
  • 网络Surface adjustment;Surface conditioning
  1. 表面调整液pH值和温度对彩色涂层基板表面状况的影响

    Influence of pH Value and Temperature of Surface Conditioning Solution on the Corrosion Rate and Adhered Nickel Quantity of Steel Sheet Subject to Hot-Dip Galvanizing

  2. 液体表面调整剂的研究

    Liquid Surface Conditioning Agent

  3. ICP-AES测定彩涂前处理表面调整转化层中Ti、Ni含量及钝化膜中Cr含量

    Determination of the Contents of Ti , Ni in Conversion Layer Before Colour-Coating and Cr in Passive Film by ICP-AES

  4. 引入K~+离子可以明显改善液体表面调整剂的性能,适当K/Na比的液体表面调整剂不仅使磷化膜更细致,还能使低锌磷化在酸洗条件下形成良好的磷化膜。

    K + ion can improve the characteristic of surface conditioner , the reasonable ratio of K / Na not only form fine phosphate conversion coating , but also form good film after pickling in low zinc phosphating .

  5. 作者通过电泳特性实验、扫描电子显微镜图象等手段,研究表面调整剂的pH值、水质、钛胶粒等对磷化层质量的影响。

    As far as the regulator is conc - erned , the author studied effect of pH , water substances and Ti colloidal particles etc. on the quality of the phosphating coatings by means of electrophoretic characteristic testing and scanning electronic micrograph etc.

  6. TT-88A表面调整剂在涂料中的应用

    Application of TT-88A surface improvement additive in paints

  7. 磷化前的表面调整有利于细化磷化膜结构和耐磨性的提高。

    Surface-adjust before phosphating can improve the quality of phosphate coating .

  8. 酸性表面调整工艺对彩涂产品性能的影响

    Effect of the acidic surface conditioner on color coating strip performance

  9. 因此,制备液体表面调整剂有很好的市场前景和良好的社会效益。

    So , liquid surface conditioner has very good market prospects and good social benefit .

  10. 表面调整是磷化处理中的一个工序,在磷化工艺中采用表面调整工序是目前涂装行业获得高质量磷化膜的重要方法之一。

    During pre-treatment of phosphating , surface conditioning is the most important means to gets high-quality phosphate conversion coating .

  11. 介绍了涂装前处理减少污染的新材料。包括液体脱脂剂、液体表面调整剂以及无镍磷化材料。

    Pretreatment materials of finishing including liquid degreaser , liguid surface regulator and unnickeled phosphide material which decrease pollution are introduced .

  12. 简要介绍了汽车用铝板的涂装前处理工序,如脱脂、表面调整、化成(磷酸盐处理)等,并对其工序的处理要点作了分析。

    This paper presents process of pretreatment such as degrease , surface adjustment , phosphating , and analyses the essentials of the working procedure .

  13. 为了获得高质量的涂层钢板,通过一系列的试验研究工作,从微观和宏观两方面证实了彩涂板涂敷前处理工艺中的酸性表面调整处理可提高彩涂板的抗剥离性能和耐蚀能力。

    The good effect of acidic surface conditioner on the quality of color coating strip is verified by a series of laboratory works , it is also good to the strips ability of anti-peeling off and corrosion-resistant .

  14. 目前工业常用的表面调整剂一般为固体粉末,但粉末容易对涂装工序造成粉尘污染而影响涂层质量,而且固体表调剂制备过程中耗能大,温度要求苛刻,制备时间长。

    Presently industrial typical surface conditioning agent is solid powder , which easily results in dusty pollution and affect the quality of coating , aside its preparation needs high energy loss , strict temperature controlling and a long time .

  15. 这种方法是利用V型槽的硅片与波导表面重叠调整而实现。

    It is realized by using an overlap and alignment between an etched silicon surface and the top surface of the waveguides .

  16. 采用中间相细颗粒表面活化调整的方法,使R值保持在0.2~0.3之间,可提高无粘结剂炭素材料的自烧结性和强度。

    By means of activating the surface of the pitch mesophase powder and maintaining the R value between 0.2 and 0.3 , the self-sintering function and strength of the binderless carbon materials can be raised .

