
  1. 你给我换五张一元的票子好吗?

    Will you change me five one-yuan notes ?

  2. 我要买两张一元的和五张两毛的邮票。

    I 'd like to have two one-yuan and five twenty-fen stamps .

  3. 请给我5张20元和10张一元的。

    Five twenties and ten singles , please .

  4. 请给五张十元的、三张五元的和十张一元的钞票。

    Five ten-dollar bills , three five 's and ten one 's , please .

  5. 现在却有20张一元的钞票。

    Now there are twenty $ 1 bills .

  6. 四张十元的钞票和十张一元的钞票。

    Four pieces of ten dollar bill and ten pieces of a dollar bill , please .

  7. 好的,给我几张一元票面的兑换券,好吗?我需要一些零钱。

    OK , will you please give me some one yuan notes ? I need some small change .

  8. 例如,职场真人秀《职来职往》中的求职者张一元(音译),想做一位设计师。

    As an example , Zhang Yiyuan , a participant in the job-hunting reality show Jobs Come Jobs Go , wanted to be a stylist .

  9. 著名的国务卿建议道。副总统派翠基接着说:“啊,总统先生,您为什么不丢五十张一元钞票,好让五十个人高兴呢?”

    suggested his celebrated Secretary of State Vice President Partridge caught on . " Golly , Mr.President , why don 't you throw fifty singles and make fifty people happy ? "

  10. 他看着那一大卷绿钞票,活像一个病人看着一种能治好病的药。四张十元的钞票和十张一元的钞票。

    He looked at the fat , green roll as a sick man looks at the one possible saving cure . Four pieces of ten dollar bill and ten pieces of a dollar bill , please .