
  1. 烤鸭需要在烤炉上烤上一段时间。

    It is a time-consuming dish of oven-roasted duck .

  2. 有时我会在宿舍的厨房烤上一下午。

    Sometimes I would bake all afternoon in the kitchen in the dorm .

  3. 他们一辈子都肩负着迫害异己的重担,现在终于能放松一下了,烤上几块牛排,互相讲些有关严刑拷打的故事。

    After a lifetime carrying the heavy burdens of oppression they can all relax , throw a few steaks on the barbecue and swap torture stories .

  4. 把风式烤箱预热至180度,然后把托盘放至炉内,烤上12分钟,期间快速开启与关闭炉门两次,取出烤炉后,让甜饼层滑至操作台上。

    Preheat the fan oven to 180C then put the trays in the oven . Bake for 12 minutes quickly opening and shutting the oven door twice during cooking time . Out of the oven , slide the shells on to the work surface .

  5. 在蛋糕烤模上盖一个盘子,然后将其翻倒过来。

    Place a plate over the cake tin and invert it .

  6. 把面团放在烤板上。

    Place the dough on a baking sheet .

  7. 在两块结实的烤板上抹些油,把烤炉加热到400度。

    Grease two sturdy baking sheets and heat the oven to 400 degrees

  8. 在烤面包上涂大量奶油他们把奶油涂在面包上。

    To slather butter on toast They spread bread with butter .

  9. 我要用它把果酱抹在烤面包上。

    I need it to put the jam on my toast .

  10. 她制备了一些肉汁浇在烤牛肉上。

    She made some gravy to pour over the roast beef .

  11. 用小汤勺勺在抹了油烤纸上。

    Drop by teaspoons onto a greased cookie sheet .

  12. 妈妈在烤面包上涂果酱。

    Mother is spreading the toast with marmalade .

  13. 把球放在烘饼烤板上。

    Put the balls on a cookie sheet .

  14. 谢谢在我的烤干酪上刻的这个笑脸。

    Sheldon : Thank you for carving a smiley face in my grilled cheese sandwich .

  15. 在烤面包上涂大量奶油

    To slather butter on toast

  16. 在底部的烤纸上轻刷上一层水,等1分钟后,将烤纸撕下。

    Brush the paper lining with water and let soak 1 minute before peeling it off the cake .

  17. 在全麦烤面包上涂上罐头南瓜,龙舌兰小雨或枫糖浆。

    Spread a scoop of canned pumpkin on toasted whole wheat bread and then drizzle agave or maple syrup on top .

  18. 在你的法式烤面包上,也许你会洒上些肉桂粉和豆蔻粉,这些是热带树木的树皮和坚果磨成的。

    Over your French toast you may have sprinkled cinnamon and nutmeg , the powdered bark and nuts of tropical trees .

  19. 他从面前的那块烤牛肉上切下一大片塞进嘴里。

    He cut a large piece of roast beef from the slab in front of him and thrust it into his mouth .

  20. 你还可以把菇类捣碎,用大火快炒,然后放一点在蒜蓉烤面包上食用。

    You can also try chopping the mushrooms , stir frying them and serving on top of toasts as a take on bruschetta .

  21. 如果这是你一天生活的开始:将一点蜂蜜细腻地涂在自制的烤面包上,或融入一杯咖啡中,那你并非特殊的一位。

    If a little honey drizzled on a piece of homemade toast or into a cup of tea is how you like to start the day , you 're not alone .

  22. 能有效降低烤房上、下层温湿差(温湿差1℃~2℃),使整炉烟叶在基本一致的温湿度条件下变黄干燥,提高了烟叶的整体质量。

    The vertical temperature and humidity difference ( 1 ℃~ 2 ℃) decreased effectively , which made the whole oven of tobacco leaves yellowing and drying under the generally same temperature and humidity condition , and increased the whole cured tobacco leaves quality .

  23. 马德里加尔夫人给另一片烤面包涂上了黄油。

    Mrs. Madrigal buttered another piece of toast

  24. 他将两片面包放在烤面包机上。

    He put two slices of bread in the toaster .

  25. 她在烤面包片上涂了薄薄的一层山莓酱。

    She spread the toast thinly with raspberry jam .

  26. 约翰:你烤今晚聚会上的饼干了吗?

    John : Did you bake the cookies here at the party tonight ?

  27. 他把草莓酱涂在烤面包片上。

    He spread some strawberry jam on his toast .

  28. 烤羊肉配上薄荷酱汁味道很好。

    Mint sauce goes well with roast lamb .

  29. 换句话说,烤土豆配上黄油,酸奶油可以扔出窗外了。

    In other words , that baked potato with butter and sour cream is out the window .

  30. 如何食用:把它们拌到沙拉上,像吃健康薯片那样把它们当点心一个一个食用。把它们加到酸奶,谷物和果汁上。搅动它们到任何你正在烤的东西上。

    How : Toss them in salads Snack on them one by one , like healthy potato chips Add them to yogurt , cereal , and smoothies Stir them into anything you bake