
  • 网络Surface thermocouple;Ruibao;WRNK;WRNM
  1. OMEGA新一代快速响应表面热电偶(粘合型热电偶)。

    OMEGA introduces the next generation of our surface mount fast response thermocouples .

  2. 要设法用表面热电偶检查口模出口温度。

    Try checking the die exit temperature with a surface thermocouple .

  3. 针对陶瓷材料的特点,研制了一种双薄膜式表面热电偶。

    A double-membranous Surface thermocouple used in ceramic materials has been developed .

  4. 薄带型表面热电偶温度计使用误差分析

    An Analysis of Measurement Error of Tape Type Surface Thermometer

  5. 膜温可控式表面热电偶及研制中的几个技术问题

    A Temperature Controllable Film Thermocouple and Some Technical Issues in its Developing Process

  6. 作者在综合分析前人的实验工作的基础上,建立了以表面热电偶、薄膜热电偶为传感器的瞬态沸腾实验台。

    Experiment , the author set up the experimental apparatus of transient boiling using the surface thermocouple and thin-film thermocouple as sensors .

  7. 本文在一台单缸直喷式柴油机上,用快速响应表面热电偶首先测量了倒拖运行时缸玉清洁壁面不同位置的瞬态温度。

    In this paper , measurements of instantaneous temperature at three locations on the clean cylinder head of a motored single cylinder D.

  8. 便携式表面热电偶温度计受使用条件影响很大,因此,因检定条件和现场使用条件不同,使在计量部门定好的准确度等级,在现场使用时变得毫无意义。

    The measuring result of portable surface thermometer is affected greatly by the using condition , so the gived precision in the metrology department will become no using at scene because the difference between the calibrating condition and using condition .

  9. 在保证其它影响因素不变的条件下,利用作者研制出的一种特殊表面热电偶,成功地使壁温条件独立,并在一台点火式发动机上进行了试验。

    When the other influential factors are not changed , the author , by means of a special designed surface thermocouple , succeeds in achieving the independence of wall temperature condition and carries out the test on a spark ignition engine .

  10. 在一台单缸柴油机上,采用表面热电偶测量气缸盖壁面的温度波动,应用一维非稳态传热模型计算了气缸盖壁面不同位置的瞬态传热率。

    In this paper , instantaneous heat transfer rate at different positions on the cylinder head wall of a single cylinder diesel engine is calculated by using one dimensional unsteady heat transfer model based on the temperature pulsation on the cylinder head wall measured by surface thermocouples .

  11. 本文应用表面热电偶以及自行建立的多通道信号记录、快速采样、数字分析系统,实测了涡流室柴油机气缸盖火力面及涡流室壁面温度波动。

    In this paper , the wall surface temperature undulation of the swirl chamber and the bottom side of cylinder head of a diesel engine are measured by self-acting multichannel signal recording , high speed data acquisition and digital processing system by applying surface thermocouple are described .

  12. 其原理是在康铜基体上镀一层铜膜,从而形成一个铜-康铜表面薄膜热电偶,通过测定水平埋管表面的瞬时温度来计算出瞬态换热系数。

    One end face of the cylinder is electroplated with a copper film to form a fast response copper-constantan sur-face thin-film thermocouple for the measurement of the instantaneous surface temperature of the gauge .

  13. 探针内外表面安装有热电偶,用于测量通过探针的热流密度。

    Two thermocouples are mounted on both sides of the probe wall enabling measurements of the heat flux through the probe wall .

  14. 用表面镀膜动态测量系统研究表面热电偶的工艺特性

    The Study for the Technological Characteristics of Surface Thermocouple by Using a Dynamic Filming Measuring System