
  1. 也不止是一起栽苤蓝菜、开雪佛兰54车和飞蝇钓鱼的事,

    It isn 't even so much about kohlrabi , ' 54 Chevrolets , and fly-fishing .

  2. 五十年前的春天,在依阿华州查理斯市的花园一起栽下苤蓝菜。

    Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City , Iowa .

  3. 五十年前的一个春天,我们在依阿华州查理斯市的一个花园一起栽下苤蓝菜。当时我也不知道我以后会怀念那一天。

    Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City , Iowa . I didn 't know then that I would remember that day for the rest of my life .

  4. 而且,有意思的地方是,我不知道该怎么和您说这事,爸爸……我甚至不喜欢苤蓝菜……但是,我却喜欢和您一起栽苤蓝菜的感觉。

    And the funny thing about it is , well , I don 't know quite how to tell you this , Dad ... I don 't even like kohlrabi ... but I like planting it with you .