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  • Chernobyl
  1. 反核示威者认为,切尔诺贝利核电站核泄漏事故清楚地表明他们的反核运动是正确的。

    Anti-nuclear protesters regarded the Chernobyl accident as a clear vindication of their campaign .

  2. 在切尔诺贝利核泄漏灾难发生以后,她开始投身政界。

    She became involved with political causes after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster

  3. 1979年,美国三里岛(ThreeMileIsland)核电站几乎发生核反应堆熔毁;7年后,乌克兰的切尔诺贝利(Chernobyl)核电站发生爆炸。

    A near-meltdown at Three Mile Island in1979 was followed seven years later by an explosion at Chernobyl in Ukraine .

  4. 切尔诺贝利核事故泄漏~(137)Cs在苏皖地区湖泊沉积物中的蓄积及时标意义

    Accumulation and time marker significance of Chernobyl-derived ~ ( 137 ) cs in lake sediments from Jiangsu-Anhui

  5. 切尔诺贝利核电站事故后苏州市环境介质中~(134137)Cs含量变化和剂量评价

    Concentration variation of ~ ( 134,137 ) cs in environmental media and dose evaluation in Suzhou City after Chernobyl nuclear accident

  6. 切尔诺贝利事故之后,国际原子能机构(IAEA)收紧了标准。

    After Chernobyl , the International Atomic Energy Agency introduced tighter standards .

  7. 联合国科学委员会秘书长C在原子辐射的程度的事情上对露透社说,迄今为止在食物中测量到的辐射值比起1986年切尔诺贝利还远远低于那时的水平。

    " The few measurements of radiation reported in food so far are much lower than around Chernobyl in1986 , but the full picture is still emerging ," Malcolm Crick , secretary of the U.N.

  8. 切尔诺贝利(Chernobyl)已经成为灾难的代名词。

    Chernobyl has become a byword for catastrophe .

  9. 这意味着,他们认为,这次事故的严重程度堪比前苏联的切尔诺贝利(chernobyl)事故。

    This means they consider the emergency to be as serious as the Chernobyl disaster in the Soviet Union .

  10. 一些人甚至得出了日本可能正面临切尔诺贝利(Chernobyl)式灾难事件的结论,而这样的结论几乎肯定是错误的。

    Some people concluded , almost certainly wrongly , that Japan might be in the midst of a Chernobyl-type event .

  11. Q.向切尔诺贝利反应堆里倒反物质能够阻止它熔毁吗?——A.J.

    Q. Would dumping anti-matter into the Chernobyl reactor when it was melting down stop the meltdown ?

  12. 专家们表示,这并不意味着可能发生切尔诺贝利(Chernobyl)那种规模的放射性灾难,但仍可能造成严重的局部污染。

    This does not threaten a radiological catastrophe on the scale of Chernobyl , experts say , but could still cause grave local pollution .

  13. 这座城市的最近端仅位于福岛第一核电站(FukushimaDai-Ichipowerplant)北侧20公里,而后者正是切尔诺贝利核事故以来最严重的核危机的事故现场。

    The city , at its closest point , lies just 20 kilometers ( 12.4 miles ) north of the stricken Fukushima Dai-Ichi power plant that is now the site of the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl .

  14. 据核分析师KennethD.Bergeron所言,日本福岛第一核电站的安全壳的结实程度比切尔诺贝利的好,却没三里岛的好。

    According to nuclear analyst Kenneth D. Bergeron , the containment vessels at Daiichi are stronger than Chernobyl but not as robust as Three Mile Island .

  15. 除非受损的反应堆很快得到控制,否则,全球核电业可能会像1986年切尔诺贝利(chernobyl)灾难之后那样,进入又一个长达20年的严寒期。

    Unless the stricken reactors are brought quickly under control , the industry could enter another two - decade global freeze like the one that followed the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 .

  16. 灾难发生地已经变成网红打卡地了。Instagram上的网红正在使用切尔诺贝利作为他们的Instagram照片的“道具”。

    The site of the disaster has become an internet-famous site for Instagram influencers to capture selfies . Instagram influencers are using Chernobyl as a ' prop ' for their Instagram pictures .

  17. 有趣的是,除了对辐射有天生的抵抗力之外,切尔诺贝利禁区内的一些植物似乎还有额外的机制保护DNA,改变其化学成分,使其能抵抗辐射。如果这不起作用,它们还会启动修复系统。

    Interestingly , in addition to this innate resilience to radiation , some plants in the Chernobyl exclusion zone seem to be using extra mechanisms to protect their DNA , changing its chemistry to make it more resistant to damage , and turning on systems to repair it if this doesn 't work .

  18. 但前苏联政府仍保持沉默,直到事故发生近68个小时后,官方新闻通讯社塔斯社(tass)才发表了一篇短小且含糊的文章,称切尔诺贝利发生了事故。

    But still the Soviet government maintained its silence until , almost 68 hours after the accident , the official news agency TASS published a short , opaque article indicating that there had been an accident at Chernobyl .

  19. 综述了切尔诺贝利核事故以来乌克兰Schmalhausen动物研究所(SIZ)对核工厂周围隔离区(exclusionzone,EZ)的野生动物所进行的长达20年的放射生态学调查研究。

    We review 20 year long investigations by the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology on radioecological and ecological consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe for wild animals in the Exclusion Zone ( EZ ) around the nuclear plant .

  20. “我们用自己的双手保卫着乌克兰和半个欧洲,现在我们正在受苦,”66岁的YuriyDanilov说,他是一名军官曾参与了切尔诺贝利的清理工作。

    " With our own hands , we protected Ukraine and half of Europe , and now we are suffering ," says Yuriy Danilov , 66 , an army officer who took part in the cleanup of Chernobyl .

  21. 切尔诺贝利事故对西安地区环境的影响和卫生学评价

    Environmental impact of Chernobyl accident on Xi'an area and health evaluation

  22. 切尔诺贝利事故及其影响与教训

    Chernobyl accident : its causes , impacts and the lessons learned

  23. 切尔诺贝利核事故的核素释放特点和场外环境监测

    Characterization of radionuclides releases and environmental monitoring following the Chernobyl accident

  24. 切尔诺贝利核电站事故及其影响

    The Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and Its Impact

  25. 切尔诺贝利及其后:向技术灾难受害者提供人道主义援助

    Chernobyl and Beyond : Humanitarian Assistance to Victims of Technological Disasters

  26. 切尔诺贝利反应堆在设计上完全不同于美国的大多数核电厂;

    The Chernobyl reactor differed in design from most U.S. plants ;

  27. 但切尔诺贝利的隔离区内并不是没有生命。

    But Chernobyl 's exclusion zone isn 't devoid of life .

  28. 用切尔诺贝利事故资料对长距离烟团模式有效性的评估

    Evaluation of validation of long-distance puff model on Chernobyl accident data

  29. 星期六是一部关于无辜的切尔诺贝利灾难。

    Innocent Saturday is a film about the Chernobyl disaster .

  30. 现在它死了切尔诺贝利下遗弃开放天空。

    Now it dies out under the open skies of deserted Chernobyl .