
  • 网络Surface Thermodynamics
  1. 讲述内容包括电化学平衡和表面热力学。

    Treatment includes electrochemical equilibria and surface thermodynamics .

  2. 把金属/陶瓷界面反应处理成表面相之间的反应,运用表面热力学基本原理研究了活性金属/陶瓷体系的粘着功。

    The work of adhesion for reactive metal / ceramic systems was investigated on the basis of a detailed description of the surface thermodynamics .

  3. 毛细上升法研究水处理滤料的表面热力学特性

    Capillary rise for thermodynamic characterization of wastewater treatment filter media

  4. 煤的油团聚的表面热力学理论

    Surface thermodynamic theory of the oil agglomeration of coals

  5. 强流脉冲离子束辐照45~钢靶表面热力学效应数值模拟

    The Numerical Simulation on Thermal-mechanical Effects of 45 ~ # Target Irradiated by High-intensity Pulsed Ion Beam

  6. 根据表面热力学分析,路易斯酸-碱水合作用在D-氨基酸对细菌粘附性的抑制作用中起决定作用。

    According to the thermodynamics theory , Lewis acid-base interaction energy played an important role on bacterial adhesion inhibition .

  7. 本文基于表面热力学理论和对比态原理,建立了一个量子流体表面张力的普遍化方程。

    On the basis of the theory of surface - thermodynamics and the theorem of corresponding states a general equation of surface tensions is derived by using thermodynamic analytical method .

  8. 探讨氧等离子体放电时间、放电气压和放电功率对细旦涤纶润湿性、结晶度、表面热力学电位(Ψ电位)以及上染率的影响规律。

    Oxygen plasma to modify the fine-PET . The law of effects of plasma treatment time , gas pressure , discharge power on wettability , crystallinity , surface thermodynamic potential and dye up-take was discussed .

  9. 本文从统计热力学模型和表面热力学理论出发,导出了局部组成表达式,结合绝对反应速率理论,建立了一个液体混合物新的表面张力方程。

    Based on the model of statistical thermodynamics and the theory of surface thermodynamics , the equation of local composition is given . Combining it with the reaction rate theory , a new equation of surface tension is given .

  10. 固态铅、锡及其合金表面腐蚀热力学

    Thermodynamics of Surface Corrosion of Solid Pure Lead 、 Tin and Thier Alloys

  11. 波纹形翅片板翅表面的热力学分析和比较

    Thermodynamics Analysis And Comparison of Ripple Plate Surface Being A Type of Plate-Wing Surface

  12. CO和H2系统抗铀表面腐蚀的热力学研究

    Thermodynamic Study of Preventing the Corrosion of Uranium Surface with CO and H2 System

  13. 首次采用微量热仪,测定了DNA在土壤胶体和矿物表面吸附的热力学参数,为DNA在土壤活性颗粒表面吸附机理的阐明提供了新证据。

    To our knowledge , this is the first paper providing the thermodynamic data of DNA adsorption on soil colloids and minerals .

  14. 水蒸汽在Pd表面吸附的热力学

    Thermodynamics of Water Adsorbed on Palladium Surface

  15. 镁基储氢材料表面能及热力学性能研究

    Research on thermodynamics properties and surface energy of hydrogen storage Mg-based materials

  16. 硼酸三丙酯在摩擦表面间的热力学与动力学分析

    Dynamics and Thermodynamics Analysis of Tripropylborate on Friction Surface

  17. 铸造表面合金化热力学分析

    Thermodynamic analysis on surface alloying during casting

  18. 计算结果表明,甲醛在Au/CeO2(111)表面解离为热力学有利反应。

    Our calculation suggests that the dissociation of CH2O on Au / CeO2 ( 111 ) surface is energetically favorable in thermodynamics .

  19. 在回顾表面科学的热力学基本理论的基础上,作者分析指出了界面能(吸附)学说在阐述球墨铸铁中石墨球化机理时存在的不足之处。

    First some thermodynamics theories of surface science are presented and then the surface free energy-adsorption hypothesis of graphite spheroidization is analysed .

  20. 对不同型式的波纹形翅片板翅表面进行了热力学第二定律分析。

    Thermodynamics second law analysis of different kinds of ripple plate surfaces being a type of plate wing surface is carried out in this paper .

  21. 合成了六种含杂质方铅矿,研究了杂质对方铅矿可浮性的影响,并测定了黄药在不同杂质方铅矿表面吸附的热力学和动力学参数。

    Six kinds of galena with different impurities were synthesized respectively . The defects of impurities on flotability of galena were studied . The thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of BX adsorbed on galena with different impurities were measured .

  22. 带钢表面析碳的热力学分析及Zn基合金热力学数据库的建立

    Thermodynamic Analyse of Carbon Precipitation on the Surface of Strip and Development of the Thermodynamic Database of Zinc Alloys

  23. 以Mg(0001)面为例,计算了HCP元素的表面声子谱与热力学性质,发现了表面原子热力学性质与体原子的不同点。

    For Mg ( 0001 ) surface , the surface phonon dispersion and thermodynamic properties are calculated .

  24. 在分析氨络合体系六方BN表面化学镀镍的热力学基础上,分别研究了影响镀覆反应速率的主要因素及其变化规律。

    Based on thermodynamic analysis for ammonia complexion system , the main parameters that influence the rate of reaction in the process of nickel chemical plating on a surface coated h BN were studied .

  25. 纯液体表面张力的统计热力学模型

    Statistical thermodynamic model for calculation of surface tension of pure liquids

  26. 非电解质液体混合物表面张力的统计热力学模型

    Statistical thermodynamic model of surface tension for nonelectrolyte liquid mixtures

  27. 钛合金表面仿生矿化的热力学分析

    Thermodynamic Analysis of Bionic Mineralizing on Titanium Alloy Substrate

  28. 加压下纯流体表面张力的统计热力学模型

    A statistical thermodynamic model of surface tension for pure fluids at high pressure

  29. 土壤&固体表面粘附行为的热力学分析

    Thermodynamic Analyses of Behaviour of Soil-Solid Surface Adhesion

  30. 金刚石表面金属化的热力学机制研究

    Research on thermodynamic mechanism of diamond surface metallization