
  • 网络ecomaterials;ecomaterial;eco-materials;Ecological Environment Materials
  1. 生态环境材料的发展及其对社会的影响

    Development of Ecomaterials and Their Influence on Society

  2. 生态环境材料是最近几年提出来的一个材料研究新领域。

    Ecomaterials is a new area in materials research which was proposed in recent years .

  3. 前言:综述了燃烧合成的发展,包括非常规SHS技术,有机物、生态环境材料和功能材料。

    This paper reviews the developments of Combustion Synthesis : unconventional SHS process , organic compounds , ECO materials and functional materials .

  4. 生态环境材料的研究进展

    The research & development of ecological environment materials

  5. 沙生灌木纤维复合生态环境材料&一种新型的绿色环保型治沙材料

    Sand Shrubbery Ecological Complex Material & A kind of New-type Eco-material in Controlling Sand

  6. 生态环境材料&社会可持续发展的物质基础

    Ecomaterials - substance of sustainable development society

  7. 高分子生态环境材料的研究进展及应用

    Research progress and application of polymer-ecomaterials

  8. 一个新的研究领域&生态环境材料

    A New Area ── Ecomaterials

  9. 基于纳米技术绿色生态环境材料-湖藻一种新材料。

    Green ecological material-Lake Algae , which is based on nanotechnology , is a kind of new material .

  10. 大豆蛋白质是产量最大的植物蛋白质,它含有多种反应活性基团,易于化学和物理改性,而且具有生物降解性,属生态环境材料。

    Soy protein , the most abundant plant protein , is easy to be modified by chemical and physical treatment because it contains many reactive groups .

  11. 用环境负荷小的材料替代环境负荷大的材料是21世纪新型生态环境材料应用开发的重要内容。

    It is a main task of developing new type ecological environment material in 21st century to substitute little environmental load material for heavy environmental load material .

  12. 分析认为,生态环境材料是一类对环境非常有利的材料,它的广泛应用必将极大地推动人类生产和生活水平的提高和社会的进步。

    After the analysis , the authors thought that ecomaterials are very useful materials and their wide application must promote human production and societal progress , and improve living standard of the people .

  13. 制备的复合材料具有可重复使用、性能价格比高、对环境无二次污染,符合对环境协调、环境友好的生态环境材料的要求。

    As-prepared composite was of repeat-able utilization , high ratio performance and price , no second pollution . As a result , the composite harmonized with environment and accorded with requirement of benignly friendly environment .

  14. 生态环境功能材料学科的兴起与发展动向

    The Rise and Future Development of Eco-functional Materials

  15. 将废橡胶磨成粉,然后掺入到水泥砂浆中,可制备出新型生态环境建筑材料&建筑隔声功能水泥砂浆。

    A new environment building material & sound insulation functional cement mortar was developed by the addition of crumb rubber in cement mortar .

  16. 木质材料是现实生活中构建和装饰居住环境最主要的原材料之一,它符合生态与环境材料的要求,具有可持续发展的重要意义。

    Wood-based material is one of the most important raw materials for constructing and decorating living environment , which is consistent with ecological , environmental and sustainable requirements .

  17. 基此,结合西北地区生态环境及材料产业现状,着重探讨了西北地区发展环境材料的必要性及优势所在。

    On this basis , combined characteristics of current ecological environment and material industry of the Northwest , has emphatically probed into the necessity and advantages to develop Eco-material in the Northwest .

  18. 指出进一步开发生态环境友好锌材料,促进锌工业清洁生产与资源综合利用,是下世纪我国锌工业的发展方向。

    The recent progress in zinc materials was analyzed , and the way to develop zinc industry , such as developing environmental friendly zinc materials , cleaner production and comprehensive utilization of resources , is put forward .

  19. 介绍了城市生态环境现状及透水材料的特性,着重分析了利用透水性铺装对城市生态环境的改善情况。

    It 's introduced the actual ecological environment in city and the quality of the permeable pavement , in the paper , it analyses the improved condition of the urban ecological environment which caused by the permeable pavement .

  20. 简要介绍了生命周期评价的发展历程、定义、类型、技术框架和方法,分析了生命周期评价与环境管理、清洁生产、产品生态设计、生态环境材料、环保工艺技术之间的关系。

    This paper introduced the life cycle assessment with its development , concept , technique framework and type , analyzed the relationship between the life cycle assessment and environmental management , clean production , product ecosystem design , ecomaterials and environmental protection craft .

  21. 从仿生材料科学与工程以及净化环境的观点介绍了生态材料的主要研究领域,并展现与生态环境协调的材料和系统的构思,以期引起重视。

    The main research areas of ecomaterials are introduced from the points of views of biomimetic science and engineering and clean environment . The conceptions of developing materials and systems compromising with environment and ecology for the purpose of attracting the attention to environmental protection .