
  • 网络epidermal nevus;epidermal nevi;epidermal naevi;naevus epidermal
  1. CO2激光治疗疣状表皮痣(法语)

    CO_2 laser therapy of verrucous epidermal nevus ( Fren )

  2. 炎性线形疣状表皮痣代表银屑病节段性1型/2型嵌合型?

    Does inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus represent a segmental type 1 / type 2 mosaic of psoriasis ?

  3. 脉冲铒:YAG激光治疗表皮痣

    Epidermal naevi treated with pulsed erbium : YAG laser

  4. Proteus综合征是一种散发且表现复杂的罕见疾病,病因不明。特征为多种组织非对称性、不规则的过度生长,脑回状结缔组织痣、表皮痣、血管畸形及脂肪组织异常。

    Proteus syndrome is a rare , sporadic and complex disorder characterized by asymmetric , disproportionate overgrowth of multiple tissues , presence of cerebriform connective tissue nevi and epidermal nevi , vascular malformation and abnormality of fat tissues .

  5. 报告2例具有黑棘皮病表现的表皮痣。

    Two cases of unilateral nevoid acanthosis nigricans are reported .

  6. 1例28岁女性在线形表皮痣上发生两处鳞癌

    Two squamous cell carcinomas arising in a linear epidermal naevus in a 28-year-old female

  7. 棘层松解角化不良性表皮痣并发色素性毛表皮痣

    A case report of acantholytic dyskeratotic epidermal naevus complicated by pigmented hairy epidermal nevus

  8. 目的分析表皮痣的临床特点、诊断及治疗。方法回顾性分析23例患者表皮痣的临床资料。

    This paper detailed the clinical character , complication and therapy of 23 cases of epidermal nevus .

  9. 炎性线状疣状表皮痣在临床及病理上不同于线状银屑病和线状苔藓。

    Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus is different from linear psoriasis and lichen striatus in clinic and pathologic .

  10. 结果其中50例寻常疣,8例传染性软疣,42例皮赘,5例线状表皮痣,6例粟丘疹治愈率均为100%,无1例复发。

    Results There are 50 cases of common verrucosis , 8 infectious verrucosis , 4 skin neoplasm , 5 linear verrucosis , nevus , 6 papular eruption ( chestnut color ) . The curative effect by red-hot needle is 100 % . No return of pain can be found .

  11. 1例Ⅰ型多发性神经纤维瘤儿童的多发性肌纤维瘤和表皮疣状痣表现

    Multiple myofibromas and an epidermal verrucous nevus in a child with neurofibromatosis type 1