
  • 网络atmospheric energy
  1. 依据1986年2月814日中美西太平洋海气合作考察资料,计算了西太平洋热带海域(140160°E,18°N14°S)内的大气能量收支。

    Based on the data of the investigation through the 8th to 14th of February , 1986 , the atmospheric energy budget in a polygon area of the West Pacific Ocean ( 140-160 ° E , 18 ° S-14 ° N ) has been calculated .

  2. 单块积云对环境大气能量的转换和输送

    Transformation and rearrangement of environmental atmospheric energy caused by single cumulus cloud

  3. 正压大气能量逆转只能在扰动的尺度小于临界尺度Lc时才能发生;

    For the barotropic atmosphere , energy inversion takes place when the eddy scale is less than critical scale Lc .

  4. 斜压大气能量逆转主要在扰动的厚度小于临界厚度Dc时发生。

    For the baroclinic atmosphere , energy inversion occurs when the horizontal eddy scale is less than critical scale Lc or the eddy thickness is less than critical value DC .

  5. 3种植被类型区近地表大气能量交换过程中,LE和H的月际变化明显,而且随植被类型的不同月际变化差异显著。

    The monthly changes of Sensible heat and Latent heat were significant ( P < 0.05 ) in the atmospheric energy exchange process in the ground level of three different vegetation types .

  6. 通过对博州40a4~9月份近200个局地暴雨和冰雹天气个例进行了综合分析研究,依据局地暴雨和冰雹天气过程发生、发展过程中大气能量的积累、转换和爆发的规律。

    On the basis of nearly 200 torrential rain and hail case from April to September during 40 years over Bole region , the synthetic analysis was made according as the law of atmosphere energy accumulation , transformation and outbreak during their development .

  7. 西太平洋热带地区大气能量收支分析&中美西太平洋海-气合作考察观测事实之二

    A survey of the atmospheric energy budget over the West Tropical Pacific

  8. 大气能量结构和台风暴雨

    The energy structure in atmosphere and the typhoon rainstorm

  9. 亚洲夏季风区大气能量谱分析

    A Spectrum Analysis of the Atmospheric Energy Over the Asian Summer Monsoon Areas

  10. 大气能量有效性的研究进展

    Progress in the Study of Atmospheric Energy Efficiency

  11. 热带西太平洋区域性大气能量收支的初步分析

    The preliminary study on the budget of regional atmospheric energy over West Tropical Pacific

  12. 热带大气能量频散波射线的低频动力学特征

    The low frequency dynamics on the wave ray propagation of tropical atmosphere energy dispersion

  13. 南海夏季风建立前后的大气能量收支

    The energy budgets before and after the establishment of the summer monsoon over the South China Sea

  14. 阻塞高压活动加强,通常会在雨带北部维持为大气能量锋区。

    An atmosphere energy front and matter front maintain in north of rain belt when blocking strengthen .

  15. 冷暖事件对大气能量循环和纬向平均环流影响的模拟研究

    Simulation of the impact of warm and cold events on atmospheric energy cycle and zonal mean atmospheric circulation

  16. 对大气能量学特别是能量有效性问题的研究进展进行了全面回顾。

    The present paper aims at a comprehensive review of the research progress of atmospheric energetics , especially for its efficiency problem .

  17. 首先从大气能量学的观点出发,阐述了有利于冰雹产生的几个因子和动力条件;

    First , from the viewpoint of atmospheric energetics , several factors and dynamical condition favourable to the hail genesis were described .

  18. 本文探讨了中美西太平洋海-气相互作用合作考察期间,热带海洋不同海域上空大气能量的水平输送和局地变化。

    The atmospheric energy budget calculation over west tropical Pacific during the Sino – America Sea – Air Join Investigation has been made .

  19. 大气能量有效性一直是大气科学研究中的重要组成部分,在过去的几十年中,得到了长足发展。

    The efficiency of atmospheric energy is an important component of atmospheric science research all along and has been evidently developed in the past tens of years .

  20. 结果表明:这次冰雹天气过程是由于低层大气能量不断积累、低空切变线触发不稳定能量释放而产生的。

    The results showed that the process was happened by the reasons of atmosphere energy accumulating continuously and unstable energy releasing touched off by shear line in lower level .

  21. 分析指出,在考察期间热带西太平洋上空,西部区是大气能量水平输送的能汇区,而东、中部区则反之。

    It has been point out that there was a energy sink of the horizontal transfer in the atmosphere over the west area , but other areas are inversion .

  22. 根据华北平原玉米田的观测结果,分析了地表/大气能量转化传输特征。

    The characteristics of land surface / air energy translation was analysed on the basis of the observation data collected over a maize field in the North China Plain .

  23. 利用实时资料,分析了2002-01-12河南省雷暴产生前后的大气能量和动力条件,揭示了雷暴的成因。

    Using real - time data , we have analyzed the thermal condition and the dynamic condition of the thunderstorm on 12 January , 2002 , and revealed the cause of thunderstorm .

  24. 云作为地球辐射收支系统的重要调节器,在大气能量循环、水汽循环以及地球气候系统中扮演着非常关键的角色。

    Clouds are an important modulator of the energy budget of the planet and play a critical role in the atmospheric energy cycle , water vapor cycle as well as earth climate system .

  25. 土壤湿度是陆地和大气能量交换过程中的重要因子,并对陆地表面蒸散、水的运移、炭循环有很强的控制作用。

    As the important factor in the exchange process between the solid earth surface and the atmosphere , soil moisture has effect on the land surface hydrology , the remotion of water , C-circulation .

  26. 因此研究西北地区气溶胶的辐射强迫作用,对了解沙尘气溶胶对这一区域大气能量平衡和水份循环的影响,特别是对西北地区干旱的影响,有着重要意义。

    The investigation of the dust aerosol radiative forcing is therefore important to understand the dust aerosol effects on the regional energy balance and hydrological cycle , over Northwestern China with the arid climate .

  27. 大气能量学一直是大气科学研究中的重要组成部分。特别地,可以将大气能量变化作为桥梁和纽带,从而衔接大气中的热源(汇)变化与大气环流异常。

    Atmospheric energetics is an important section of atmospheric science researches all along , and especially , atmospheric energy variation may be used to link heating source ( sink ) change in atmosphere and atmospheric circulation anomalies .

  28. 土壤含水量是气象学、土壤学、水文学、生态学等领域所关注和研究的重要内容,作为陆地与大气能量交换过程中的重要参数,它对于全球水循环以及气候变化具有十分重要的调节作用。

    Being an important parameter in the interaction of land-atmosphere , soil moisture is critical in meteorology , soil science , hydrology and ecology , as well as a significant part of regulating the hydrological circulation and the climate change .

  29. 全球正压大气的能量传输特征及遥相关效应

    The energy transport and teleconnection effect in a global BAROTROPIC ATMOSPHERE

  30. 海洋&大气湍流能量交换的初步研究

    A preliminary study on Air-Sea turbulent energy exchange