
  • 网络multispectral sensors
  1. 利用超光谱数据对多光谱传感器的波段选择提出了一个框架。

    A framework was proposed for the selection of wavelength bands for multispectral sensors by use of hyperspectral reference data .

  2. 他说,灾害管理者更需要拥有多光谱传感器的专用卫星星座(见灾害管理需要卫星“星座”)。

    Rather , he says , disaster managers need dedicated constellations of satellites with multispectral sensors ( see Disaster management needs satellite'constellations ' ) .

  3. 北京一号是具有双遥感器的灾害监测小卫星,其星载的CCD多光谱传感器可以获取32m的多光谱数据。

    China launched a disaster monitoring constellation satellite recently , called China DMC , which has two remote sensors . Its CCD multi-spectral sensor has a spatial resolution of 32m .

  4. 印度空间科学家RanganathNavalgund说,灾害管理需要多光谱传感器卫星组成的星座。

    Disaster management needs constellations of satellites with multispectral sensors , says Indian space researcher , Ranganath Navalgund .

  5. 利用多光谱传感器对同一观测对象在多个窄光谱范围上获得的图像,称为多光谱遥感图像。

    Multispectral remote sensing images are those obtained from one object by the multispectral sensor in multiple narrow spectral ranges .

  6. CCD图像传感器是相机中最重要的部件之一。本论文主要针对多光谱图像传感器数据与全色图像传感器数据进行双源融合。

    A key part in the camera is its CCD sensor . This paper focuses on image fusion between multi-spectral images and panchromatic images .

  7. 本论文针对多光谱图象传感器数据与全色图象传感器数据进行双源融合。

    This paper focuses on image fusion between multispectral images and panchromatic images .

  8. 图像配准是图像处理和计算机视觉中的一项重要研究课题,随着多光谱多传感器成像技术的发展,图像的配准变得愈发重要。

    Image registration is an important part in image processing and computer vision . As the development of multi-spectral and multi-sensor imaging technology , image registration becomes more important .

  9. 针对光学图像的多光谱、多传感器图像的自动配准,提出了一种基于边缘重心的多传感器图像二次匹配算法。

    Considering automatic registration of multi-spectrum , multi-sensor remote images , we put forward a two-step image registration algorithm based on edge center .

  10. 面向光学图像的多时相、多光谱、多传感器图像的自动配准,本文描述一个基于特征的高精度图像配准算法。

    Aim at automatic registration of temporal images , multispectral images and multisensor optical images , a feature-based automatic image registration algorithm is described in this paper .