
biǎo lù
  • show;expression;reveal;demonstrate;give voice to
表露 [biǎo lù]
  • [show;reveal] 流露;显示

表露[biǎo lù]
  1. 她很有涵养,没有表露出她的失望。

    She was too well bred to show her disappointment .

  2. 他还以什么别的方式来表露对女性的敌意呢?

    How else did his hostility to women show itself ?

  3. 他的讲话表露出一种强烈的民族主义情绪。

    His speech loosed a tide of nationalist sentiment .

  4. 我明白你不喜欢她,但是尽量别表露得那么明显。

    I know you don 't like her but try not to make it so obvious .

  5. 只有在那内心的愤怒充分表露的时候,他才令人信服。

    He 's only convincing when that inner fury manifests itself .

  6. 我们继承了英国人轻易不表露感情的传统。

    We came from the English tradition of not being demonstrative .

  7. 我不习惯表露自己的感情。

    I am not very given to emotional displays .

  8. 戈登不太可能表露他的情感。

    It was unlike Gordon to display his feelings

  9. 只要她不表露她的激情和情感,她就可以选择自己的婚姻伴侣。

    She could choose her own partner in matrimony , as long as she gave no utterance to her passions and emotions .

  10. 他很着急,但没有表露出来。

    He was very worried , but didn 't show it .

  11. 她很少表露自己的情绪。

    She seldom showed her feelings .

  12. 他少年得志,目中无人,不过没有表露出来。

    He thought too much of himself and was getting too big for his boots , though he kept his thoughts to himself .

  13. Confused表露你的困惑会产生更多的困惑。

    Confused Expressing your confusion will create even more confusion .

  14. 表现出对广电媒体多重本性的某些认可;表露出国加入WTO后的紧迫感与焦虑感。

    It also manifests the approval of media 's multiple nature and the pressing worries of China with the entry to WTO .

  15. 当看到别的新婚的朋友当众表露爱情时,D不知道为什么沉默寡言的R就说不出那三个字。

    When newlywed friends make a public display of their affection , Debra wonders why reticent Raymond has trouble saying those three little words .

  16. 为了调查笑声在自我表露过程中扮演的角色和产生的影响,格雷和他的同事从英国牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)召集了112个学生,并把他们分为四组。

    To investigate the role and influence of laughter in this disclosure process , Gray and his colleagues gathered 112 students from Oxford University in England , into groups of four .

  17. 高分辨磁旋转编码器磁鼓表露磁场分析与AMR检测磁头设计

    Analysis of Surface Magnetic Field on High-resolution Magnetic Rotary Encoders and Design for AMR Magnetic Heads

  18. 我们应该感谢莎士比亚,因为是他将“把心戴在袖子上”(carryyourheartonyoursleeve)写在纸上,意思是轻易表露感情,是《奥赛罗》中伊阿古的名言。

    We can thank Shakespeare for committing the phrase " Carry your heart on your sleeve " - or being transparent - to paper . Iago famously says it in " Othello . "

  19. 表露身份&在每一个城市中穿戴奥迪托雷斗篷。(铜杯,10G)

    Show your Colors-Wear the Auditore cape in each city . ( Bronze , 10G )

  20. 他们习惯了在Facebook和Twitter等社交媒体平台上实时记录他们的生活,因此也将他们信奉的自我表露原则一同带入了职场。

    Accustomed to documenting their lives in real time on social-media forums like Facebook and Twitter , they are bringing their embrace of self-disclosure into the office with them .

  21. 设计制作出性能优良的磁旋转编码器AMR检测磁头,理论分析结果与对磁鼓表露磁场的实际测试结果进行了分析对比。

    A good AMR magnetic head for the magnetic rotary encoder was designed . The results of theoretical analysis and practical test were contrasted .

  22. 诀窍就在于利用更巧妙的办法来沟通感情,比如聊QQ或者送个小礼物表露心迹,雷教授说,时机也很关键。

    The trick is to use more subtle ways of communication , such as chatting on QQ or sending gifts to show your interest , Lei said . Timing is also important .

  23. 近几年,KKR一直在谈论开拓这项业务,最早在2007年7月的IPO章程中就表露了这种意思。该公司已雇用一个团队负责此事。

    KKR has been talking about building this effort for the past few years , ever since it announced its intentions in its own IPO prospectus in July 2007 , and has hired a team to do it .

  24. 波恩大学GerdLangguth说道,SPD有无政府趋向,但是CDU没有。他正在为默克尔写传记。大选年渐近,CDU要求规管的本能表露越来越多。

    The CDU does not have the anarchic tendencies of the SPD , points out Gerd Langguth of the University of Bonn , who has written a biography of Ms Merkel .

  25. 从SNS这一新媒介入手,首先探讨了SNS的人际传播特征,以及自我表露行为在此上面的体现。接着,本文通过扎根理论和深度访谈方法,深入调查用户在SNS中自我表露的特征。

    Starting from a new media , SNS , the characteristics of SNS communication is discussed firstly , as well as the embodiment of self-disclosure on it . Secondly , a survey on the users ' self-disclosure behaviours in SNS is presented by both theory and profound interviews .

  26. 在我看来,这些声明的耐人寻味之处在于它们表露的绝望心态。

    What I find intriguing about them is their sheer desperation .

  27. 活动场所力量抗争或事件表露的场所或场景。

    A place or scene where forces contend or events unfold .

  28. 7月11日那天,他公开表露了他的疯狂性。

    On July 11 , he went public with his madness .

  29. 一切态度和感情的表露都将以低调来处理。

    All attitudes and expressions of emotions are to be underplayed .

  30. 这信很明显是变态心理的表露。

    The letter was clearly the product of a twisted mind .