
chá wǎn
  • tea bowl;teacup;teabowl;large teacup
茶碗 [chá wǎn]
  • [tea bowl;large teacup] 无手把的用来盛茶水的碗。一种有碟和瓷盖的茶碗叫盖碗杯

茶碗[chá wǎn]
  1. 茶碗缺了个口儿。

    The rim of the teacup is chipped .

  2. 首先把茶碗拿在手里,顺时针转两或三圈。

    First , the teacup is picked up off the mat , and then it is turned clockwise two or three times .

  3. 在苏富比,传统物件的拍卖行情仍然不错,藏家张永珍(AliceCheng)雅藏的一只17世纪宝石红小茶碗,依然拍出了960万美元的高价。

    At Sotheby 's , the traditional fields did well , with a tiny 17th-century ruby-red tea bowl , sold by the collector Alice Cheng , making a tidy US $ 9.6m .

  4. 浅谈中、日茶文化中陶瓷茶碗的差异及成因

    The differences and reasons of the ceramic tea-bowl between china-ese and Japanese tea culture

  5. 在下面的章节中,我们将关注最重要的茶具—茶碗和壶。

    In the following paragraphs , we will focus on the most essential tea ware-tea cups and teapots .

  6. 创始人是两个朝鲜族兄弟,他们从1604年开始用本地粘土制作典礼用的茶碗。

    The founders were two Korean brothers who began to make tea ceremony bowls from local clay in 1604 .

  7. 这是我的茶碗,他说,只要您伸进手指头,我全部喝干。

    This is my cup , he said . Only dip your finger in and I 'll drink it all up .

  8. 披上大棉袄,端起那个当茶碗用的小饭碗,他跑出去。

    He pulled his thick cotton quilted jacket over his shoulders , picked up the small bowl that he used for tea and ran out .

  9. 本文旨在对唐代越窑青瓷茶碗和邢窑白瓷茶碗的全面研究进行有益的补充。

    Based on the comprehensive research , this paper offers a useful supplement to the artistic characteristics of the celadon teacup in Yue Kiln and the white teacup in Xing Kiln during the Tang Dynasty .

  10. 华大妈也黑着眼眶,笑嘻嘻的送出茶碗茶叶来,加上一个橄榄,老栓便去冲了水。

    The old woman , dark circles under her eyes too , came out smiling with a bowl containing tea-leaves and an added olive , over which Old Chuan poured boiling water for the newcomer .

  11. 茶具分为茶炉、茶壶、茶杯、茶碗以及茶盘。如今随着泡茶过程的发展,我们可以只用一个瓷碗来泡茶。

    Tea wares consist of ovens , teapots , cups , tea bowls , and trays and so on.Nowadays with the development of tea procedure , we can make 。 cup of tea wit with a single porcelain cup .