
  • 网络tea;Tea Drinks
  1. 西雅图美国巴斯帝尔大学(BastyrUniversity)中药部经理AllenSayigh说,在传统的中药中,生姜通常是作为一种茶饮――往往与十余种其他草药同时使用――用于治疗某些类似哮喘的症状。

    In traditional Chinese medicine , it would typically be consumed as a tea -- generally with up to a dozen other herbs -- as a treatment for certain types of asthma-like symptoms , says Allen Sayigh , manager of the Chinese herb dispensary at Bastyr University in Seattle .

  2. 利咽1号茶饮治疗慢性咽炎300例临床观察

    Treatment of chronic pharyngitis with No.1 pharyngitis tea drinking : A clinical study of 300 cases

  3. 尽管现在流行所谓的健康茶饮,但没有证据证明这些茶更有益健康。

    Despite the vogue for so-called health teas , there is no evidence that they are any healthier

  4. 王老吉,是一款中国中草药茶,现今是中国最火的茶饮之一。

    Wong Lo Kat or Wanglaoji in pinyin , is a Chinese herbal tea , and one of the most popular tea drinks in China today .

  5. 它将推出的各种饮料不仅有碳酸饮料,还有Fuze(一种健康果汁饮料&译注)和诚实茶(HonestTea)这种广受认可的果汁和茶饮。

    Its portfolio includes not only sodas , but also names in tea and juice like fuze and honest tea that have wide recognition .

  6. 2012年,星巴克(Starbuck)通过收购专营茶饮的公司Teavana进入了茶饮市场。

    Starbucks moved into tea by buying Teavana , a speciality company , in 2012 .

  7. 方法:将慢性肥厚性咽炎178例随机分为两组,治疗组采用Nd:YAG激光治疗加复方甘桔袋泡剂代茶饮,每次2袋,每日3次,共14d。

    Method : 178 patients were randomly divided into two groups . The treatment group was treated by laser , and Chinese traditional medicine for 14 days .

  8. 我们对自家品牌茶饮的市场需求前景非常乐观。

    We are very optimistic on the demand for our beverages .

  9. 因此,(可以)买Suntheanine牌子的茶饮,它是纯L-茶氨酸制成的。

    Instead , buy a brand called Suntheanine , which is pure L-theanine .

  10. 在美国,可在茶饮、药酒和膳食补充剂中见到它的踪影。

    S. , it is available in teas , tinctures and as a dietary supplement .

  11. 目的观察穿刺置疣术配合强化茶饮治疗扁平疣的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of intensified puncture autoimplantation technique on Verruca plana .

  12. 宁静的茶园与美味的茶饮

    Tea plantation tranquility and gourmet beverages

  13. 人手短缺的休闲快餐——冻酸奶、杯子蛋糕与茶饮店;

    Understaffed fast casual restaurants - frozen yogurt , cupcake and tea shops ; pok é bars ;

  14. 随着茶饮日益成为一种低脂饮料选择,茶店正在美国各地迅速涌现。

    Tea shops are popping up nationwide , with the drink emerging as a low-fat beverage of choice .

  15. 茶饮公司们开始提供越来越多的选择,左边、右边和中心他们打算拓宽他们的网。

    Tea companies are increasing their offerings left , right and centre they 're looking to widen their nets .

  16. 随着茶饮料的出现及市场的繁荣,中国茶饮业将迎来更加美好的前景。

    With the emergence of tea drinks and the market boom , Chinese tea drinks industry will have a brighter future .

  17. 目的观察职业茶饮4号辐射防护作用。

    Objective To observe the radiation protection effect of Occupational Healthy-tea No 4 ( OHT4 ) against injury by X-ray in mice .

  18. 每位拥有双手和茶壶的英国茶饮者花费数年完善他们理想的制茶方法。

    Every British tea drinker who is in possession of both hands and a kettle has spent years perfecting their ideal method .

  19. 茶的做法:橘子和苹果皮可以用水煮,和其他成分混合,调配美味天然的自制茶饮。

    As teas : Orange and apple peels can be boiled and combined with other ingredients for tasty , all-natural homemade tea 。

  20. 我猜它们大要也可以象徵从树枝长出来的茶叶,正好共同星巴克的全新茶饮主题。

    I guess they could kind of symbolize tea growing from a branch though * in coherence with the new starbucks tea theme .

  21. 茶是世界上三大饮料之一,20多亿人热衷于茶饮。

    Tea is one of three biggest drink in the world , more than 20 hundred million people craves on the tea drinks .

  22. 菊花茶相较于普通的茶饮,这款草本饮料咖啡因含量很低,同时还有着凝神的功效。

    Chamomile Tea This herbal drink lacks the caffeine found in traditional teas , and it has a calming effect on the body .

  23. 但喝冷饮不宜过多。温热的茶饮能舒张汗腺将体表温度降低1~2℃,消暑效果远优于冷茶。

    Warm and hot tea can help relax sweat glands and allow body surface temperature to decrease by1 to2 ℃, which is more cooling than cold tea .

  24. 目的:观察中药代茶饮在防治混合痔外剥内扎术后排尿障碍的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the clinical effect of Chinese-herb-tea treatment on the postoperative urine retention after the external piles-excise & internal piles-ligature operation of mixed hemorrhoids disease .

  25. 抵制酒类一开始,霍克斯唐和瑞纳拉花园等一些美丽优雅的乡村之会为人们提供一些茶饮、面包和黄油以作欢迎。

    Teetotal The charge for entrance to such fashionable gardens as Vauxhall or Ranalagh Gardens included tea with bread and butter , a welcome refreshment after the entertainment .

  26. 该产品在泡饮时不使用沸水,而是用冷水甚至冰水即可泡饮,具有传统茶饮的固有优势,还兼备方便饮料的便利性。

    This product is provided with the advantage of traditional tea and the drinkable convenience because it is dunked by cold water and even ice water without hot water .

  27. 随着日出茶太入资本地市场,更多马来西亚人将能够透过一杯茶饮,品尝及感受这项台湾文化精粹。

    Chatime 's latest venture into our local scene will offer Malaysians a doorway to truly experience an authentic slice of Taiwan 's culture , over just a cup of tea .

  28. 在美国,鼻炎片通过超市、天然食品店或针灸诊所销售,其形式为药片或是味道浓烈的茶饮。

    Biyan Pian literally means'nose inflammation pill . 'In the U.S. , it is sold in supermarkets and natural-food stores and through acupuncturists either as tablets or as a strongly flavored tea .

  29. 茶泡米汤(韩国)茶泡米汤是一种用锅巴煮制而成的韩国草本茶,这种韩国传统茶饮的历史可追溯到高丽王朝时期(918-1392)。

    Sungnyung ( Korea ) Sungnyung is a Korean tisane made from boiled scorched rice . This traditional tea can be traced back to the Goryeo period ( 918 to 1392 ) .

  30. 我们正向咖啡文化迈进,但我并不认为咖啡必然损害茶饮市场人们只是买不同种类的茶饮。

    We 're moving more towards a cafe culture , but I don 't think that coffee is necessarily affecting the market to the detriment of tea people are just buying different types of tea .