
  1. 大唐太原第二热电厂粉煤灰综合利用浅谈

    Brief Discussion on Comprehensive Utilization of Coal-fired Ash in Datang Taiyuan Second Thermal Power Plant

  2. 大唐太原第二热电厂5号炉长期以来存在著主蒸汽温度偏低现象。

    Somewhat lower temperature phenomenon of main steam has been existing for a long time on boiler on . 5 in Datang Taiyuan Co-generation Power .

  3. 阐述了粉煤灰的危害和用处,具体介绍了大唐太原第二热电厂近几年来粉煤灰综合利用的十余种途径以及今后发展方向。

    Appearance harm and use of coal-fired ash , introduce decades of comprehensive utilization in Datang Taiyuan Second Thermal Power Plant in recently years , its development foreground is described .