
jiǎn sù zhuānɡ zhì
  • Deceleration device;speed changer
  1. 为了抑制超速、变灯冲刺等驾驶行为,并最终提升事故多发地的安全性,印度政府可能要在主要公路和街道设置3D图案,作为虚拟减速装置。

    The Indian government may use 3D paintings as virtual speed-breakers on major highways and roads , in a bid to check speeding and rash driving , and ultimately make its deadly roads a little safer .

  2. 本减速装置的突出特点是:重量轻,体积小,噪音低(60~70dB),工作平稳,安全,且有很高的可靠性。

    The features of reduction device are : light weight , small size , low noise ( 60 ~ 70dB ), smooth operation and high reliability .

  3. 行星滚轮摩擦增减速装置的工作原理及正常工作条件

    The Speed Increasing or Decreasing Planet Rolling-Wheel Friction Drive Device

  4. 减速装置等各种机构的简化,进一步提高了耐久性和可靠性。

    The simplified speed reducer makes the machine more reliable and lasting .

  5. 农用棘轮减速装置的研究

    Research on the Ratchet Reducer in the Agricultural Machinery

  6. 小功率异步电动机开环调频减速装置

    Open-loop Frequency Speed-decrease System of Small power Asynchronous Moter

  7. 带中间齿轮的减速装置车子在转弯时要减速。

    Intermediate wheel gear Cars slow to take corners .

  8. 航空用微小型减速装置多目标优化设计及性能分析

    Multi-Objective Optimization Design and Performance Analysis of the Aviatic Micro Beveloid Gear Reducer

  9. 电动潜油螺杆泵减速装置优化设计及虚拟建模

    Optimal Design and Virtual Reality Modeling of Electrical Submersible-Motor-Driven Progressive Cavity Pumping Reducer

  10. 柴油机电动减速装置内装减速器的电动机步进电机三轴联动的快速加减速算法研究

    Research on Fast Algorithm of 3-axis Simultaneous-motioned Step Motor Acceleration / Deceleration Control

  11. 在推出新车的过程中,常常会碰到类似“减速装置”的各种困难。

    In the process of rolling out new cars , there are often speed bumps .

  12. 浅析石油钻采用井下齿轮减速装置的研究应用

    Research and Application of Down - hole Gear Reduction Unit Used in Petroleum Drilling and Production

  13. 它主要由单相异步电动机、制动装置、行程控制装置及减速装置等组成。

    It consists of single phase and asynchronous motor , stop , distant controller and decelerator .

  14. 柴油机电动减速装置

    Diesel-electric reduction double-reduction steam turbine installation

  15. 管形电机中减速装置的设计

    Design of Decelerator in tube-motor

  16. 多台柴油机齿轮减速装置

    Multiple geared diesel engine system

  17. 介绍一种矿用大吨位慢速绞车使用的新型减速装置。

    This article introduces a new type reduce the speed device for mine used large load slow speed winch .

  18. 本文所研究的谐波齿轮减速装置主要是围绕着为得到极小回差谐波齿轮传动而进行的研究和设计。

    The harmonics gear decelerating device that this article research mainly revolves to obtain minimum return disparity harmonic gear transmission .

  19. 永磁同步电机容易用作直接驱动,可省去齿轮减速装置,使得永磁同步电动机逐渐成为新型电梯拖动系统发展的主流。

    Permanent magnet synchronous motor ( PMSM ) can be easily used for low-speed direct drive with gear speed reducer omitted .

  20. 中义在静电印刷中,从感光鼓到被印材料中的中间装置。带中间齿轮的减速装置

    In electrostatic printing , the area where toner is removed from the drum and applied to the substrate . intermediate wheel gear

  21. 介绍了矿用提升绞车过卷及自动减速装置改进的过程。吊车、升降机及卷扬机

    This paper introduces the improving process of overwind and automatic speed reducting gear for mine hoist . construction cranes , elevators & hoists

  22. 然后对国内外石油钻采行业围绕井下齿轮减速装置所进行的研究应用工作进行了全面阐述。

    And the research and application of the down-hole gear reduction unit in petroleum drilling and production process at home and abroad are elaborated .

  23. 棘轮可以表现为单轴棘轮效应或多轴棘轮效应,材料的棘轮效应或结构的棘轮效应。农用棘轮减速装置的研究

    The ratcheting may manifest uniaxial ratcheting , multiaxial ratcheting , material ratcheting and structural ratcheting . Research on the Ratchet Reducer in the Agricultural Machinery

  24. 2008年,作为防止机动车超速的举措之一,美国费城最先将视觉幻象用作减速装置。

    The use of optical illusions as speed breakers was first pioneered in the American city of Philadelphia in 2008 , as part of a campaign against speeding motorists .

  25. 由于有不同的方法来建立一个齿轮减速装置,如链及链轮或变速箱,我们只显示您的马勒设置的角度。

    Because there are different ways to build a gear reduction unit , eg chain and sprocket or gearbox , we are only showing you the setup angle of the muller .

  26. 传统的驱动器功重量比低,且驱动器高速运转后需要减速装置变速,致使传动系统复杂、结构累赘。

    While the traditional one has low thrust-weight ratio , and deceleration units are needed after drivers ' revolving at high speed , both of which result in a complex transmission device and cumbrous structure .

  27. 论述了片梭织机送经机构中电子送经装置自动送经的工作原理和优点,以及对电子送经减速装置中蜗杆、蜗轮的设计改进及其效果。

    This paper describes the operation principle and merit of auto-feeding operation of electronic feeding device in projectile weaving machine and the design updating of the worms and worm wheels and the effect of the updated design .

  28. 结果表明,该减速装置具有较高的可靠性,完全符合设计要求。

    The results show that the deceleration device has high reliability , full compliant with the design requirements . Finally , all structure parameters of reducer sample machine are determined and the drawings of reducer are completed .

  29. 为满足连接弹丸和推杆的高温胶的强度要求,对减速装置的结构进行了改进设计,并对改进后的各构件的受力和运动情况进行了分析。

    In order to satisfy strength requirement of the high-temperature adhesive which joins the bill and handspike , the structure of the reduction gear has been improved designed , then movement and force of the components in the new model has been analyzed .

  30. 目前螺杆泵采油系统采用地面电机和减速装置通过细长抽油杆驱动井下螺杆泵,这种驱动方式由于抽油杆旋转时处于长期循环扭曲状态,系统很容易出现故障。

    But , at the present situation , the down hole progressing cavity pump is driven by the motor and reducer placed on the ground via a thin and long rod , and this cause troubles easily because of the rod works in cycling bending and distortion .