
  • 网络Pinot gris;Pinot Grigio;Tokay Pinot Gris
  1. 隔壁的精品店出售瓶装版本的葡萄酒,从灰皮诺、雷司令到黑皮诺都有。

    The adjacent boutique sells the bottled versions , from pinot gris to riesling to pinot noir .

  2. 意大利的上阿迪杰(AltoAdige)种植西万尼,但当地也有灰皮诺(PinotGrigio)等许多更抢眼的葡萄品种。

    It 's grown in Italy 's Alto Adige , but so are lots of more attention-grabbing grapes , like Pinot Grigio .

  3. 接着,他便想到了答案:灰皮诺葡萄酒(PinotGrigio)&前一天晚上他喝了很多灰皮诺葡萄酒。

    Then he came up with the answer : Pinot Grigio a lot of it which he 'd drunk the night before .

  4. 我把一些各不相同的葡萄酒堆放在一起,包括一些适合女性喝的(粉红莫斯卡托葡萄酒和灰皮诺葡萄酒)以及表面上看更“男性”的葡萄酒——解百纳(Cabernet)和西拉葡萄酒。

    I pulled together an appropriately disparate group of wines , including some that had been identified as fit for women ( Pink Moscato and Pinot Grigio ) and some that were ostensibly " male " - i.e. , Cabernets and Syrahs .

  5. 他也是第一个说自己喜欢灰皮诺葡萄酒的人。

    He was also one of the first to express a preference for the Pinot Grigio .

  6. 哦,既然这样。你就帮我再拿一瓶灰皮诺干白酒吧。

    In that case , why don 't you bring me another bottle of the Pinot Grigio ?

  7. 如果灰皮诺是为没有品味的女人所选的话,无知男人喝的近乎于葡萄的东西又是什么玩意儿呢?

    If Pinot Grigio was the wine of choice for uneducated women , what was the go-to grape for ignorant men ?