
  • 网络Surface brightness;Surface luminance;Surf. Luminance
  1. 混合反射材料表面亮度、光泽度、反射系数实验研究

    The Experiment Research on the Surface Luminance , the Gloss and the Reflectance Coefficient of Mixed Reflection Material

  2. 通过对建筑常用饰面材料的表面亮度、光泽度、反射系数的实验室测量,研究了混合反射材料表面反射光的特色,为夜景照明的节能及科学设计方法提供了研究基础。

    This paper researches the characteristic of surface reflex on Mixed reflection material , and provides the research foundation for energy-saving night scape lighting and scientific method , through the experiment measure of the surface luminance , the gloss and the reflectance coefficient .

  3. DA型和非DA型白矮星的目视表面亮度和半径的关系

    Visual surface brightness and radius of Da and non-DA white dwarfs

  4. 新型人工天空半球内表面亮度分布的理论

    Theory about the Brightness Distribution over the Inside Surface of New-Style Artificial Sky Hemisphere

  5. 全新高强度铝合金金属结构,有效防止变形及保持表面亮度。

    The new high-strength aluminum alloy structure , effectively prevent the deformation and maintain the surface brightness .

  6. 极大的射电流量同极小的角经集于一身,意味着这些发射源有难以置信的高表面亮度。

    The combination of very large radio flux and exceedingly small angular size means that the sources have a fantastic surface brightness .

  7. 针对旧式人工天空半球内表面亮度分布不合理的现象,提出一种新型人工天空半球的构造方法,并从理论上加以论证。

    Directing against the irrational practice of the brightness over the inside surface of old style sky hemisphere , the method is advanced for constructing a new style one which is then demonstrated theoretically .

  8. 本文着重讨论照明设计仿真技术中光反射模型及全域照明算法。简要讨论物体表面亮度计算的两种方法。

    The paper focus the discussion on the model of reflection and algorithm of whole areas illumination of simulation of illuminating design and two methods for calculating the surface brightness of object are discussed briefly .

  9. 但是目前所采用的人工天穹都是采用固定的灯光系统照明白色半球面来模拟,存在的问题有,内表面亮度分布不能较准确反映真实天空情况;

    Firstly , the brightness of inner surface of artificial sky hemisphere can not accurately reflect the true distribution of the real sky while lighting resources are installed along the lower edge of the hemisphere .

  10. 如何提高PVC异型材表面光亮度

    How to Improve the Surface Brightness of PVC Profile

  11. 在不影响塑化的情况下,增加PE蜡用量可提高型材表面光亮度;

    In the case of no effect on the plastification , the surface gloss could be improved by the increase of the the content of PE wax ;

  12. 浅谈PVC-U塑料异型材表面光亮度的改善

    Discussion on the improvement of surface lightness of PVC - U plastic profile shapes

  13. 研究了活性轻质碳酸钙(活性钙)、聚乙烯蜡(PE蜡)、丙烯酸酯(ACR)用量对型材表面光亮度的影响。

    The effects of the contents of activated light calcium carbonate , PE wax and acrylic ester ( ACR ) on the surface gloss of plastics profile shapes were studied .

  14. 对NiFeCo合金镀液配方进行优化,研究了电镀工艺参数对镀层性能的影响,并获得了具有良好硬度、表面光亮度以及耐蚀性等综合性能的镀层的最佳工艺。

    The formulation of Ni Fe Co alloy bath is optimized and the effect of plating conditions on the performances of the coating investigated , resulting in an optimal process for a coating characterized by comprehensive performances , such as good hardness , surface brightness , corrosion resistance , etc.

  15. Fe-Co-Ni合金镀层的硬度、耐蚀性和表面光亮度接近硬铬镀层,一定程度上可代替铬镀层以减少环境污染。

    Fe-Co-Ni alloy plating can substitute the Cr plating to reduce environmental pollution to some extent for ' its hardness , corrosion resistance and surface brightness near to hard Cr plating .

