
  • 网络Black Garlic
  1. 黑蒜是以大蒜经过拣选、发酵加工而成。

    Black garlic is produced through selection of fresh garlic , fermentation and processing .

  2. 黑蒜的这些功效已得到日本科研界和黑蒜服用者的充分认可。

    All these effects have been thoroughly confirmed by the Japanese scientists and consumers .

  3. 日本各大媒体争先报导黑蒜的神奇功效,日本国内出现抢购热潮,黑蒜在日本长期处于供不应求的状态。

    Its magical effects have been covered by Japanese influential media , which has resulted in a purchasing boom and a shortage of black garlic in Japan 's domestic market .