
chá chǎng
  • tea plantation;estate
茶场 [chá chǎng]
  • [tea plantation] 种植大片茶树的地方

茶场[chá chǎng]
  1. 第一座平房位于瓦尔巴赖镇外12英里斯坦默尔茶场(stanmoreestate)的中心位置。

    The first bungalow sits in the middle of the Stanmore estate , a working tea plantation about 12 miles outside valparai .

  2. 南岳茶场害虫&天敌群落结构及季节动态

    Structures and seasonal dynamics of insect pests-natural enemies in Nanyue tea plantation , Hunan Province

  3. 60%受土壤污染物污染的茶场中,如采取有效措施,控制DDT农药的使用,至少有20%~30%茶场的土壤质量可提高到清洁水平。

    In 60 percent of tea plantations polluted by soil pollutants , if effective measures are adopted and the use of DDT is prohibited , there are at least 20 to 30 percent of tea plantations where the soil quality can be reached to clean level .

  4. 对湖南省36个县(市)67个茶场的136份茶园土样进行了肥力水平测定。

    Fertility of 136 soil samples in 67 tea plantations from 36 counties of Hunan Province were tested .

  5. 分别采用单项污染指数法和综合污染指数法对贵州省有代表性的15个茶场的环境质量进行了研究。

    The individual pollution index and the composite pollution index were used to research the environmental quality of the plantations .

  6. 她家主要靠她赚钱维持生计,她曾在斯里兰卡一家茶场挣一份微薄的工资。

    The main breadwinner in her family , she used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory in Sri Lanka .

  7. 贵定在经营模式上,公司和多家茶场及农民专业合作社合作,形成了。

    The corporation has established trade collaborations with many tea plantations and professional coops and formed an integrate business model of production , supply and sale .

  8. 每逢星期天,家长们往往带着孩子去参观金门公园占很大面积的美丽的日本茶场,观赏茶场里那些稀奇古怪的树木。

    On Sundays parents often take their children to look at the strange trees in the pretty Japanese Tea Garden in the huge spaces of Golden Gate Park .

  9. 认为贵州省有93.3%茶场的大气环境、40%茶场的土壤质量适宜发展绿色食品茶叶;

    It was concluded that 93.3 percent of the atmosphere environment and 40 percent of the soil quality of these tea plantations are good for development of Green food tea .

  10. 不观看野生动物时,我们就惬意地徜徉于阳光充足的茶场,时不时还能穿过采茶的人群,疲惫却又心满意足地回到住地,准备大快朵颐一番。

    When not animal-watching , we walk contentedly through the sunny tea fields , occasionally chancing across groups of pickers , and return pleasantly tired , ready for another large meal .

  11. 3起茶毛虫皮炎暴发与茶场管理不善、没有适时灭虫,暖冬、第1代虫口基数较大有关。

    The reason of 3 times larvae dermatitis was due to lack of management to tea field , no control to insects in time , the warm winter and more the first generation larvae .

  12. 采用原子吸收法测定了湛江不同茶场出品的绿茶茶水中的锌、铜、铁、钙、镁、锰、镉、镍、铅的含量。

    Atomic absorption spectroscopic method is used to determination of the content of Zn , Cu , Fe , Ca , Mg , Cd , Ni and Pb in green teas produced by different tea plantations in Zhanjiang .

  13. 山东雪青茶场有限公司(以下简称雪青公司)是日照市茶企业的龙头,是山东省茶企业的骨干企业之一。

    Shandong Xueqing Tea Co. , Ltd. ( hereinafter referred to as Xueqing company ) is the leading enterprise of tea enterprises in Rizhao City , and is one of the backbone enterprise of tea enterprises in Shandong Province .

  14. 通过对南岳茶场害虫一天敌群落的系统调查,应用群落指数进行多样性、主分量和聚类分析。

    Based on the systematic surveys in Nanyue tea plantation , Hunan Province , the structures of pests-natural enemies community and their seasonal dynamics were analysed by the methods of Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) and Fuzzy Cluster Analysis .

  15. 本试验对百色地区古障茶场3个不同的有机管理地块和黄果园茶场1个常规管理的对照地块的害虫和天敌进行了系统调查,运用生态学方法,研究了茶园主要害虫和天敌的发生规律;

    In this experiment , the regularities of important pests and their natural enemies in 3 different plots in the organic tea garden and 1 control plot in the conventional tea garden , in Baise region of Guangxi province , were studied with ecological method .