
  • 网络Cardiac dysfunction
  1. 老年心功能障碍患者的性别差异与血清C反应蛋白变化

    Gender difference of elderly cardiac dysfunction and the changes of serum C-reactive protein

  2. 肌钙蛋白T、TNF对不同程度心功能障碍的诊断价值

    Diagnostic value of troponin T and tumor necrosis factor on cardiac dysfunction

  3. 心肌梗死(myocardialinfarction,MI)后导致的心功能障碍和心律失常主要是由于正常心肌细胞丧失后取而代之的纤维瘢痕组织的影响。

    The cellular basis underlying cardiac dysfunction and arrhythmia after myocardial infarction ( MI ) is a loss of functional cardiomyocytes and a replacement of scar tissue .

  4. 心肌纤维化(myocardialfibrosis,MF)是各种心肌损害的被动结局,可引起心功能障碍,心率失常,甚至猝死。

    Myocardial fibrosis ( MF ) is the passive results of various kinds of myocardial damage , which can induce cardiac dysfunction , arrhythmia , and even sudden death .

  5. 结论:认真做好围术期处理,心功能障碍患者心动过速的RFCA治疗同样具有高成功率和高安全性。

    Conclusion : RFCA of tachycardia was also safe in patients with cardiac dysfunction based on excellent perioperative preparations .

  6. 目的评价血浆超敏C-反应蛋白(high-sensitivityc-reactiveProtein,HSCRP)和血栓前体蛋白(thrombusprecursorprotein,TPP)定量测定对不同程度心功能障碍病人心肌损伤的诊断价值。

    Objective For the evaluating diagnostic value of plasma High-sensitivity C-reactive protein ( HSCRP ) and thrombus precursor protein ( TPP ) in myocardial injury to the grades of cardiac dysfunction .

  7. 结论MVG可准确定量评价左室局部运动,有望作为临床评价AMI患者存活心肌、预测可逆性左心功能障碍恢复的新指标。

    Conclusion As a useful index for quantitative evaluation of LV regional function , MVG may be used as a new parameter for evaluation of myocardial viability and the prediction of the recovery of regional myocardial dysfunction .

  8. 从肝论治急性心肌梗死后心功能障碍的临床研究

    Treatment of cardiac dysfunction post-acute myocardial infarction by liver-based therapy theory

  9. 脑缺血时皮层扩布性抑制与心功能障碍

    Spreading Depression and Cardiac Dysfunction After Cerebral Ischemia in Tree Shrews

  10. 心功能障碍患者心动过速的射频消融治疗

    The Safety of Radiofrequency Current Ablation of Tachycardia in Patients With Cardiac Dysfunction

  11. 急性左心功能障碍可直接导致或加重神经源性肺水肿。

    Acute left ventricular dysfunction was the primary cause of creating or aggravating NPE .

  12. 心功能障碍是窒息的常见并发症,其特点是舒张功能首先受累,收缩功能障碍则右室重于左室;

    Cardiac dysfunction was the common complication , right ventricular systolic dysfunction was dominated .

  13. 结论:新生儿窒息后心功能障碍可加重脑血流动力学紊乱,应重视对窒息新生儿心脏功能的保护。

    Conclusion : Myocardial dysfunction can aggravate cerebral hemodynamic disorder in neonates with birth asphyxia .

  14. 冠心病患者血浆降钙素基因相关肽水平同早期心功能障碍的关系

    Relationship between plasma calcitonin gene-related peptide level and early cardiac dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease

  15. 左室舒张性心功能障碍超声左心形态、功能及运动耐量的改变50例分析

    Changes of echocardiographic left heart morphology , function and exercise tolerance in fifty patients with left ventricular diastolic dysfunction

  16. 多巴酚丁胺负荷可提高超声心动图对糖尿病患者早期左心功能障碍的检出率。

    Meantime , dobutamine stress test increases the detection rate of the early left ventricular dysfunction in diabetic patients .

  17. 因此,心室辅助装置也可作为严重心功能障碍的治疗方法之一。

    Consequently , ventricular assist device might be as one of alternative therapies for patients with end stage cardiac insufficiency .