  17. 配合机器或组装零件表面相互调整或调节到的精确程度加工轮廓精度高,进给速度可随曲线曲率自适应调整,保证了插补的轮廓精度;

    The degree of precision with which surfaces are adjusted or adapted to each other in a machine or collection of parts . and the high profile precision , flexible modification of federate related to the change of curvature ;

  18. 在图像重建中经常需要对场景中物体的表面特性作出调整,以取得不同的视觉效果。

    In image reconstructing , the reflectance properties of object surfaces are often modulated in order to obtain content visual effects .

  19. 通过对基材表面处理、调整涂料溶剂体系等措施,研制出一种防火性能优异、适用于塑料制品表面的超薄型防火涂料。

    A kind of ultra-thin fire proofing coatings with excellent fire resistance which is suitable for the plastic products was developed .

  20. 并且初步表明铝掺杂后,通过铁铝比和表面酸性的调整,材料的部分选择氧化性能可以得到改善。

    The doping of alumina could improve the catalytic partial oxidation via adjustment of Fe / ( Fe + Al ) ratio and the surface acidity .

  21. 缺陷检测软件设计了去光圈的灵敏度系数和缺陷检测的灵敏度系数,软件系统可以针对不同形状,不同镀层的工件表面方便地调整这两个系数以适应系统的技术要求。

    The inspecting software designs the sensitivity coefficient of wiping aperture and the inspection sensitivity coefficient . Basing on different shape and different plating coat of the production surface , it can adjust the sensitivity coefficients to fit the system technique requirement .

  22. 分析了共光路外差干涉仪光路中几个组成元件的调整方法,包括入射光位置的调整、渥拉斯顿棱镜位置的调整、被测表面位置的调整等。

    The adjustment methods for several constituents of the optical system of a common light path heterodyne interferometer are analyzed . These adjustment consists of the adjusting for incident light position , the adjusting for Wollaston prism position and the adjusting for the measured surface position .

  23. 结合已有的两种ELID专用磨削液的研制经验,通过增添表面活性剂和调整无机盐等成分的比例关系,优化出适合塑性材料ELID磨削最佳状态的专用ELID磨削液(BJUTY-SX1型)。

    ELID grinding fluid ( BJUTY-SX1 ) for plastic material is got by optimizing from two types of ELID grinding fluid by increasing surface active agent and adjusting inorganic salt .

  24. 有机&无机杂化乳液超疏水涂膜的制备及表面微观结构调控调整机构,调准机构,调整装置

    Preparation and Tunable Micro-Structure of Superhydrophobic Coating Based on Organic / Inorganic Hybrid Emulsion ; adjustment mechanism

  25. 以上、下索网之间的纵向调整索数与索张力为设计变量,表面精度与纵向调整索数为目标,应力和频率为约束条件,建立双目标优化数学模型。

    Optimal mathematical model is built with goals of minimum vertical cable number and surface accuracy , design variables of numbers of vertical cables and cable tensions , and constraints of stresses and basic frequency .

  26. 拓扑优化有助于设计新零件的形状,形状优化则通过表面几何形状的局部调整改善零件的刚度或使用寿命。

    The topology optimization helps in designing the shape of a new component . The shape optimization improves the component with respect to stiffness or fatigue life by a local adjustment of the surface geometry .

  27. 大规模发展表面修饰制备方法(即在非贵金属基质表面调整Pt壳厚度)应用于甲醇电化学氧化催化剂是很有潜力的。

    The developed surface-modification method ( i.e. by fine-tuning the thickness of Pt shell on the non-noble metal substrate ) has great potential application for producing highly active electrochemical catalysts for methanol oxidation on a large scale .

  28. 研究结果表明:高的比表面积和表面能是纳米粉体团聚的强大动力,但常温下洁净粉体表面的本身结构调整不会导致纳米粉体团聚,只会导致其分散;

    The results show that the adjustment of surface structure on the clean nanometer powders does not cause agglomeration but dispersion , although high specific area and surface energy are the main power of agglomeration .

  29. 钙处理后的细胞均呈短杆状且细胞表面发生规则性突起相较于正常与乙醇胁迫后表面的不规则凹陷,而复合胁迫后细胞表面则调整到相对光滑。

    All of the cells treated with calcium showed in shorter chains , and regular protuberance occurred on the cell surface comparing to the without calcium and ethanol-adapted cells . In another hand , the surface of combined stress adapted cells was more smoothly .