
  • 网络Biology Lab;Biology Laboratory;Bio Lab;MRC-LMB
  1. 中国某生物实验室已经追踪到H7N9禽流感病毒源,该病毒的产生是因为东亚野鸟与华东家鸡基因重组。

    A top Chinese biology lab has ascribed the H7N9 avian influenza to genetic reassortment of wild birds from east Asia and chickens from east China .

  2. 生物实验室的节约策略

    The Saving Principle of Biology Lab

  3. 公开信中表示,为了预防下一场疫情的到来,那些进行危险的病毒乃至生化武器研究的实验室,应该被世界卫生组织重点关注。公开信特别指出了美国军方的德特里克堡生物实验室。

    They said in the letter that to prevent the next pandemic , the WHO should pay special attention to labs that are conducting studies on dangerous viruses or even on biochemical weapons .

  4. 公开信表示:2021年6月,一批中国网民曾经联署了一封公开信,要求世界卫生组织调查美国德特里克堡生物实验室。

    A group of Chinese netizens drafted a joint open letter to ask the WHO to investigate the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases ( USAMRIID ) at Fort Detrick in June .

  5. DNA计算虚拟生物实验室设计

    Design of Virtual Biological Laboratory for DNA Computing

  6. 基于UML的生物实验室信息管理系统建模研究

    UML modeling of laboratory information management system for biology labs

  7. 基于ASP的生物实验室管理信息系统

    The biological laboratory management information system based on the ASP

  8. 这是来自RogerHanlon博士海洋生物实验室的成果。

    This is the work of Dr. Roger Hanlon at the Marine Biological Lab ,

  9. 应用:广泛应用于微细科技、生物实验室、制药厂、医院、食品加工厂、LCD、电子厂等一切需要空气净化的场所。

    Application : be widely used in the place where the clean air is needed , such as pharmaceutical factory , hospital , food , LCD and electronics factory .

  10. mckay博士正在查看古人的生物实验室。

    Doctor McKay is checking out an ancient bio-lab.

  11. 方法:实验于2004-09/11在渤海大学生物实验室进行。选用健康雄性SD大鼠48只,随机分为6组,每组8只:①对照组:平时不运动也不应激。

    METHODS : The experiment was conducted in the Biological Laboratory of Bohai University from September to November 2004 . Forty-eight healthy male SD rats were selected and randomly divided into 6 groups with 8 rats in each group : ① control group : without exercise and stress .

  12. 本文分析了目前我国高校生物实验室存在的污染种类及危害,并针对不同污染提出了相应的防治措施。

    The corresponding managing measures were suggested aiming at different pollution .

  13. 高校生物实验室的环境污染及防治措施

    The Environmental Pollution and Managing Measure in Biological Laboratories of University

  14. 生物实验室重死去大多生灵之怨灵而重生。

    Biological laboratories heavy die mostly creatures of hatred spirit and rebirth .

  15. 廉价的一次性塑料器皿在全世界的生物实验室中被广泛使用。

    Disposable plastics items are widely used in biological and pharmacological laboratories .

  16. 低温生物实验室在被政府强令关闭后又将再度开启。

    The Cryobiology Laboratory is opening again after the government enforced closure .

  17. 生物实验室常见有害物质处理的初探

    Treatment of poisonous and deleterious materials from biological laboratory

  18. 毫无疑问,这项新技术将成为现代生物实验室中的一种标准设备。

    The new technology will undoubtedly become a standard fixture in modern biology labs .

  19. 这所学校有一个很大的生物实验室。

    The school has a large biological laboratory .

  20. 在没有放射性防护设施的任何一个生物实验室中,采用复合银染法基本上能够达到或接近放射性标记检测的灵敏度。

    The sensitivity of radioactive label could be reached by the complex silver stain .

  21. 在生物实验室不要闻任何东西。

    Don 't SMELL anything in a biology lab.

  22. 生物实验室绿色化建设的探讨

    Discussion on Greening Construction in Biology Laboratory

  23. 他把学校的生物实验室提供给我们,也给我们提供了实验资金。

    He provided the school lab to us , as well as the experiment fund .

  24. 虚拟生物实验室及其应用

    Virtual biological laboratory and its application

  25. 浅谈生物实验室的建设和发展

    Construction and development on Biology Laboratory

  26. 虚拟生物实验室实例

    An example of virtual biological laboratory

  27. 这是生物实验室,我们会在这里待很久的。

    Norm : The Bio Lab. We 're gonna spend a lot of time here . ,

  28. 本文根据环境系统生物实验室提出的需求,通过深入分析研究,采用计算机技术进行了模拟。

    According to the needs of our biological laboratory . We study AFLP technology and simulate it on computer .

  29. 皮珀说这种装置可以进行类似传统生物实验室的复杂工作。

    Juergen Pipper says the device can process complex tasks in a way similar to a traditional biological laboratory .

  30. 俄罗斯官员表示,国际社会有理由对美国军方运营的生物实验室感到担忧。调查委员会副主席亚历山大·费多罗夫表示,美国在俄罗斯附近的生物基础设施正在“不受控制、不受限制地扩张”。

    Russian officials say the international community has reasons to worry about the biological labs run by the U.S. military .