  18. 此外脓毒症时心肌细胞钙循环障碍以及TNF-α诱导的心肌细胞凋亡等也促进了心功能障碍的发生。

    In addition , calcium circulatory disorder of myocardial cells in sepsis and TNF-a-induced myocardial apoptosis promotes the occurrence of cardiac dysfunction .

  19. 背景与目的体外循环技术与高钾停搏液的应用促使心脏外科迅猛发展,然而,体外循环心脏直视手术后并发心功能障碍是目前导致病人术后并发症及死亡的主要原因。

    Background and objective : With the use of cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ) and high concentration potassium cardioplegia , cardiac surgery developed quickly .

  20. 结果:出生时窒息可引起新生儿脑血流动力学紊乱和左心室收缩功能障碍,存在心功能障碍者脑血流动力学异常更严重。

    Results : Birth asphyxia can lead to cerebral hemodynamic disorder and myocardial dysfunction , and the cerebral hemodynamic disorder were even more significant in neonates with myocardial dysfunction .

  21. 结论急性高原缺氧对大鼠心脏信号传导系统具有明显的损伤作用,可能是引发心功能障碍的重要原因之一。

    Conclusion Conclusion The signal transducting system in rats heart was damaged markedly by acute hypoxia , which may play an important role in the mechanism of heart injury .

  22. 心功能障碍是感染性休克常见的并发症,约有40%的感染性休克病人出现左、右心室功能障碍。

    Cardiac dysfunction occurs during septic shock as one of the common complications . It is reported that about 40 % patients with septic shock suffer from left and right ventricular function .

  23. 近年来的研究表明,心脏间质,尤其是Ⅰ型、Ⅲ型胶原的病理表达是心功能障碍的一个重要原因。

    However , the molecular mechanism for this remains unclear . Recent studies suggested that pathologic expression of myocardial interstitium , particularly type I and III collagen may be an important reason for cardiac dysfunction .

  24. 结论:短暂缺血所致的微血管通透性增加可能参与了顿抑心肌的发生机制,抑制短暂缺血引起的心肌徽血管通透性增加可改善缺血后的心功能障碍。

    Conclusion : The increase of microvascular permeability resulting from transient ischemia might be involved in the pathogenesis of stunned myocardium , and inhibition of transient ischemia-induced increase of myocardial microvascular permeability could improve the contractile dysfunction .

  25. 我们既往的动物实验显示体外循环心脏直视手术产生外周胰岛素抵抗的同时,体外循环缺血再灌注心肌存在明显的急性胰岛素抵抗,且心肌胰岛素抵抗程度与心功能障碍的发生密切相关。

    Our previous animal experiments showed that accompanied with peripherial insulin resistance , acute myocardial insulin resistance developed after ischemia reperfusion during cardiac operations with cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ), and the magnitude of myocardial insulin resistance was closely related to the heart dysfunction occurrence .

  26. 人工全髋关节置换术中急性心肺功能障碍

    Acute cardiorespiratory dysfunction during total hip arthroplasty

  27. 居住在高海拔地区有潜在心肺功能障碍性疾病及肺动脉高压儿童的高原肺水肿情况

    High-altitude pulmonary edema in children with underlying cardiopulmonary disorders and pulmonary hypertension living at altitude

  28. 目的探讨预防和降低人工全髋关节置换手术中急性心肺功能障碍危险程度的措施。

    Objective To evaluate the preventive measures for decreasing the risk degree associated with acute cardiorespiratory dysfunction during the total hip arthroplasty .

  29. 结果股骨髓腔内压力增高导致栓塞是手术中急性心肺功能障碍发生的最重要因素。

    Results An increase in intramedullary pressure in the femur leading to embolism was the most important factor for the development of acute cardiorespiratory dysfunction during the operation .

  30. 而抑制烫伤后心室肌及肺组织的Gi2α和Gi3α基因的转录可能是可乐定、三七皂苷降低烧伤后Giα表达及其抗烧伤后心、肺功能障碍的重要因素。

    The inhibitory effects of Clonidine and PNS on the Gi2 α and Gi3 α gene transcription was one of the important mechanisms of the reduction of Gi α expression , which subsequently lead to the alleviation of cardiac and pulmonary dysfunction after scald .