 目的:评价利多卡因和沙丁胺醇联合雾化吸入治疗中、重度哮喘的疗效和安全性。

    Objective : To evaluate efficacy of lidocaine and salbutamol in severe bronchial asthma via ultrasonic nebulizer inhalation .

  25. 喘宁碟与喘乐宁气雾剂治疗中重度哮喘的疗效观察

    Observation on the therapeutic effects of VENTODISKS and Ventolin aerosol in the treatment of moderate and severe asthma

  26. 目的比较孟鲁司特与舒利迭联合治疗与单用舒利迭治疗重度哮喘的有效性。

    Objective To compare the efficiency of seretide plus montelukast and seretide only on patients with severe persistent asthma .

  27. 目的观察联合应用沙美特罗/丙酸氟替卡松对重度哮喘的治疗作用和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of combined salmeterol / fluticasone propionate in treatment of patients with severe persistent asthma .

  28. 结论联合应用沙美特罗/丙酸氟替卡松对重度哮喘患者具有良好的疗效、安全性和耐受性。

    Conclusion Combination of salmeterol / fluticasone propionate possesses the advantage of effectiveness , safety and well tolerance in patients with severe persistent asthma .

  29. 方法选择37例持续性哮喘患者,其中重度哮喘21例,轻中度哮喘16例。

    Methods 37 patients with persistent asthma were included in the study , of whom 21 were severe and 16 were mild to moderate asthmatics .

  30. 更重要的是,当研究小组对比血型分布和哮喘严重程度时发现,轻度、中度或重度哮喘患者之间无明显差异。

    More importantly , when the team compared the distribution of blood type with asthma severity , they observed no significant differences among mild , moderate , or severe asthma patients .