
  • 网络LEX;strake
  1. 采用七孔探针对一种边条翼双垂尾布局的飞机模型进行了空间压力场和速度场的测量。

    Pressure and velocity fields of spatial cross section on an aircraft model with strake wing and double vertical tails were measured using a seven hole probe .

  2. 本课题以工程算法为依据,针对部分边条翼布局的新型弹箭武器,在理论研究的基础上结合经验公式和实验曲线确定一种可靠的气动力计算方法,编制了弹箭气动力计算程序。

    Based on engineering computations , a reliable aerodynamic calculation method which combined with theoretical research , empirical formulas and the experimental curves was established to calculate the aerodynamic forces of some new strake wing layout projectiles and rockets weapons . A program was compiled with the method .

  3. 边条翼前缘涡非定常涡场特性研究中PIV技术的应用

    Application of PIV technique in unsteady characteristics research of streak wing leading vortex

  4. 对边条翼双垂尾布局模型的流场进行了激光片光源显示实验研究。实验在西北工业大学NF-3风洞三元实验段进行。

    A flow visualization experiment to a Leading-Edge Extention ( LEX ) Configuration is conducted in the NF-3 wind tunnel at Northwestern Polytechnical University using a laser light sheet technique .

  5. 边条翼及分离涡研究

    Studies on strake-wing aerodynamics and separated vortex

  6. 战斗机边条翼大迎角涡升力研究

    A Big Cheater Research on the Strake Wing Vortex Lift of Flighter at High Angle of Attack

  7. 边条翼布局流场及其双垂尾抖振特性研究带边条翼弹体纵向气动性能的研究

    Investigation of Flow and Twin-Vertical Tail Buffet Characteristics of Leading-Edge Extension Configuration Research on The Aerodynamic Forces of Aerial Bomb with Strakes

  8. 本文对新一代战斗机广泛采用的气动布局形式&边条翼双垂尾布局的垂尾抖振特性进行了深入研究,包括风洞实验研究和数值模拟研究。

    In this thesis , the twin-vertical-tails buffet of strake-wing layout which is the primary configuration of the new generation of fighter is investigated , by both wind tunnel experiments and numerical simulations .

  9. 根据气动布局的基本原理,结合低RCS要求,设计了一种鸭式布局、带边条的翼身融合无人飞行器外形。

    A " canard " configuration with blended fuselage and fringe of unmanned aerial vehicle ( UAV ) is designed according to the basic theory of aerodynamic layout and the low RCS demand and its aerodynamic characteristics test has been carried out .

  10. 通过使中间辅助过渡面的边界切矢与弹身的纵向切矢一致,来保证长边条面与翼身融合面间的G-1连续性。

    And this ensures that the blending surface between wing and fuselage and the long fringe surface are G-1 connected .

  11. 机身边条对双三角翼飞机升力特性的影响

    The effects of body-strake on lift characteristics of the double-delta-wing aircraft