
  • 网络polytechnics;polytechnic college
  1. 1992年,34所多科技术学院以及部分其他学院升格为大学,完成了英国高等教育二元制向一元制的变迁。

    In1992,34 polytechnics and other institutions upgraded to the status of universities , indicating the change from the binary system to unified system .

  2. 本文从大学立法与大学定向、多科技术学院立法与定向、教育评估以及科研评估等方面系统阐述了芬兰高等教育的定向及发展趋势。

    The orientation of Finnish higher education is introduced briefly from these aspects , such as the legislation and the orientation about universities and polytechnics , the evaluation of education and research .

  3. 英国多科技术学院政策述评

    Comments on Polytechnic Policy under Binary System of Higher Education in UK

  4. 英国多科技术学院变迁的案例能给今天中国高等职业技术学院的定位与发展提供一个值得深思与探究的参考维度。

    The case of British can offer a new approach to defining the roles of higher vocational colleges and their further development .

  5. 10多年后的今天,芬兰发达的经济、科技以及接近普及化的高等教育都证明多科技术学院的实验取得了很大成功。

    At present , the advanced economy , technology and nearly universalized higher education of Finland have shown the great success of the experiment of polytechnic institutes .

  6. 英国新大学、多科技术学院以及大学科技园的发展,都可看到显著的美国影响,但又都带有英国的传统和现实特点而不同于美国形式的原型。

    New universities , polytechnics and university science parks in UK all indicated the influence of the US and embodied British conventional and realistic characters , different from the archetype of American model .

  7. 本论文以多科技术学院由建立直至消亡的历史顺序为主线,力图对其历史的发展进行纵向描述,并由此找出其中的某些规律性,以期对我国的高职院校的发展有所启示。

    Trying to conduct a longitudinal description of the development of its history , and thus find some regularity , so that getting some inspire to the development of higher vocational colleges in China .

  8. 考察英国高等教育的大众化演进过程,着重剖析二元制教育管理体制的确立、发展以及多科技术学院在英国的兴亡,对我国应用型本科教育提供有关借鉴。

    Through the investigate the process of higher education popularization in British , this article analyses the establishment & development of the binary system of higher education and the development of polytechnic colleges , so that we can get some lessons for the development of vocational undergraduate education .

  9. 但在其发展过程中也暴露出了培养目标定位不清的毛病,这使其发展逐渐偏离最初职业教育的定位,产生了学术漂移现象,并最终导致多科技术学院的消亡。

    However , in its development process also exposed a culture targeting unclear illnesses , which made them develop gradually deviated from the original " vocational education " positioning , resulting in the " academic drift " phenomenon , which eventually led to more than the demise of the polytechnic .