
huī méng méng
  • dusky;overcast;muddy
灰蒙蒙 [huī mēng méng]
  • (1) [muddy]∶暗淡模糊

  • 略带怒色的眼睛,因生气和睡眠不足而显得灰蒙蒙的

  • (2) [dusky]∶微暗的,暗淡的

  • 灰蒙蒙的夜色

灰蒙蒙[huī méng méng]
  1. 那是一个灰蒙蒙的冬日,经过一番长途跋涉,他终于回到家了。

    It was a dusky winter day when he returned home after a long journey .

  2. 冬天的天空灰蒙蒙的一片。

    A of the celestial dusky in the winter .

  3. 灰蒙蒙的大海在他们下面翻滚。

    The grey ocean seethed beneath them .

  4. 从欧登塞来的巴士颠簸着驶入一个叫作波索阿尔蒙特的灰蒙蒙的村庄。

    The bus from Odense rattled into a dusty village called Pozo Almonte

  5. 天色灰蒙蒙的。

    The sky was overcast .

  6. 一个灰蒙蒙的白昼降临于这座沉睡的城市。

    A grey day dawned upon the sleeping city .

  7. 水槽上方的镜子灰蒙蒙的沾满了尘埃,锈迹斑斑的水槽上,龙头还在滴着水,看来已经有好几个年头了。

    The mirror over the sink was clouded and coated with a thin layer of dust . The stained sinks were dry and discolored where water had dripped for many years .

  8. 当时正是初秋&阳光四射,灰蒙蒙的,非常美妙。

    It was early autumn & sunny , dusty , marvellous .

  9. 遇见小森那天,伦敦照旧是灰蒙蒙的。

    London was still dusty when I firstly met Senderose .

  10. 整个假期天空都灰蒙蒙的,阴雨连绵。

    We had gray skies and rain throughout our holiday .

  11. 傍晚天变红,早晨灰蒙蒙,预示天晴,行人可上路;

    Evening red and morning grey help the traveller on his way ;

  12. 不再看上去灰蒙蒙的或忧郁的。

    It won 't look sad and grey any more .

  13. 你可以看到远处有一团灰蒙蒙的东西。

    You see a blob of grey in the distance .

  14. 沮丧、怕或破坏性的想法看起来灰蒙蒙地很肮脏。

    Depressed , fearful , or depreciating thoughts look gray and muddy .

  15. 布朗宁灰蒙蒙的大海,黑幽幽的长岸;

    The grey sea and the long black land ;

  16. 天空看上去灰蒙蒙的,我想天要下雨了。

    The sky looks pale . I think it is going to rain .

  17. 灰蒙蒙的烟雾遮盖了通往钢厂的主要公路两旁尘土飞扬的村子。

    Grey smog submerges the dusty villages on the main road to the mill .

  18. 一年里多数时候,北京城都为一层灰蒙蒙的污染物所笼罩。

    For much of the year a grey blanket of pollutants shrouds the city .

  19. 尽管下着雨太阳还是在那些灰蒙蒙雨点的上方。

    The sun is still there above the gray raindrops even it is raining .

  20. 我们中的大多数人看到灰蒙蒙的天空时,确实都会想到汽车的尾气。

    Indeed , when most of us see hazy skies , we think tailpipes .

  21. 灰蒙蒙的天空是下雨的前兆。

    Grey skies are the heralds of rain .

  22. 几乎一路上都是海浪汹涌,天空灰蒙蒙的

    The sea had been rough and the skied gray almost all the way over

  23. 他直视着灰蒙蒙的天空,感觉到了饥饿。

    He gazed straight up into the gray sky and knew that he was hungry .

  24. 天是灰蒙蒙的,河水是黑色的,街道很脏。

    The sky was grey , the river was dark and the streets were dirty .

  25. 天空灰蒙蒙的,早起的家庭主妇挎着鼓鼓的袋子从他身旁走过。

    The early housewives passed him under the pale hazy sky , carrying bulging sacks .

  26. 她的恶梦里可从来没有过灯光,只有灰蒙蒙的迷雾。

    In her nightmare , there had never been any lights , only gray fog .

  27. 这感觉将她带回到童年时代,忆起在奔流城度过的那些灰蒙蒙的日子。

    It took her back to her childhood , to long grey days at Riverrun .

  28. 这天晚上,黑咕隆咚的星星和月亮都被灰蒙蒙的雨云盖住了。

    The evening was pitch-dark , stars and the moon were quenched in gray rain-clouds .

  29. 却不发光,只是灰蒙蒙的一片,

    No light , but rather darkness visible

  30. 这里的一切都灰蒙蒙、硬梆梆的,又很荒芜。坚硬的地面上竖立着粗糙的巨石。

    Everything was grey , hard and wild Huge rough stones stood on the hard ground .