
  • 网络BGP;Border Gateway Protocol;MP-BGP;BGP BGP
  1. 目前,边界网关协议(BGP)是运行于Internet上的事实上的外部网关协议。

    The Border Gateway Protocol ( BGP ) is the de facto exterior gateway protocol deployed on the Internet .

  2. 边界网关协议BGP安全性的分析与加强

    Analysis and enhancement for security of border gateway protocol

  3. 而在自治域之间,Internet采用了一种分布式控制路由信息方式,每个自治系统通过边界网关协议与其他自治系统交换网络可达信息。

    At the interdomain level on the other hand , the approach used in the Internet is the one of a distributed control of the routing information .

  4. 多端口IP路由器边界网关协议(BGP-4)的并行测试技术研究

    Research on Parallel Testing Techniques of Border Gateway Protocol-4 in Multi-Port IP Routers

  5. 边界网关协议BGP(BorderGatewayProtocol)是Internet中自治系统间交换路由信息的域间路由标准。

    The Border Gateway Protocol ( BGP ), widely used in Internet , is an inter-domain system routing protocol for exchanging routing information between autonomous systems .

  6. 边界网关协议(BGP)是一种基于策略的、事件驱动的路径向量协议。

    The border gateway protocol ( BGP ) is a policy-based , event-driven path vector routing protocol .

  7. 边界网关协议BGP是当前因特网域间路由协议的事实标准,基于策略的路由选择过程使它不再是严格意义上的距离矢量协议,也不再具有距离矢量协议的收敛性。

    The Border Gateway Protocol , BGP , is currently the only inter-domain routing protocol employed on the Internet .

  8. 网络中另一大类路由协议是路径向量路由协议,如边界网关协议(BGP)。

    Another important routing protocol type is path-vector routing protocol , such as the Border Gateway Protocol ( BGP ) .

  9. 边界网关协议(BGP)属外部网关协议,是高性能核心路由器上必须运行的一种路由协议,它主要应用于各主干网所在自治域系统之间的互联。

    Border gateway protocol ( BGP ) is a kind of routing protocol which is widely used in inter-domain connection .

  10. 边界网关协议BGP-4中的路由策略与信息传播

    Routing policy and information propagation of border gateway protocol BGP-4

  11. 互联网的域间路由系统使用边界网关协议BGP在不同自治系统之间传递路由可达性信息。

    In the Internet , domain routing system use Border Gateway Protocol to distribute routing reachability information in different AS ( autonomous system ) .

  12. 边界网关协议(BGP)是广泛使用的用于在各个自治系统之间交换网络可达信息的域间路由协议。

    The border gateway protocol ( BGP ) is widely used to exchange the network layer reachability information among autonomous systems ( ASes ) .

  13. 边界网关协议BGP-4的安全扩展

    Security Extension of Border Gateway Protocol BGP - 4

  14. 作为应用于自治系统之间交换域间路由信息的协议,边界网关协议BGP已被广泛地使用。

    As a protocol applied to exchange inter-domain routing information between autonomous systems , the Border Gateway Protocol ( BGP ) has been widely used .

  15. 边界网关协议BGP4是目前Internet最主要的域间路由协议,其路由正确性和稳定性直接关系到Internet能否正常运行。

    Border Gateway Protocol Version 4 ( BGP-4 ) is the most primary inter-domain routing protocol in the Internet , its stability and correctness has directly impact on the normal process of the Internet .

  16. 基于事件驱动的边界网关协议BGP-4的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Border Gateway Protocol BGP 4 Based on Event Driven Programming

  17. 边界网关协议BGP-4路由稳定性研究

    Research on BGP-4 Routing Stability

  18. 边界网关协议BGP4是用于自治系统之间交换路由信息的动态分布式路由协议。

    Border Gateway Protocol BGP 4 is a distributed routing protocol used by AS to interchange routing information .

  19. 本文提出一种采用光边界网关协议(OBGP)实现WDM光格状网的域间路由的新型机制;

    The authors proposed a novel mechanism based on Optical Border Gateway Protocol ( OBGP ) that implements inter-domain routing in optical mesh networks .

  20. 本文分析了VPN开发的特点,指出了利用统一建模语言(UML)描述VPN的优势,并采用UML对VPN系统进行了总体分析,对边界网关协议/多协议标记交换(BGP/MPLS)VPN进行了描述。

    In this paper the characteristics of developing VPN are analyzed , and the advantages of describing VPN using UML are pointed out . Moreover general analysis of VPN system is made and the implementation of BGP / MPLS VPN by adopting UML is described .

  21. 文章分析了边界网关协议BGP4的安全弱点,针对这些安全弱点对协议进行了扩展。

    The security weakness of Border Gateway Protocol ( BGP 4 ) is analyzed . Aiming at the weakness , the protocol are extended with some security properties .

  22. 目前自治域间的路由协议-边界网关协议(BGP)存在许多问题:全互联结构无法适应大规模网络,路由反射可能带来协议振荡和路由环路。

    The inter-domain routing protocol , border gateway protocol ( BGP ) comes with serious problems : a " full mesh " iBGP configuration does not scale to large networks and " route reflection " can introduce problems such as protocol oscillations and persistent loops .

  23. 边界网关协议(BGP-4)支持的策略路由在互联网运行效率和安全方面发挥着重要作用,并直接涉及经济利益问题。

    Policy based routing affects the efficiency and security of the Internet transfer of sensitive financial information and is one of the most important features of Border Gateway Protocol Version 4 ( BGP 4 ) .

  24. 边界网关协议在自治系统之间提供无环路的路由。

    Border Gateway Protocol ( BGP ) Provides loop-free interdomain routing between autonomous systems .

  25. 关于边界网关协议的综述

    The Summary of the Border Gateway Protocol

  26. 基于攻击树的边界网关协议安全测试

    Attack - Tree-Based Security Testing of BGP

  27. 公钥基础设施在边界网关协议中的应用

    PKI in Secure Border Gateway Protocol

  28. 边界网关协议是自治域间的路由协议,用于在全球因特网之间交换网络可达性信息。

    The border gateway protocol is the inter-domain routing protocol used to exchange reachability information between autonomous systems in the global Internet .

  29. 其中BGP协议是为TCP/IP网络设计的边界网关路由协议,目前其版本为4。

    BGP-4 is a widely used Border Gateway Routing protocol in TCP / IP networks .

  30. IPv6下边界网关路由协议的实现

    Implementation of border gateway protocol in IPv6