
  • 网络GrayScale;gray scale
  1. 基于冲刷模拟的灰度模式骨架化算法

    Skeletonization Algorithm for Gray-Scale Patterns Based on Erosion Simulation

  2. 经常的把画面转换成灰度模式去检查你的明度关系是一个不错的主意。

    It 's always a good idea to desaturate your painting to check how your values are .

  3. 将这种滤波器放置在傅里叶反变换产生相关输出之前的联合功率谱面上,该技术可以应用在具有不同灰度图像的模式识别中。

    The filter is put on the power spectrum before applying the inverse Fourier transform to yield the correlation output . This technique can be used in pattern recognition of grey level input image .

  4. 利用阶梯输出函数的各台阶记忆不同灰度,实现了灰度模式的CNN联想记忆。

    Using the different steps of the multi-step output function to store different values of pixels , the CNN associative memory of gray-scale patterns is realized .

  5. 由于这些专用域灰度差特征是依据人脸灰度分布模式构建的,因此对人脸具有很强的检测能力。

    The dedicated region gray difference features possess very strong discriminant abilities in face detection since they were built by face oriented analysis statistically .