
  1. 辊压机系统在水泥生料粉磨中的应用

    Application of Roller Press Systems in Cement Raw Meal Grindings

  2. 不同磨型在大型水泥生料粉磨系统中的应用

    Discussion on application of different mill type in large cement mill system

  3. 立磨作为生料粉磨的先进设备,正向国产化、大型化发展,其推广应用前景良好。

    The vertical mill as the advanced equipment for raw material powder milling is developing forward national production and large type , with spreading application prospect .

  4. 粉煤灰可以代替粘土生产出品质合格的硅酸盐水泥熟料,还能降低生料粉磨电耗、节省烘干热耗。

    Fly ash can take place of the clay in clinker production , which can also reduce power consumption of raw meal grinding and heat consumption of drying .

  5. 工厂规模、水泥细度和颗粒级配、矿山、原料、生料粉磨、烧成系统等方面的传统设计都应做较大改进。

    Great improvement must be made on the traditional design ideology exist in plant scale , cement fineness , size distribution , quarry design , raw materials , raw meal grinding and burning etc.

  6. 与传统的球磨机相比,辊式磨具有诸多优点,因此从上世纪70年代开始就逐渐取代球磨机在水泥工业中的地位,成为水泥生料粉磨的主导系统。

    Compared with traditional ball mills , roller mills have many advantages . Therefore , since the 1970s , roller mills begin to instead of ball mills in cement industry and become the lead system for grinding cement raw material .

  7. 在现代水泥生产的整个流程中,生料粉磨具有重要的地位,磨机工作的稳定性以及出磨生料的质量将直接影响水泥产品的最终质量和等级。

    In modern cement production process , the raw material grinding has an important place , who works stability , and the quality of the out raw materials will directly affect the quality of the final cement product and grade .

  8. 生料配煤量对粉磨产量和电耗的影响

    Effect of coal added into meal on mill output and the power consumption

  9. 生料经煅烧、粉磨添加混合材后制成水泥。

    By calcining grinding and adding admixture raw meal are made into cements .

  10. 辊压机是水泥工业中非常重要的生产设备,主要用于矿石的破碎、生料和熟料的粉磨。

    The roller press machine is an important equipment in the cement industry , which is mainly used for crushing ore , grinding raw material and grinding clinker .

  11. 为了更好地满足立窑煅烧工艺的要求,实现生料与煤分别粉磨,设计了一种立窑水泥生产使用的专用煤磨机。

    To make the raw materials and coal be crashed separately and satisfy the need of the shaft kiln burning technology Still better , a kind of special-Purpose coal mill Suitable for the mechanized shaft kiln cement production has been designed .