
  • 网络ashenvale
  1. 战歌氏族开始砍伐灰谷森林。

    Ashenvale Forest begins to be cut and cleared by the Warsong Clan .

  2. 燃烧军团入侵的第三次战争后,穷途末路的暗夜精灵们在被恶魔污染的灰谷外急切地寻找安身之处。

    After the invasion of the Legion during the Third War , the Night Elves desperately sought a refuge from the demonic corruption that tainted much of Ashenvale .

  3. 在成功地阻止了伊利丹之后,玛法里奥和泰兰德回到灰谷的家园去照顾他们的人民。

    Naturally Illidan made no mention of his pact with Kil'jaeden , for Malfurion would not have understood .

  4. 当灰谷一处暗夜精灵村庄被摧毁的消息传回奥格瑞玛的时候,都认为是伽罗什下的命令。

    When word of a night elf village in Ashenvale being destroyed gets back to Orgrimmar , it 's assumed that Garrosh was the one who ordered it .

  5. 虽然他们通常住在灰谷森林中,但是当卡利姆多大陆遭到入侵时,丛林守护者总是会响应战斗的召唤。

    Though they typically remain within the sacred Moon Groves of Ashenvale forest , the Keepers always heed the call to arms when the greater lands of Kalimdor are threatened .

  6. 在一次奥格瑞玛领袖会议中,萨尔指出灰谷有丰富的资源,与重新暗夜精灵交好是明智的选择。

    In a meeting with Orgrimmar leadership , Thrall notes that Ashenvale has a surplus of resources and that it 'd be wise to get back on the night elves'good side .