
  • 网络Theophylline Sustained Release Tablets;THEOPHYLLINE SUSTAINED-RELEASE TABLETS;Theo-Dur
  1. 目的观察以小剂量茶碱缓释片治疗小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘的临床疗效,并与常规推荐剂量的用药疗效相比较。

    OBJECTIVE To observe the effect of low doses of theophylline sustained release tablets for children with cough variant asthma and compare with the effect of normal recommended doses .

  2. 结论口服小剂量茶碱缓释片可达到常规推荐剂量的疗效,临床上安全、方便。

    CONCLUSION Low doses of oral theophylline sustained release tablets can achieve similar effect to normal recommended doses , and it is safe and convenient .

  3. 建立了茶碱缓释片中茶碱含量的HPLC测定方法。

    A HPLC method was established for the determination of Theophylline Sustained-release Tablets .

  4. 结果:介质的pH变化对茶碱缓释片的体外释放度无明显影响。

    RESULTS : The variation of pH of mediums were no significant affect on in vitro release rate of theophylline .

  5. LSS法估算COPD患者茶碱缓释片单用及联用加替沙星时稳态药-时曲线下面积

    Estimation of the area under curve of steady-state concentrations of theophylline single oral taken and concurrent with gatifloxacin in COPD patients by limited sampling strategy

  6. 实验组吸入噻托溴铵干粉剂(18ug,每日1次),对照组口服茶碱缓释片,每次0.1,每日2次,治疗疗程都为12周。

    Experimental group Tiotropium bromide inhalation powder dry ( 18ug , day 1 ), the control group of oral theophylline sustained-release tablets , each 0.1 , 2 times per day , treatment for 12 weeks .

  7. 羟丙基甲基纤维素对茶碱缓释片释放度的影响

    Influence of HPMC on Dissolution of Theophylline Sustained Release Tablets

  8. 司帕沙星对老年慢性阻塞性肺病患者茶碱缓释片药动学的影响

    Effect of sparfloxacin on pharmacokinetics of theophylline in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

  9. 茶碱缓释片改善慢性喘息性支气管炎患者肺功能的观察

    The effect of TML on pulmonary function of patients with chronic asthmatic bronchitis

  10. 茶碱缓释片的制备及其初步稳定性考察

    Study on preparation and stability of theophylline sustained-release tablets

  11. 茶碱缓释片的释放度过程监测与手工取样分析结果一致,但节省了劳动强度;

    The result of Release process monitoring of Theophylline sustained - release tablets in accordance with handicraft , save the labor strength .

  12. 茶碱沙丁胺醇缓释片平喘作用观察

    Observation of antiasthmatic effect of sustained release tablets of theophylline and salbutamol

  13. 甘氨酸茶碱钠缓释片与普通片药物动力学对比

    Comparative Study of the Pharmacokinetics of Theophylline Sodium Glycinate Sustained-Release Tablets and Conventional Tablets

  14. 目的:评价茶碱沙丁胺醇缓释片的平喘效果和安全性。

    Objective : To observe the antiasthmatic effect of sustained release tablets of theophylline and salbutamol .

  15. 考察了影响多索茶碱缓释骨架片释药的因素。

    The effect of some factors on the drug release from the HPMC sustained-release matrix tablet was investigated .