
  • 网络Darkshore;Dark Shore
  1. 暮光之锤正尝试在黑海岸召唤一个上古黑锅神。索某某。

    The Twilight 's Hammer are attempting to summon an Old God in Darkshore , Soggoth the Slitherer .

  2. 泰奶奶的姘头是唯一保护黑海岸不被大灾变吞噬的货色,他在黑海岸地区中心制造了一个大型的旋涡。

    Malfurion Stormrage is the only thing keeping Darkshore from being devoured by the Cataclysm ; he 's created a giant twister in the middle of the zone .

  3. 这升级指南开始于黑海岸的奥伯丁,如果你已在奥伯丁将其设为你的家。

    This guide starts in Auberdine , if you 're there already make it your home .

  4. 涅姆佐夫于1959年出生于黑海岸边的索契市,母亲是一名犹太人,父亲信奉俄罗斯东正教。

    Nemtsov was born in the Black Sea town of Sochi in 1959 of a Jewish mother and Russian Orthodox father .

  5. 如果你是在东部王国,这表示你必须旅行经由湿地的米奈希尔港坐船到黑海岸的奥伯丁。

    If you 're on the eastern continent , this means you have to travel through the Wetlands and take the boat there .

  6. 走到迈斯特拉岗哨的利拉迪斯·月河还任“昏昏欲睡”及“奥萨拉克斯之塔”(如果之前在黑海岸有接此任务)并取得其后续任务。

    At Maestra 's post , hand in " The Sleeper Has Awakened " and " The Tower of Althalaxx "( optional if you quested in Darkshore before ) and get the follow up .

  7. 昂布瑞尔,一座漂浮的城市,在黑沼泽的海岸线上出现,向着晨风省漂浮着。

    Umbriel , a floating city , appears on the coast of Black Marsh , heading toward Morrowind .