
  • 网络surface impedance;Surface Resistivity;surface resistance
  1. 散射参数的选择对高温超导薄膜表面阻抗影响的分析

    An analysis of the influence of selecting s parameters upon the surface resistance of superconducting thin film

  2. 理解表面阻抗蛋白质吸附机理将对实验中合成抗吸附材料非常有益。

    It is helpful to understand the mechanism of surface resistance to protein adsorption in experimentally synthesizing anti-fouling materials .

  3. 高Tc超导体表面阻抗的理论计算

    Theoretical calculations on surface impedance of high t_c superconductors

  4. 利用W波段高Tc超导-介质谐振器测量YBa2Cu3O(7-x)薄片的毫米波表面阻抗

    Millimeter wave surface impedance of yba_2cu_3o_ ( 7-x ) sheets measured by a high-t_c superconducting-dielectric resonator at W-band

  5. 通过在FDTD方法中引进时域表面阻抗边界条件来研究瞬态电磁脉冲对有耗地面附近电缆线耦合问题。

    The Coupling problem of an EM pulse into a cable above a lossy ground is proceeded by using the Finite Difference Time Domain ( FDTD ) method .

  6. 数值计算及实验表明,用本文的方法计算的表面阻抗而求出的具有开槽的表面阻抗加载的二维柱劈融合体的RCS与实验结果基本一致。

    The calculated results of RCS are in good agreement with the experimental data for the object composed of wedge and cylinder , which is loaded with slotted surface impedance .

  7. 其次,本文还分别针对介质电参数随频率变化和不随频率变化的情况,推导了时域的表面阻抗边界条件,并应用于时域有限差分(FDTD)法中。

    Secondly , Impedance Boundary Conditions ( IBC ) in time domain , also named Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions ( SIBC ), including cases of frequency-dependent and frequency-independent material , are derived and applied in Finite Difference in Time Domain ( FDTD ) .

  8. 用Wiener-Hopf法求得了二次场和反射系数,从而求得表面阻抗。

    Using the Wiener-Hopf method , expressions of the secondary field and reflection coefficients are obtained , and Finally the expression of the surface reactance is found .

  9. 搭建了基于表面阻抗法的测量系统,通过实验证明了表面阻抗法的可行性。

    The measurement system based on the surface impedance is founded .

  10. 多表面阻抗加载凸导体柱的电磁散射

    Electromagnetic Scattering from a Convex Conducting Cylinder Loaded by Multiple Surface Impedances

  11. 对于圆柱多层材料表面阻抗的计算进行了讨论,提出了模式表面阻抗及平均表面阻抗的概念。

    The mode and average surface impedances are suggested .

  12. 不同表面阻抗波导中耦合系数的关系及其在远程波导精确度计算中的应用

    Relations between coupling coefficients of waveguides with different surface impedances and its application

  13. 有耗媒质表面阻抗的计算及应用

    Calculations and applications for surface impedance of lossy medium

  14. 用表面阻抗法求雷电产生的水平电场

    Solutions of the Horizontal Field Generated by Lightning with the Surface Impedance Method

  15. 双标量磁位的表面阻抗法

    A Surface Impedance Method Using Two Scalar Magnetic Potentials

  16. 微波铁氧体的表面阻抗和传输阻抗

    Surface impedance and transmission impedance of microwave ferrite

  17. 铁磁金属的表面阻抗与自旋波共振

    Surface impedance of ferromagnetic metals and spin-wave resonance

  18. 结构两侧表面阻抗特性的影响规律和程度存在差异。

    Effects of surface impedance characteristics of the structure on the two sides are different .

  19. 涂硅油绝缘电线结露时表面阻抗的试验

    Tests on Surface Impedance of Insulated Wire with Additional Silicone Oil Coating When It is Dewing

  20. 本文计算了铁磁金属在平行磁场中的表面阻抗。计算中考虑了交换作用所引起的磁化率空间色散及趋肤效应的反常性。

    The surface impedance of a ferromagnetic metal in a parallel magnetic field has been calculated .

  21. 电池反应所引起的负极金属表面阻抗的增加,是放电容量减小的主要原因。

    The main cause of discharge capacity decrease was the impedance of metal surface increased due to cell reaction .

  22. 给出了在不满足阻抗边界条件所需的几个条件下有耗媒质表面阻抗的分析和计算方法。

    Surface impedances of lossy mediums , which do not meet the requirements for impedance boundary conditions ( IBC ), are analyzed in this paper .

  23. 本文首先给出了隧道中有列车通过时的简化模型&超大尺寸周期加载的不完全矩形波导模型,导出了这种结构中列车的表面阻抗。

    This paper analyzed the propagation charactersitics of radio waves in imperfect surface chasm along railway with the concepts of waveguide theory and surface impedance .

  24. 应用表面阻抗与输入阻抗概念,分别计算实心的转子铁心与非磁性金属槽楔的一相阻抗。

    Using the surface impedance and the input impedance respectively , the impedance per phase for the solid rotor steel and the non-ferrous metallic slot wedges is calculated .

  25. 根据量纲分析原理,提出了关于有耗雷达目标表面阻抗的相似准则关系式。

    Drawing on the experience of the principle of similitude in hydrodynamics , the formula of similitude-criterion concerning the surface impedance of target is proposed in this paper .

  26. 该算法通过加入表面阻抗边界条件,便可完全适用于包括多层金属镀膜边界在内的有耗边界导波结构的分析。

    By introducing the surface impedance boundary condition , the algorithm can be fully applied to the calculation of guided wave structures with lossy boundary including multilayer metal-plating boundary .

  27. 而多层金属镀膜的等效趋肤深度和等效表面阻抗,是多层金属镀膜导波结构边界条件的直接反映,是分析多层金属镀膜导波结构的基础和关键,必须要首先加以分析。

    However , the effective skin depth and the equivalent surface impedance of multilayer metal-plating are the direct reflection of the boundary condition of multilayer metal-coated guided wave structures .

  28. 电磁场方程的解用表面阻抗表达.并找出了关系两层表面阻抗的级连电路。

    The solution of Maxwell equations may be expressed by means of the surface impedance , and the cascade circuit which links both surface impedance of regions is found out .

  29. 用本征函数法推导了在平面波照射下有耗介质覆盖金属圆柱体的散射场表式,以及在小介质厚度、大电尺寸条件下表面阻抗近似表达式。

    When the electric dimension of the cylinder is large and the thickness of the dielectric layer is small , a simple form of surface impedance of the cylinder is obtained .

  30. 利用复数表面阻抗的概念给出了发电机转子负序涡流场二维分析与计算方法,在此基础上,编制了相应的计算程序。

    A method for two dimensions analysis and calculation of rotor negative sequence eddy current field is presented by using the complex surface impedance concept . The calculation program is compiled based on the analysis .