
  • 网络retention value
  1. 根据色谱保留值与流动相pH值的函数关系对212种常用药物的分类

    The Classification of 212 Drugs in Terms of Chromatographic Retention Value as a Function of the pH Value of Mobile Phase in Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  2. 对液固色谱保留值方程的系统考察

    A Systematic Investigation on the Retention Value Equation in Liquid-solid Chromatography

  3. 非等间隔GM(1,1)模型在液相色谱保留值研究中的应用

    Application of non equidistance grey model GM ( 1,1 ) in the study on liquid phase chromatographic retention

  4. 量子化学方法预测多氯联苯(PCBs)的色谱保留值及理化性质

    Predicting the relative retention time and physical-chemical properties of polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) with quantum method

  5. 运用QSPR预测有机磷农药的色谱保留值

    Prediction of gas chromatographic retention times of organophosphorus pesticides by using QSPR

  6. 应用Z-80微机进行气相色谱仪实时数据处理&色谱保留值

    Real time data processing for gas chromatography on the Z-80 microcomputer system

  7. 用实验数据很好的拟合了超临界流体色谱保留值方程,间接测定了EPA-EE和DHA-EE在超临界二氧化碳中的偏摩尔体积。

    With these experimental data , SFC retention equation is related and the partial molar volumes of EPA-EE and DHA-EE in supercritical carbon dioxide are measured .

  8. 二恶英类化合物多氯代二苯并呋喃色谱保留值与基团修饰指数的相关性

    Correlativity between group modify index and chromatography retention value of PCDFs

  9. 定标粒子理论的气相色谱保留值方程

    Gas Chromatography Retention Value Equatoin Based on the Scaled Particle Theory

  10. 硫醇的分子连接性指数与气相色谱保留值

    On molecular connectivity index and gas chromatography retention value of mercaptan

  11. 用灰色模型预测同系物的液相色谱保留值

    Predicting liquid chromatographic capacity factor of homologous by gray model

  12. 人工神经网络在气相色谱保留值预测上的应用

    Application of Artificial Neural Network in Predicting GC Kovats Indexes

  13. 色谱保留值参数与灰色模型参数的关系

    The Relationship Between Chromatographic Retention Value and Grey Model Parameters

  14. 反相离子对色谱保留值变化规律式的推导

    Derivation of the Fundamental Elation Equation in Ion-Pair Reversed-Phase Chromatography

  15. 气相色谱保留值与吸附自由能的关联

    Relationship between GC retention data and free energy of adsorption

  16. 径向分布函数法对液相色谱保留值方程的研究

    Study on the Liquid Chromatography Retention Values Equation by Diameter Distribution Function Method

  17. 气相色谱保留值相关参数的研究

    Study on the Correlation of Structure Parameters and Retention Behaviour in Gas Chromatography

  18. 拓扑指数多元校正法预测气相色谱保留值

    Calculation of gas chromatographic retention indices with topological indices by multiple linear regression

  19. 求液固色谱保留值方程的简便方法

    A Simple Approach to the Calculation of the Cons-tants of Liquid Solid Chromatography

  20. 12种脂肪酸的分子连接性指数与其气相色谱保留值的相关关系研究

    Research the Correlativity of Aliphatic Acid Molecular Connectivity and Gas Chromatography Retention value

  21. 关于分子结构与气相色谱保留值规律的研究

    Study on the Relationship between Retention Rules and Molecular Structures in Gas Chromatography

  22. 多元参数相关法预测气相色谱保留值

    Prediction of gas chromatographic retention values by multiparameter correlation

  23. 色谱保留值预测模型的研究进展

    Progress of Researches in Chromatographic Retention Values Predicting Models

  24. 反相色谱保留值参数与分子结构参数的相关性研究

    Relationship research of retention data-molecular structure parameters by RP-HPLC

  25. 芳烃化合物结构参数与色谱保留值关系的探讨

    Relationship Between the Structure Parameters and Chromatographic Retention Values of Solutes in Aromatic Hydrocarbons

  26. 因此无论是与色谱保留值的相关性还是对其预测能力方面,超分子连接性指数均优于传统的分子连接性指数。

    The supramolecular connectivity indices are superior in correlation and predicting the retention data .

  27. 拓扑指数在预测氯代苯同分异构体的色谱保留值中的应用

    Application of Topologic Index in the Prediction of Chromatographic Retention of Chlorinated Benzene Isomers

  28. 非等时空距灰色模型在液相色谱保留值研究中的应用

    Application of Non-isometric Time Space Grey Model in the Study on Liquid Chromatographic Retention

  29. 分子识别原理在色谱保留值定量化描述中的应用研究

    The Study of Quantitative Describing of Chromatographic Retention Value by Means of Molecular Recognition Principle

  30. 预测色谱保留值的数学模型

    The Mathematics Model of Forecasting HPLC Retention