
  • 网络atmospheric surface layer
  1. 根据大气近地面层对流湍流池的实验结果,提出了一种用于描述大尺度相干结构的立体模型&椭球结构模型。

    According to the experimental results from atmospheric surface layer and turbulence cell , a cubic model of ellipsoid depicting large scale structure is put forward .

  2. 本文应用三种不同地表粗糙度条件下所取得的风、温廓线资料,计算了在大气近地面层中风廓线曲率β和理查孙数Ri的值。

    In this paper , values of Richardson Number ( Ri ) and the curvature of the wind profile (β) in the atmospheric near to the ground are calculated with the data obtained under three surface roughness conditions .

  3. 稳定大气近地面层的风和温度廓线

    Profiles of wind and temperature in the stable stratified ground layer