
qiē xiàn zhī jù fǎ
  • Tangent offset method;method of tangent offsets
  1. 圆曲线的偏角可在切线支距法中求出

    The Deflection Angle of the Circular Curve can be Found out the Method of the Tangent Offset

  2. 运用公路测量学上的切线支距法对线形诱导标在山区高速公路的设置进行了探讨。

    The setting of road shape instruction along highway in mountain area was discussed using tangent offset method in road survey .

  3. 根据多年的公路测设经验,利用虚交基线结合切线支距法和弦支距法测量原理,总结出一种公路平曲线测设的高效方法&虚交基线支距法。

    According to his experience of road survey for many years . the author presents an effective method of surveying and designing horizontal curves .

  4. 在线路施工测量中,圆曲线测设方法有很多,通常采用偏角法或切线支距法。

    There are many methods to measure the circular curved line in circuitry construction survey . Angle offset method and tangent offset method are usually used .

  5. 铁路公路等曲线测设中,多少年来都是用切线支距法和偏角法。

    The tangent offset method and the deflection angele method have been applied to setting out and surveying the curves in railways , highways and so on for many years .

  6. 在公路常规勘测设计工作中,切线支距法是一种常用的中桩放样方法,但该方法以路线切线为基线,使用条件受到限制。

    On regular highway reconnaissance work , the tangent offset method is the most common one on highway route center stake layout , but this method is limited because of route tangent as baseline for offset .