
  1. 龙滩水库地区P波、S波和尾波衰减

    Attenuation of P , S and coda waves in Longtan reservoir region

  2. 龙滩水电工程左岸B区边坡压脚工程效果分析

    Effect of pressing foot project on the left bank slope of Longtan Hydropower Station

  3. 龙滩水电站左岸蠕变体B区边坡位移监测分析

    Deformation monitoring analysis in the creeping rock slope B on the left bank of Longtan Hydropower Station

  4. PLC在龙滩大坝混凝土浇筑温控系统中的应用

    PLC Temperature Control Systems in the Project of the Dam of Longtan Hydropower Station

  5. 龙滩水电工程左岸蠕变体B区边坡的变形和稳定是工程安全的关键。

    The deformation and stability of left bank slope B in Longtan Project is the key to safety of the project .

  6. 经在广西龙滩水电站蠕变体B区应用,其可靠性都得到了很好验证。

    Through the application in the creep mass & B section of Longtan hydropower station , the reliability is proved to be successful .

  7. 龙滩高RCC重力坝夏季不同浇筑温度的温控防裂研究

    Temperature control and cracking prevention of Longtan High RCC Gravity Dam with different concrete placement temperatures in summer

  8. 科技攻关是建设世界上最高的龙滩RCC重力坝的有力保证

    Scientific and Technical Tackle key problem Is a Forceful Assurance for Building Longtan RCC Dam the Highest One in the World

  9. 龙滩工程按正常蓄水位400m方案一次建成效益巨大

    Implementing the 400-m scheme with one-stage completion and bringing the huge benefits of the Longtan Project into full play

  10. 龙滩水电站LCU设计原则及主要保护逻辑的实现

    LCU Design Principle and Realization of the Main Logic Protection of Longtan Hydropower Station

  11. 龙滩电厂厂用10kV变压器保护改造分析

    Analysis on reform of transformer protection of 10 kV service power of Longtan Hydropower Plant

  12. 龙滩水电站引水压力钢管内径10m。最大HD值达2453m2,大部分为地下埋藏式钢管。

    The penstocks of Longtan Hydropower Station with the inner diameter of 10 m and the maximum HD value of up to 2 453 m2 are mostly underground buried ones .

  13. 应用SAS的ETS时序分析与挖掘系统对龙滩水电站地下厂房模型洞的位移观测资料进行了岩体的位移变化趋势预测。

    Lastly , the time series analysis and time series data mining system of SAS / ETS are used to conduct tendency forecasting of displacement of the Longtan Water Power Project underground plant observation tunnel rock .

  14. 本文就是结合作者在对广西龙滩工程物资设备实时调运指挥系统开发的工作体会,采用基于Agent的建模方法,以Swarm为仿真平台,对供应链管理系统仿真做出的一点探索性的研究。

    The paper used to study the modelling method based on the Agent is combined with the thoughts of my work at the Longtan project , and we take the Swarm as the simulation terrace , using it for the researches into simulating the supply chain management system .

  15. 龙滩水电站700MW水轮机导叶轴承可靠性问题浅谈

    Discussions on the Reliability of 700 MW Turbine ′ s Wicket Gate Bearing of Longtan Hydropower Station

  16. 龙滩水电站水轮机蜗壳平面尺寸为25.4m×22.45m。

    The dimension of the spiral case of Longtan Hydropower Station is 25.4m × 22.45m .

  17. 龙滩水电站大坝为200m级高碾压混凝土重力坝,混凝土总量约580万m3,是目前世界上在建的最高的碾压混凝土坝。

    The Longtan Hydropower Station has a high RCC gravity dam with the height of over 200 m ,, which includes a total concrete quantity of 5.8 million cubic meters , being the highest RCC dam under construction in the world .

  18. 龙滩碾压砼的胶凝材料用量按不同高程上、中、下三个层次进行碾压砼级配选择.上部水泥60kg/m3.粉煤灰90kg/m3;摊铺机工作装置与碾压砼相互作用动态特性研究

    The proportion of cementitious material contents of the rolled concrete should be different on different levels of the dam . Study on the dynamic properties of the interaction between working installations of paver and roller compacted concrete

  19. 龙滩碾压混凝土重力坝工程量巨大,最大坝高初期建设时为192m,最终为216.5m,技术难度大。

    The Longtan Hydropower Project RCC gravity dam has a huge project quantity . Its initial maximum dam height during its early construction period is 192m and finally its height will be 216.5m so that its technical difficulty is big .

  20. 龙滩水电站共装设9台单机容量700MW的水轮发电机组,水头变幅达82m,在电力系统中担任调峰、调频和事故备用任务,机组设计、制造难度已达到甚至超过当今世界水平。

    The Longtan Hydropower Station is designed to install 9 hydro-generating units with an installed capacity of 700 MW each and a water head variation of 82m . It will play a role of peak regulation , frequency modulation and emergency standby in the power system .

  21. 研究结果表明,龙滩电站蜗壳钢衬厚度可以从50~63mm减薄到42~55mm,钢衬厚度减薄后,其强度得到了充分发挥,满足结构安全要求,并可带来显著的经济效益和社会效益。

    The study results indicated that the thickness of the scroll case of Longtan hydropower station can reduce from 50 ~ 63mm to 42 ~ 55mm . After that , their intensities can exert satisfactorily , meet require of the structure security , and bring remarkable economic and social benefit .

  22. 龙滩发电机主保护设计新思想

    New Idea of Generator Main Protection Design in Longtan Power Station

  23. 龙滩水电工程施工的索赔和反索赔

    Claim and counter claim on the construction of Longtan Hydropower Project

  24. 龙滩水电站长距离带式输送机的特点及运行

    Characteristics and Operation of Long-distance Belt Conveyer at Longtan Hydropower Station

  25. 构建龙滩工程特色的建设管理模式

    Establishing the models of construction and management with Longtan Project characteristics

  26. 龙滩碾压混凝土重力坝快速施工技术

    Fast Construction Technique of RCC Gravity Dam for Longtan Hydropower Station

  27. 龙滩水电工程环境影响综合评价方法研究

    Study on comprehensive evaluation of environmental impacts on Longtan Hydropower project

  28. 龙滩水电站高强度钢压力钢管制造质量控制

    Quality Control of High-strength Steel Penstock Manufacturing in Longtan Hydropower Station

  29. 龙滩水电站进水口坝段碾压混凝土施工技术

    RCC Engineering Technique Applied to Intake Section of Longtan Hydropower Station

  30. 龙滩水电站进水口坝段混凝土温度控制

    Concrete Temperature Control for Intake Dam Section of Longtan Hydropower Station