  16. 真空热处理零件表面光亮度与真空度的关系

    Relationship Between Surface Brightness of the Parts and the Furnace Vacuity

  17. 为此,本文提出了基于环境映照的光照模型,从理论上阐述环境映照作为光源时物体表面光亮度的计算方法。

    Then an illumination model based on environment maps was proposed .

  18. 提高塑料异型材表面光亮度技术初探

    Trial on the increase of surface radiance of plastics profile

  19. 经多次试验研究,对塑料异型材的配方、工艺条件和模具设计进行了调整,制得了表面光亮度好的塑料异型材。

    By adjusting the formula , technological conditions and mould design , the profile of good surface radiance was obtained .

  20. 介绍了利用甲磺酸锡铅合金镀液制备电镀凸点的工艺过程,讨论了影响电镀质量的工艺参数:表面光亮度、分散及覆盖能力、沉积速率等。

    The factors influencing the electroplating quality were discussed , such as surface bright , throwing ability , covering ability and deposition rate .

  21. 并且发现添加剂明胶有明显抑制铜析出的作用,可大范围提高电铸镍铜合金的表面光亮度。

    And we found additive gelatin has significant inhibitory to copper exhalation role . So it can improve the surface brightness of electroforming nickel copper alloy in a big range .

  22. 结果表明:随着加热时间的延长,肉块表面的亮度值显著下降,而中心亮度值明显增加;

    Results indicated that as heating time was prolonged , the surface brightness of cooked pork chops significantly decreased , whereas the central counterpart of cooked pork chops significantly increased ;

  23. 结果表明,高真空加热时,表面光亮度较好,但试样力学性能分散度大;

    The results show that better sarface brightness could be obtained , but mechanical properties were more dispersed with high vacuum heating and mechanical properties were less dispersed with convection heating .

  24. 阐述了碳的沉积对钢板的表面光亮度、清洁度有很大影响;分析了在生产中导致碳的沉积的各种影响因素,并提出了预防措施和解决办法。

    It describes that deposit of carbon has great effect on surface brightness and cleanliness of steel sheet , analyzes various factors which cause deposit of carbon during production , and puts forward precautionary measures and solution methods .

  25. 分析了挤出机设备,材料配方特别是润滑剂、抗冲击改性剂、CaCO3、热稳定剂的选用,挤出工艺条件,以及模具结构等对塑料异型材表面光亮度的影响。

    The affection factors of surface radiance of plastics profile were analyzed , which including extrusion fixture , material formula referring to the choice of lubricant , impact modifier , CaCO 3 , thermal stabilizer technological conditions of extrusion and mould configuration .

  26. 通过比较铸件的计算机图形RGB三色辐射亮度,建立铸件表面的辐射亮度等高线;

    It can be gotten the contour lines of radiation illumination on castings ' surface through comparing its values of three colors red , green and blue in computed graphs .

  27. 随着LED背光模组向轻薄化方向发展,侧入式LED背光源逐渐成为市场发展的主流,导光板的性能对背光源表面出光亮度、均匀度等性能指标起着重要的作用。

    With the LED backlight developing to the direction of lighter and thinner , side-emitting LED backlight has become the mainstream of the market . The network distribution on the bottom of the LGP plays an important role to the surface brightness , uniformity and other optical properties of LCD .

  28. 介绍笔者对全阴天空半球内表面照度和亮度分布的理论分析成果,为全阴天空半球的设计和改建提供理论依据;

    The theoretically analyzed results of the illuminance distribution and brightness distribution of the interior surface were introduced for the new artificial sky hemisphere .

  29. 结果表明:随着憎水性的下降,试样表面的放电亮度和放电面积有增强趋势,放电的盒维数也逐渐增大。

    With the decrease of surface hydrophobicity , the brightness and the light intensity of discharges become much stronger and so is the fractal dimension .

  30. 常温物体表面真实温度的亮度法测量

    The measurement of the true surface temperature via the brightness method