
  • 网络Surface adsorption;surface absorption
  1. 相比于Freundlich方程,Langmuir方程比较适合来模拟这种吸附过程,表明聚羧酸系减水剂在蒙脱石上的吸附是分配作用和表面吸附作用共同作用而以分配作用为主导的吸附过程。

    Comparing with the Freundlich equation , the Langmuir equation is suitable to simulate the adsorption process , showed that poly carboxylic acid water reducing agent in montmorillonite is allocated on the surface absorption effect and the distribution effects , and the distribution effects is dominant .

  2. 氯化镁介质中PAA在Al2O3表面吸附作用的研究

    Adsorption Study of PAA onto Alumina Powder in Magnesium Chloride Solutions

  3. 经详细分析对比,提出矿物材料体系染料废水臭氧化反应中存在Cu丝光沸石岩表面吸附作用反应机理、与水镁石溶解有关的碱催化机理及Mg2+与有机酸根络合反应机理。

    In the end , the authors deduce three possible mechanisms for minerals in organic wastewater ozonization processes . They are adsorption of Cu-mordenites , alkali catalysis related to brucite decomposition and complex reaction between Mg 2 + and organic acids .

  4. 采用等温吸附分解法来定量描述水中PAEs在天然沸石和有机沸石上的分配作用和表面吸附作用的相对贡献。

    The quantitative contributions of adsorption and partition to total sorption of PAEs on natural zeolite and organo-modified zeolites were determined by isothermal adsorption decomposition method .

  5. 发现了缓蚀效率与分配系数lgP及极化率有着良好的线性关系,推测BTA及其羧基烷基酯衍生物主要是通过与金属铜表面吸附作用来影响缓蚀率的。

    It was found that the corrosion inhibition efficiencies of the molecules linearly corresponded to the distribution coefficient and polarizability . The corrosion-inhibition behavior of BTA and its derivatives was closely related to their physico-chemical adsorption on the metal surface .

  6. 硫化物矿物对银的表面吸附作用及其成矿意义

    Adsorption of silver ions onto sulfide minerals and its significance in mineralization

  7. 气体与煤表面吸附作用的量子化学研究

    Quantum chemistry study on adsorption of gases on coal surface

  8. 许多非金属矿物材料对重金属离子具有表面吸附作用、离子交换作用和化学活性作用,可广泛用于重金属废水处理。

    The application of nonmetallic mineral materials to heavy metal waster water treatment is summarized and the application prospect is predicted .

  9. 其反应机理以磷灰石的溶解与铅的磷酸盐矿物的沉淀为主,伴有表面吸附作用。

    The reaction mechanisms were dominated by the dissolution of apatite and the precipitation of Pb phosphate minerals , and might be associated with adsorption .

  10. 煤对大豆蛋白质的表面吸附作用主要归因于煤的丰富孔结构及表面官能团的氢键的相互作用。

    The mechanism for coal adsorptive SPI can be explained on the porous structure of coal surface and the hydrogen bond formed between coal macromolecule and SPI macromolecule .

  11. 发现共聚物沉淀粒子的表面吸附作用对该共聚体系竞聚率的温度依赖性有很大影响。

    It has been discovered that the temperature dependence of MRR is considerably affected by the adsorption on the deposit particles of the copolymer for this copolymerization system .

  12. 表面吸附作用能越大,表面活性剂越倾向于形成曲率较低的表面聚集形貌,并且表面吸附量越大。

    When the adsorption energy of surface is stronger , the surfactants are inclined to form the surface aggregation morphology with smaller curvature , and the amount of surface adsorption is greater .

  13. 运用有效介质近似与分形理论描述纳米颗粒团聚体空间分布,同时考虑颗粒尺寸效应及表面吸附作用,建立起纳米颗粒悬浮液有效导热系数预示模型,结果与实测数据相符。

    Based on effective medium approximation and fractal theory for describing nanoparticle clusters , a model for predicting effective thermal conductivity of " nanofluid " is established considering particle size effect and particle surface adsorption .

  14. 此外,傅里叶红外光谱从分子层面分析,可知所选添加剂增强土壤吸附雌激素的方式主要以氢键缔合、分配作用为主,同时也存在表面吸附作用。

    Moreover , from molecular response using FTIR spectroscopy , it can be known that the enhanced effect of the additive on the estrogens adsorbed onto soil were contributed mainly by the hydrogen bonding association , partition , and surface adsorption as well .

  15. 采用电化学及X射线衍射法研究了硫脲在铜电极表面的吸附作用及其对铜沉积织构的影响。

    Adsorption of thiourea on the copper electrode surface and the effects of thiourea on the cathode electrodeposition were studied by electrochemical method and X ray diffraction .

