
  • 网络Roasted Chicken Leg;Grilled chicken;fried chicken leg;BBQ Chicken;My Confession & Retribution;Jitui
  1. 花店送来的手花会是一个满天星花环和一张价值5美元的肯德基代金券,这样你就可以自己选择用哪种口味的炸鸡腿来搭配你的手花,有原味吮指鸡、劲脆鸡腿以及肯塔基烤鸡腿三种选择。

    The florist sends a corsage with baby 's breath and a $ 5 KFC gift check so you can choose a piece of Original Recipe , Extra Crispy or Kentucky Grilled Chicken for the corsage centerpiece . ( Source : latimes )

  2. 这里是美国肯塔基州的路易斯维尔(Louisville),午饭时分,百胜(YumBrands)首席执行官大卫•诺瓦克(DavidNovak)溜达到公司餐厅的肯德基(KFC),要了一份烤鸡腿三明治,与几名员工一起吃起来。

    It is lunchtime in Louisville , Kentucky and David Novak , chief executive of Yum Brands , strolls up to the KFC in his company 's cafeteria , orders a grilled chicken sandwich and joins a couple of employees for a bite to eat .

  3. 根据TheNangfang网站的介绍,这次的限量版汉堡是黑钻培根辣鸡腿堡和玫瑰芝士烤鸡腿堡。

    According to The Nangfang the limited edition treats consist of the Black diamond bacon spicy chicken leg burger and the Rose cheese roasted chicken leg burger 。

  4. 一只乌鸦看到地面上有一只小鸡腿。烤鸡腿是小家伙们最爱吃的。

    A black bird sees a chicken leg on the ground .

  5. 烤鸡腿是小家伙们最爱吃的。

    Bar-B-Q drumsticks are the kid 's favorite .

  6. 孩子不喜欢吃肉不表示他不喜欢吃肉丸子或烤鸡腿哦!

    Children do not like to eat meat does not mean that he does not like to eat grilled chicken or meatballs Oh !

  7. 而且,该公司一直在提供更多沙拉,同时降低食物中的盐含量并增加烤鸡产品,例如诺瓦克有时会当作午餐食用的烤鸡腿三明治。

    Still , the company has been offering more salads , reducing sodium levels and adding grilled chicken items , such as the sandwich Mr Novak sometimes eats for lunch .