
  • 网络Color management;icc;Colour management;ICM;ColorManager
  1. 该系统由彩色设备Profile生成器和自适应色彩管理组件CMM构成。

    It is composed of a profile creator and a CMM with adaptive color management .

  2. 论文深入剖析了ICC色彩管理机制,总结出其存在的两个根本问题,即预定义颜色转换方式的问题和PCS不能胜任的问题。

    After analyzing ICC Color Management Mechanism , two underlying issues are concluded .

  3. 本文在分析扫描物呈色原理的基础上,提出了一种基于BP神经网络的扫描仪色彩管理模型。

    The paper presents a scanner color management model based on BP neural network and the analysis of color rendering principle of scanning objects .

  4. 色适应及ICC色彩管理中的色适应转换

    Chromatic Adaptation and Chromatic Adaptation Transformations in ICC Color Management

  5. 对CRT显示器进行色彩管理前后的显示效果进行了分析。

    The display effects of CRT monitor before and after color management were analyzed .

  6. 基于ICC标准的印前系统色彩管理的实现

    The Color Management Based on the ICC - standard

  7. 基于ICC标准的扫描仪色彩管理研究

    Research on Scanner Color Management Based on ICC Standards

  8. 基于ICM的电子地图色彩管理机制的建立

    Establishment of ICM Based Color Management Mechanism for Electronic Maps

  9. 基于ICC标准的输出设备的色彩管理研究

    A study on the color management of output devices based on the ICC Standard

  10. 基于ICC标准的印刷色彩管理色域映射意图自动选择的研究

    Research of Auto-selection for Gamut Mapping Intents in Printing Color Management Based on ICC Standards

  11. 另外CMM设计完全遵循Windows图像色彩管理规范,最终以Windows第三方CMM的形式在操作系统级别进行色彩管理。

    Besides , the CMM conforms to windows image color management specification and it is a 3rd-part CMM working on the operation system level .

  12. 本文作者以IRIS数字打样机为例,阐述了色彩管理在数字打样中的应用。

    The author instances the IRIS digital proof press to expound the utilization of color management in the process of digital proof .

  13. 介绍颜色管理技术的概念,并分析基于ICC的色彩管理基本模型。

    In this paper , we introduce the concept of color-management and the ICC color management model .

  14. Photoshop图像领域中的色彩管理

    Colour Administration in the Photoshop Image Territory

  15. 基于ICC色彩管理的1-bitTIFF在数码打样中的应用

    Application of 1-bit TIFF in Digital Proof Based on ICC Color Management

  16. 理论分析和实际应用中发现,目前基于ICC规范的色彩管理系统不能针对图像进行自适应渲染,因而无法获得最佳的色彩再现。

    While theoretical analysis and applications show that ICC can not render images adaptively to get a best reproduction .

  17. 四色打印的灰度平衡方法研究色彩管理之CRT显色特征的探讨

    RESEARCH ON GRAY BALANCE ALGORITHMS IN FOUR-COLOR PRINTING Displaying Color of CRT in Color Management System and Study of Correcting Gray Balance

  18. 基于ICC标准的色彩管理系统,由于其通用性和精确性等优点,已经被广泛使用。

    Because of its good accuracy and high compatibility , the Color Management based on ICC Specification has been widely used .

  19. 基于WCS色彩管理系统跨媒体颜色复制准确性的研究

    Research on Veracity of Cross-Media Color Reproduction Based on WCS Color Management

  20. 色彩管理是地图出版信息所见即所得的基础,本文分析了开放式色彩管理的基本原理,介绍了基于Profile文件的设备颜色特征的描述方法,并论述了开放式色彩管理中颜色转换的方法。

    Color management is the basis of WYSIWYG . Firstly , The author introduces the theory of open color management system , including the device characterization based on Profile and the conversion among different color spaces .

  21. 分析了Photoshop的色彩管理系统的特点,并着重分析了Photoshop中不同RGB设置下显示器的技术描述。

    The characters of Color Management System of Photoshop are studied , and the technical description of different RGB setups are researched mainly .

  22. 文章综述了基于ICC标准的色彩管理技术的原理,介绍了LED背光液晶显示器特征化的实现方法及将来的研究方向。

    This paper summarized the theory of color management technology of LCD with LED backlight based on ICC specification , and introduced the way of specialization and research aspects in the future .

  23. CRT显示器、彩色喷墨打印机是重要的计算机显示、输出设备,对它们的设备特性进行研究是色彩管理系统中最基础的工作。

    Since monitor and color ink jet printer are important display and input device of computer , it is a significant and absolutely necessary work to investigate their characteristics .

  24. 研究结果对ICC标准的普及应用以及色彩管理应用水平的提高都有着指导意义。

    The research results are of the guiding importance for the improvement of the popularization and application of ICC standards as well as the application level of color management .

  25. 本文介绍了ICC标准下显示器的色彩管理原理,对市场上现有的ICC文件生成软件和自行研发的软件设备做了分析和比较。

    This paper summarized the theory of color management technology of displays based on ICC specification , and made some analyses and compare between two different ways of specialization .

  26. 按照国际颜色协会ICC制定的开放式色彩管理标准,该文采用BP网络算法模型,建立CRT的设备特征描述Profile文件,实现基于ICC标准的CRT色彩管理。

    According to the open color management standards formulated by international color consortium ( ICC ), the author uses BP network model , creates the device profile of CRT , realizes ICC-based CRT color management .

  27. 针对工艺的缺陷,适时地引入色彩管理的举措,优化CTP流程,构建出一个合理、标准的流程生产模型。

    To the blemish of the craft , it introduces the color management in good time , optimizes the CTP workflow , and structures a reasonable , standard workflow model .

  28. 研究计算机图形图像技术,结合棉袜制造工艺要求和客户要求,实现了调色板动态管理、索引值优先色彩管理、组织图案管理、常用绘图API函数重新设计以及高效的改进型扫描线种子填充等功能。

    Combined the cotton socks manufacturing process requirements with computer graphics technology , this system has achieved the management of dynamic palette , the management of the color index , re-design common graphics API function and improved the scan line seed fill algorithm . 4 .

  29. 阐述了数字喷射印花的色彩管理,分析了色彩管理中的颜色空间,包括与设备有关的RGB颜色空间和CMYK颜色空间,以及与设备无关的Lab颜色空间;

    This text expatiated the color management for digital ink jet printing , analyzed the color spaces of the color management that include RGB , CMYK color space that are device-dependent , and Lab color space that is device-independent ;

  30. 虽然基于ICC的色彩管理提供了色彩复制与传递机制,但是这些技术仍存在增加系统开销、设备特性信息传递困难、不同色彩管理系统难以混合等问题。

    Although the ICC based color management techniques can provide the color reproducing and transmitting mechanism , limitations still exist : prone to increase the system overhead , inconvenient to deliver the color devices characteristic and difficult to combine different color management systems .