  16. 实验结果显示,REPS在不同的条件下可分别用于研究溶液性质和物质在石英表面的吸附作用。

    The results indicate that the REPS can be used to investigate solution 's physico-chemical property and mass loading on the quartz surface under different conditions .

  17. 运用扫描电镜图像、红外光谱分析及吸附量测定等手段,系统地研究选择性絮凝剂FD在微细粒黑钨矿颗粒表面的吸附作用。

    The adsorption mechanism of selective flocculant FD on the surface of fine wolframite is systematically investigated by means of crystal structure analysis , scanning electrical mirror image and infrared spectrum analysis and adsorption measuring .

  18. 通过ab-initio/STO-3量子化学计算结果归属了植酸分子的振动模,并根据SERS光谱推测植酸分子是通过六个磷酸酯键中的四个与氧化银胶粒表面产生吸附作用。

    Based on ab-initio / STO-3 quantum calculations results , assignments to the vibrational modes of phytic acid were carried out . On the basis of the mechanism of SERS , the adsorption modes were suggested that phytic acid chemically adsorbed on the oxide silver surface through four phosphate bonds .

  19. 一种耦合表面络合吸附作用的地下水溶质迁移模型初探

    An Initial Research on Solute Migration Model Coupled with Adsorption of Surface Complexation in Groundwater

  20. 镍离子在泥煤表面的吸附作用

    Nickel ion adsorption mechanism on peat

  21. 基于作者已经发表的实验结果,本文认为脂类&蛋白相互作用自由能可来自脂双层内疏水区的相互作用,也可来自膜表面的吸附作用。

    According to the published experimental results of ours the present work studied the interaction free energy of membrane spanning glycoproteins with lipid bilayers by thermodynamic evaluation .

  22. 本文建立了一个基于表面络合吸附作用的地球化学模式,并将其与传统的对流-弥散模型相耦合,建立了一个能够考虑表面络合吸附影响的溶质迁移模型。

    This paper first establishes a geochemical model based on surface complexion and then coupled it with traditional advection dispersion model to constitute a solute migration model , which can deal with surface complexion action .

  23. 同时扼要论述了这类超分散剂的结构特性,以及对于有机颜料粒子表面的吸附作用、分散体系的稳定作用以及对涂料、油漆、油墨生产的重要意义。

    The structure characteristic of the hyperdispersants , adsorption function to the organic pigment surface , stabilization function to the disperse system , and the importance to the production of paint and coating are introduced briefly .

  24. 用长碳链阳离子改性的有机膨润土对废水中有机物的吸附机理是分配吸附和表面吸附共同作用的结果,其中以分配吸附为主。

    The adsorption mechanism of using long carbon chain positive ion modified organic bentonite to the organic matter in the waste water is a jointing result of the distribution adsorption and the surface adsorption , especially the distribution adsorption .

  25. 本文用极化曲线、双电层微分电容曲线、循环伏安法和恒电流暂态法研究了双层镀镍体系中,镍离子还原的电极过程和添加剂在电极表面的吸附作用。

    In the system of plating duplex nickel layers , the electrode process of Ni2 + reduction and the adsorption of additives on the electrode surface are studied dy means of polarization curves , differential capacity curves of electric double layer , cyclic voltammetry and transient galvanostatic method .

  26. 单克隆抗体M1、R1对材料表面吸附FG的作用的研究

    The Study of Monoclonal Antibody M1 and R1 Acting on FG Adsorbed to Biomaterials

  27. 铅离子在矿物表面发生了吸附作用,并不同程度地活化矿物,降低矿物的动电位负值,提高矿物对CF药剂的吸附量;

    The adsorption of lead ions on mineral surface brings , to some degree , about mineral activation , decreased negative Zeta potentials and increased adsorption of CF reagent on mineral surface .

  28. 通过监测体系ORP的变化及傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析,结果表明:共存离子的存在不仅影响整个体系ORP的变化而且不同离子对细胞表面吸附位点的作用不同。

    The ORP of systems was monitored and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ( FTIR ) was analyzed , which showed coexistence of ions not only influence the changes of ORP in systems , but also influence interactions between different ions and absorption sites on cell surface .

  29. 在表面上发生吸附作用的固体叫吸附剂。

    The solid on whose surface adsorption occurs is called the adsorbent .

  30. 淀粉类多糖在方解石和萤石表面吸附特性及作用机理

    Adsorption properties and interaction mechanism of starch - type polysaccharides onto fluorite and calcite