
qiē duàn fá
  • Shut-off valve;stop valve
  1. 然后针对液压电梯专用限速切断阀,通过fluent流场仿真软件和Matlab仿真软件的分析,建立了一套比较完整的设计计算的方法;

    After that , a complete solution to design the pipe rupture valve of the hydraulic elevator with fluent and Matlab simulation software ;

  2. 其中阀芯的设计选型与确定过程中,利用了fluent流场专用仿真工具,对几种不同限速切断阀的阀芯内部流场情况进行了分析,指导了设计过程,最后设计出了比较合理的阀芯结构。

    Especially in the design and the selection of the valve , using the simulation software-fluent , the internal flow field of some kinds of different pipe rupture valve are analyzed . And a reasonable structure of valve is worked out .

  3. 当情况异常时,该紧急切断阀能在0.5s左右切断大管道煤气,保证高炉安全生产和透平发电机安全。

    In case of abnormality , it can block the gas of big pipeline in about 0.5 seconds to insure the safety of the production of blast furnace and Turbine .

  4. 限速切断阀的设计计算及其典型应用

    Design Calculation and Typical Application of Limiting Velocity - cutting Valve

  5. 安全仪表系统切断阀的在线测试

    On-line Testing for the Emergency Shutdown Valve of Safety Instrument System

  6. 供货商对整个气动切断阀负有全部责任。

    The supplier shall be solely responsible for all pneumatic cut-off valves .

  7. 切断阀在输油臂紧急脱离装置上的应用

    Struture design of cut-off valve on emergency release systems for marine loading arms

  8. 环保卫士&干式快速切断阀

    Bodyguard of environment protection & dry quick isolating valve

  9. 在公用工程侧最后呈个切断阀上标出等级分界?

    Show spec break on the last block valve on the utility side .

  10. 燃气锅炉供气系统快速切断阀的选择

    Selection way of fast shut-off valve in gas supply system of gas burning boiler

  11. 单向失压切断阀

    One-way and Pressure Dawn of Cut off Valve

  12. 快速切断阀在气体分馏装置丙烯塔回流泵上的应用

    Application of Quick Disconnection Valve to Reflex Pump of Propene Tower of Fractionation Plant

  13. 液压电梯限速切断阀的设计

    Design of Pipe Rupture Valve on Hydraulic Elevators

  14. 功能安全技术讲座第十七讲安全仪表系统中紧急切断阀的部分行程测试

    Chapter 17 : Emergency Shutdown Devices ' Partial Stroke Testing in Safety Instrumented System

  15. 该产品可用做管道系统的切断阀,控制阀和止回阀。

    The product can be used piping system shut-off valve , control valves and check valves .

  16. 但是人们对紧急切断阀的研究很少,特别是有关其校验方面的研究。

    But people have few studies on emergency cut-off valve , especially about its calibration research .

  17. 在催化剂生产中,固体原料的卸料切断阀的选择十分重要。

    In catalyzer plant , it 's very important to select the discharging cutoff valve for solid .

  18. 本文介绍了Q847F-2.5紧急切断阀的技术性能,工作原理以及调试方法。在天然气长输管道上安装该阀,能使长输管道安全运行,是起安全保护作用的理想设备。

    After mounting this type of valve on long distance gas pipelines , safety operation can be obtained .

  19. 利用专门的电液元件测试平台和液压电梯台架对限速切断阀进行了比较全面的实验,拓展了新元件的实验研究手段。

    Using special electro hydraulic and hydraulic elevator experiment rig , the pipe rupture valve is completed test .

  20. 业主或由业主委托的单位对所提供的气动切断阀计算工艺参数负责。

    The owner or its client shall be responsible for calculation and technological parameters of pneumatic cut-off valves supplied .

  21. 快速切断阀的概念创新设计实例表明了上述模型的有效性。

    A living example of the conceptual innovation design for the quick cut-off valve indicates the effectiveness of the above stated model .

  22. 干式快速切断阀能够实现阀体的快速对接和断开,不存在流体泄漏的现象。

    The dry quick isolating valve can bring about quick joint and cut off of the valve body with no leakage of liquid .

  23. 试验结果表明阻爆控制器能配合快速切断阀可有效阻止瓦斯爆炸传播。

    The test results showed that the explosion resistant controller could rapidly assist the shut-off valve to effectively prevent the gas explosion spreading .

  24. 近几年蓄热式加热炉的推广应用,为气动快速切断阀的应用提供了广阔空间。

    In recent years , promotion and application of regenerative reheating furnace , fast shut-off valves for pneumatic applications in a broad space .

  25. 对如何实现气动切断阀完全切断、50%开阀及全开的三位控制进行了探讨。

    The method of controlling the shut off , 1 / 2 open , open stage of pneumatic shut off valve is discussed .

  26. 紧急切断阀是应用于汽车罐车上面重要的安全部件,对汽车罐车在装卸和运输过程中的安全起到非常重要的作用。

    Emergency shut-off valve is the most important safety parts used in the tank car and play an important role in security for handling and transport .

  27. 因而阀流通能力比一般调节阀大且无泄漏,在许用压差范围内可作切断阀用。

    Thus the valve control valve flow capacity than the average large and no leakage in the range of allowable pressure shut-off valve can be used .

  28. 这是一个闸阀(止回阀、蝶阀、切断阀、电磁阀、遥控阀、安全阀、节流阀、旋塞)。

    This is a gate valve ( check valve , butterfly valve , cut-off valve , magnetic valve , remote valve , relief valve , throttle valve , cock ) .

  29. 在工业生产中,快速切断阀广泛使用,如冶金、石化等行业应用于快速切断油液、气体、水等介质。

    In industrial production , widespread use of fast shut-off valves , such as metallurgical , petrochemical and other industries for rapid cutting oil , gas , water and other media .

  30. 通过推导公式计算快速切断阀的允许切断时间,并总结燃气锅炉供气系统中快速切断阀的选择方法。

    The allowable shut-off time of fast shut-off valve is calculated by inferred formula and selection way of fast shut-off valve in the gas supply system of gas burning boiler is summarised .